Council of Chiefs

Hey, guys, guess who’s never going to be able to craft Zuul now?

Use your Vault keys. They help a ton. I didn’t use my Vault Keys except when a new troop was released, and that delayed my Zuul by a couple of months easily.

The Zuul comment was a joke. The following is not.

It appears that the weekend event can be completed by buying tier 4 (500 gems) only while having similar, if not the same, rewards as normal weeklong events. This completely invalidates the issue of world events having absurd costs for the same.

In fact, the weekend event req can be met with less battles so the event now takes less time to complete for the same rewards.


INFINITY PLUS TWO, YOU CREATED THE GREATEST BACKLASH YOUR COMPANY HAS EVER SEEN AND ALREADY DRIVEN PROMINENT AND MAJOR PLAYERS AWAY FROM THE GAME BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO SAY ONE SENTENCE. That sentence being, “Hey, guys, the new event costs more gems to complete, but there will also be a weekend event that costs the same, has the same rewards, and takes less time to complete than previous events so if you don’t like the new event, you can just skip it entirely and lose nothing compared to the previous state of the game.”

I do apologize for the use of bolded caps, implied profanity, and aggressive language but the above cannot be emphasized enough.

This event perfectly encapsulates the failures of Infinity Plus Two’s community communication.

As @Mithran and others have pointed out, the above is only true if the weekend guild events occur most, preferably all, weekends. This weekend event has made me put away my pitchfork, but the absence of weekend events at reasonable intervals will make me pull it out again.


I disagree. These weekend guild events are supposed to be supplemental. Even if you only played the weekend event variant, you’d basically be paying double what you were in the week long version of the same event to put that last orb on the table (most people bought t3 minimum in the weeklong event, it was technically possible at t2 from everyone, this weekend version needs a significant portion of the guild to do t4 even with perfect plays). People bought in higher than 250 gems for weeklong invasions for other reasons, not the least of which is to ascend the troop for kingdom power milestones, but the troop was not required for even perfect runs.

It kinda makes the badness of the World Events worse, because its saying “if you choose to ignore these, you’ll still be paying more for the same rewards”. It is faster, though, which is a blessing, but from a pure economics stand point, not enough faster to justify the difference in price.

My point is, the weekend versions work as supplemental events, put in 250-500 gems, maybe an hour, get some orbs and possibly a major out of it. It would work better if it was a personal event, so you didn’t have to count on your entire guild doing this or wasting part of your buy in. But either way, these do not function as an “alternative” to the new World Events or do anything to excuse how their rewards are structured. In the week long version of Invasions, you put in 250 gems and about 90 minutes if you were participating, more gems if you wanted to ascend the troop (most for kingdom power on those that do), but you never had to put in the gems or even play all your sigils if your guild had heavy participation.

These World Events full reward tiers need to be consistently possible with a t3-t4 buy in, full stop. Even if its “mostly t4 and some t3” versus the original stated objective for other events “mostly t3 and some t4”, anything higher is too much to expect of the current rewards. The alternative is a significant restructuring to put all current rewards possible with the t3-t4 buy in, and significant additional rewards for higher buy ins, but they don’t have any existing carrot that would be strong enough to incentivize this, it would just be a small bonus for those spending the sigils they got because they wanted something from the shop. Speaking of the shop, it is normally a way to get you to your rewards faster and get you some other stuff along the way, but the “other stuff” is so far very lacking compared to basically every single other event shop (doesn’t help that this weeks weapon came in at 500 gems, and its really, really bad). The tokens/badges/medals just aren’t worth enough to carry this event, in part because of their decision to make them Epic rarity rather than Mythic or even just Legendary. Legendary tokens would help the shop incentives a ton on future weeks, but even Mythic tokens wouldn’t save the reward schedule unless its possible with a t4 buy in.

Basically, I happen to view the weekend invasion event in a positive light, but that is contingent upon them being supplemental. Keeping these World Events as “intentionally bad” recontextualizes even the weekend invasions into another gem sink to put in more for the same rewards as previously, rather than rewards on top of what you’d get in a normal week long event. It is essential that World Events get fixed, first and foremost having a consistent baseline buy-in able to get you to a certain reward tier.


You’re probably right, but I’m really looking for any reason to defend Infinity Plus Two and be less angry right now.

