Council of Chiefs

int(number of red gems matched / 100) + cPvP gold reward.

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Luckily I didn’t buy a single tier before taking on the chiefs. Thought I would give it the non potion approach, ignore the weapon and tokens (why do we need attack badges when we’ve got mang?) and see whats what. Glad I did because scoring and rewards don’t compute with me. It’s “not clearly explained in the event lore” and how can we expect each guild mates to do an equal share of the full event if they have to fight a different number of battles to do so? (assuming all fights are won). Very odd. I am already looking forward to invasion.


I am officially declaring the new event scoring FUBAR!!!


This new event sounds shambolic and not well thought out, think I’ll end up passing on it and use my free time constructively elsewhere :+1:


The scoring has GOT to be less random. Mythic battle. Lvl 70. 3 skulls. I have two words for this and those two words are not Happy Birthday.
The good news is, when these poorly designed events roll out, I can completely ignore them, save my gems, and get resources that actually matter.


Just to say something positive, if given the choice to either do a couple of fights in this new event or an arena run, I think, I’d pick the former, so it’s not the worst feature. Might even be marginally less boring than a few hours of treasure hunt.

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I bought tier 6, I wanted the medals dont judge me.

This is what it got me:

I still have no idea how the skulls are worked out, which is a massive annoyance to me, and Im sure everyone else.

Raid - Damage done to Zuul.
Invasion - Amount of towers killed.
Bounty - Set amount of points X modifier.
GW - Range of points based on modifiers.
World Events - ??

Every other event has a set of rules that are clearly defined, and easy enough to identify. GW doesnt count for this as much as its a different type of event, eg no sigils.

Using different methods of scoring, such as gems matched, skulls, whatever else is planned, is fine. But it needs to CLEARLY identify what is needed, how you get it, and how many you get for that fight.

I will have my 3 Medals of Seasons after this event, and will never need to buy this high again.


And for pity’s sake ditch the major growth of orb in stage 5 rewards. NOBODY considers it a prize and I don’t want a portrait either as it happens.


Another complaint:

We all bought t6. We all finished all Sigils.

That is a fairly large range here.


And that is 6275.33 points per player (assuming a guild of 30) to complete the event. I bought 4 tiers and spent all sigils, killed all ravens and got to 1500 points. Not even close. Buying up until tier 4 usually gets a player to more than average needed to finish all Reward stages of a weekly guild event. This doesn’t seem to be so.

Major sink for gems, is what it is.

Update: I know there’ll be free sigils every day. I am not sure, if they’ll suffice in the end. This is a f2p game. Isn’t this?


Mythic > Legendary > Epic. Yes.

Am I supposed to be able to scroll the map? Cause I can only see a choice of three battles. And they’re usually the same.

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This thread is why I said there should’ve been information up-front, @Saltypatra.

Players: if you aren’t sure if something is implemented right, file a bug report. Since the correct functionality isn’t documented, Kafka should investigate your report and tell us if it’s intended or not. Until they tell you what is right, we don’t know. If we don’t know, it’s a bug until we know. If that’s a burden on the dev team, maybe next time they’ll tell us how it’s supposed to work so we know what’s intended and can properly file bugs.


Hey @Smash, are you getting that kinda number of skulls per battle? Now that you have reached higher level rooms? Would you share how many tiers you had bought?


@Slypenslyde says it right. How do we know it’s working as designed if devs don’t tell us what the design looks like. In 3 1/2 years of playing GoW this is the biggest mis-step I’ve seen. Over and out on this game mode until the devs are a bit more forthcoming.


Apparently, those three are different decks (could be same troops, but are in different order for sure). I never bothered to scout before the battle. Should I have? :thinking:

All they need do is stop releasing content and going home, just needs someone staggered a couple of hours back to check live issues.

And yep, I did a 100 fight, got 10 skulls, I did 110 fight twice, got 4 skulls, all 3 same boss. How did I get 10 skulls? No idea.

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That was quite funny, mate. :rofl:

So here I am with my weapon purchased, hoping for someone like @Mithran to figure out how the super-secret-formula works so I can actually play my sigils correctly. All the while, I’m wondering to myself whether I’ll bother using gems for this in the future, which is a real shame :man_shrugging:

Point of order: the lore text saying we need to collect the most skulls but offering absolutely ZERO indication as to HOW does NOT “tell us everything we need to know.”

It would be like a race-runner being told “Get to that finish line faster than that other guy,” only to find out halfway through that the other guy was given a bicycle because, apparently, that was allowed all along.

Or some other ridiculous example where a competitive event is underway without anyone knowing how to compete properly.

Hoping positive adjustments quickly come a la Sunspear, but for now color me disappointed (again—I just should learn never to get my hopes up, I guess)


They lost me at “Collect Orc Skulls”. :axe::rage::shield:

Only four more weeks until GW returns.