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Why? When will we realize that our trying to ‘be understanding’ for every new fiasco in the past couple of years is a significant reason why things like CoC exist?
:sweat_smile: :thinking: :vulcan_salute:


It is an interesting approach to treat the new event type as the next coming of arena and treasure hunt, and simply leave it by the wayside. If it catches on, we actually got a net improvement (until the makers become aware of it and crank up the shop prices in the weekend events).
I don’t believe, it will.
Guild events mean at least some degree of peer pressure. Convincing a whole guild to let an event slip (or at least do no investments in shop tiers) while retaining a competitive mentality about the rest of a game sounds very hard.

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Few guilds have 30 hardcore players. Requiring every member of a guild to buy 7 tiers in order to collect all rewards will make most of your player base unhappy. Why would you want most of your player base unhappy? :thinking:

I am far more likely to tighten my wallet if I feel cheated, and I’m feeling pretty cheated right now. :disappointed:


My guild has 30 hardcore players, but not 30 hardcore payers. I can afford to buy 6 tiers every week because I donate, but not 7!
I think this is going to be the first week in years when we don’t complete all events :frowning:


If this event were providing the “dynamic content” they claim was their intent it would still be impossible to enjoy due to ridiculous point requirements and glitchy slowed down game play that has persisted from launch. As it stands there is nothing “dynamic” about it, it is just more of the same with harsher restrictions and a much much worse scoring system.
Congratulations you have made yet another choice that locks out new/casual players and makes vets/hardcores feel gouged and abused.


Its interesting that they used the word dynamic.

“A force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process.”

They are confusing random with dynamic. They are hardly the same thing.

Since 4.7 and probably earlier these devs have done nothing but stifle growth and progress.

They accused players of cheating using a system that has been part of the game since it was released.

They constantly lie and backpedal about why changes are made.

They introduced empowered converters, then blame the players for an unbalanced economy resulting. They sped up battles with these troops but didn’t see it would inflate the amount of currencies/keys/materials in circulation? They have no routine mechanic to sink these into, so they just blow up rewards to “fix” it.

Now they add another random aspect to the rewards, charge you more gems and tell us working as intended. We see screenshots of what the reward tiers were and what they changed them to which was almost a 90% increase in requirements. They think we believe that the change wasn’t a direct result of current world issues.


Problems with the balance of gem spending vs rewards or the poor scoring mechanism aside, I’m mostly disappointed that this is just another ‘play the same few repetitive fights over and over again with slightly increasing difficulty’ mode. I’m very tired of that mechanic already.

Oh it definitely gets difficult when the opponents are over level 500+.
But maybe 5% of the player base will experience this.
Seems like a lot of time and money to produce a product targetted for such a niche market.

World Events are the pinnacle of the development teams hubris. They tell us what we want instead of giving us what we want.


In my opinion, this world event is just too much. Not fun and a GM’s nightmare.

  1. Skull points needed by everyone to complete event. Too many!

  2. Best fight for me to choose to maximize sigils. Too vague!

  3. Why is my score so low compared to others with the same number of battles? Too confusing!

  4. My guild is a top 30 Xbox guild and I doubt we will finish this event. Too expensive (gems and time)!

  5. How do I incorporate the world event into guild requirements to ensure we remain balanced and accountable? Scoring is far too random!

  6. How do I feel about this event? Too disappointed!

In closing, my guild and I were expecting something fun and achievable when we work together and this event completely missed the mark.


So was Council of Chiefs the actual World Event that was tested by the Beta team?

I’m pretty sure what happened is we tested it out and found the numbers were okay (or at least on par with the other week-long events). Problem is that we didn’t fully compare how utterly random our results were, nor did we know we were getting a way-too-similar invasion thing on the same week.

Oh and they definitely changed the numbers, so the part we thought was okay was, in fact, not okay.

I did complain about the numbers being unclean malevolent-looking things that don’t end in a ton of zeroes. They did not change that part. :man_facepalming:


This is what’s always confused me. I know the GoW devs aren’t stupid, but how many times has this happened?

  1. Beta testers thumbs-up a feature.
  2. QA passes.
  3. The devs change the feature.
  4. “We don’t know why something went wrong, both beta testers and QA said it worked???”

Once you change a feature, it’s no longer tested. This is elementary school project management. I either have to believe they’re incompetent or lying, and don’t like either.


I’ve played online games since you had to pay for internet by the hour and I have never seen such failure in the process.


I totally agree with you Sis.
It’s a nightmare … and not only for GM’s.
That is why we decided in our guild to not use any gems to buy in more sigils next time this monstrosity comes along. It’s even very well possible we skip it all together.
This event has gotten a wrong name too, should have been called “Council of Thieves”


right, the more people refuse to pay and poke them, the greater the chance that they will change something, at the moment, according to my statistics, everything is in favor of developers, so the chances of a good future are less and less

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