Council of Chiefs

Random thought, but I wonder if this is the new course for events because they plan on selling account-wide “collectible” multipliers for cash. They even used the generic name “collectibles” on the guild score page - it’d be easy enough to apply a multiplier to that heading regardless of event.

Curiouser and curiouser.

To clarify, I would never criticize the Beta testers. They test and give feedback to what is made available to them by the devs. Betas can’t control if they’re given a completely different Word Event to test and they can’t control what the devs do or don’t change before the event goes live.


I have spent the last three hours reading almost every comment in this thread. I have done so because I am trying to find any reason or possibility of establishing an equal requirement for my top 3 XBOX Guild. My decision is now clear and concise. 99% of the comments here have been utterly negative in response to this new event, its ridiculous scoring system, and the insane amount of gems required for rewards completion. I have come to the conclusion that everything new in the game is now geared towards causing players to spend more for less while using more and more of their personal time to keep up with game demands. A massive gamble to go all in on profits is taking place. The fact that this is all happening during the Covid crisis is an utter disgrace and shameful to say the least. To reply to people saying decisions to raise prices and make events more frequent and costly were before Covid is ridiculous. Like someone said in a prior post " Please wake up already and adjust to the situation like many have already’". Having been part of Gems for so long, the recent direction of the game is truly saddening. I mostly play and lead these days because of my incredible team mates and the friendships I have developed. However, I find myself wanting disliking the game more and more due to the recent greedy nature of the game. To add to the stupidity of this new event, Invasion was added as another Guild event this week with almost the exact same tower requirement as its full week predecessor. I was awe struck when I saw the totals needed for a three day Guild event while this other insane new event is taking place. There is no doubt in my mind that if this trend continues within the game, it is the beginning of the end. Even hardcore players like myself with tremendous time and financial support of the game have a breaking point and You are reaching it. There is only so much You can squeeze out of an orange and trust me there is no juice left. What I find craziest of all are the utter lies and run around answers to people’s demands for clarity and transparency about the direction of the game. Let’s see how long this insanity keeps going. It can’t possibly get much worse before it is all done can it? Peace People. Stay safe and remember there are more important things going on right now. All the best to Everyone out there.


I usually work tremendous hours weekly and read the forums but do not post as I just do not have time. The direction of the game compelled me to take whatever necessary time to analyse further and post. I have had enough and many within my circle of XBOX gems players have as well. I would like to seriously see the positive feedback and player requests that are constantly spoken of because after hours of reading, I did not see any supporting recent decisions. So either certain people are dellusional or truth and fact have fallen within that category. Anyway I am out just heard a shipment of toilet paper came in at my local grocer and I have to run before the vultures get to it. Later


This event might be worth the extra gems if it gave an Orb of Madness (guaranteed purple or blue) instead of an Orb of Chaos. Maybe.


Well I can say I am proud of my guild for getting this far in the new event. It’s the very first event TUF: Power Gems has not finished since the implementation of events. Our main focus is wars ,but we always finish events even make the LB sometimes too. It wasn’t for lack of participation it was the sheer fact the event cost too much! On top of that yall have 2 events a week now and to do both and finish each member needs a total of 1850 gems( 1350 for tier 6 on CoC and 500 for tier 4 on Invasions. Thats of you don’t lose a battle or valravens) . Not to mention the difference in skulls between my players. Buying the same tiers should net you near the same skulls. It made them feel like what’s the point, what did I do wrong and killed guild morale. How can I begin to make requirements for such an event when there is so much discrepancy between each player even though they bought the same tiers? Like I said in my post above (post 193) I haven’t had any good feedback on this event. I’ve had players want to quit all GoW b/c its pay to win , players ask us not to put in any reqs til it’s fixed or just skip it completely. I’m very upset at this event. How could yall? I had high hopes and even bought some gems (during the vault event) to have a few extra b/c I was excited for something new. Then covid19 hit my area and really needed a distraction and something to get my mind off it. The event was too expensive per player, boring, and too much rng with the skulls. Yall gone done and 'Epic Tasked ’ this crud. My guild is currently 47th in trophies, B2 in guild wars . We are not some tiny beginner guild here. This needs changed or trashed. If it stays the same I will not push 30 members to throw their gems away on this. I’ve played this game since Nov 2015 and VIP 6 I fear the direction the game has been heading for awhile. How much more are yall going to cut our guilds? I really expected more from my fav game. :pensive:


Same in Xbox land. Unforgiven isn’t a “just started the game” guild—we’re one of the very tippy-top guilds. And we’re not unlocking the last reward, either, by the looks of it.

Very disappointing. Not at all the fault of the orcs that fly under our banners.

And we will show our displeasure. Many of us are already considering fewer gem expenditures in the future—our skull piles will grow, and our gems will as well, for we refuse to waste them!



I hope many of you understand that developed completely ignores us? when they were here and read all these negative reviews in which they are to blame?

At the moment, everything is going according to their plans, you spend crystals or money, they look pretty pretty smile at how good everything is for them, and they just write some veiled phrases about the fact that every time the event will be different, what does it mean? will be even worse?
and when the time comes for the Raid boss what will happen? more rastroist on our part and more blows to the guild? many players have long lost faith after the water of Epic quests, how many people then left? and how many guilds adapted to the innovation?

I repeat, from now on it will only get worse, based on the data of all situations, listen and do not rush to take innovations for granted, because only we can change something and affect the developers ignoring this or that innovation and expressing our point of view



Black Dragon is in the same boat as TUF: PG. We are top 20 in Trophies, Bracket 1 in GW, and always complete every event easily. Yet after calculating the costs we decided not to push to complete this event despite coming relatively close. Asking every single player to average 1350+ gems for an event is an unsustainable proposition on top of the 500 needed for the new weekend Invasion.

I pulled these to show the scoring discrepancy. The first 2 numbers were both players that said they did the highest rarity and highest level rooms. The second set of numbers were pulled from the leaderboard on the last day and were from players that presumably did the same.

Players that spend the same amount, put in the same amount of work, and do it in the same way should not have such a huge range of scores.

I calculated a lot of things about this event on Monday shortly after release even going so far as to figure out the base scoring. My estimates of the points the average person would collect at each tier were close enough that I believe I can do the same for the next world event. If I don’t think we can reasonably complete it, I will be pushing to simply ignore it.


That’s what I did in my guild. We didn’t bother making activity requirements for this event because it seemed so futile.


My guild also finished Reward 11. We decided early on that Reward 12 just wasn’t worth the effort, and it looks like we’re not alone.


Pay to win, is that the future of this game?

Where has all the love gone for the gamers? :heart:

If that’s the direction, I’ll be spending more money monthly on ham sammiches & toilet paper instead. lol
(yes this is a @PGSundling NOTA book reference (attention span), ‘but can you beat a ham sandwich?’)


TWO ham sandwiches :grin:

Our guild finished Reward 11 as well, and we probably spent more gems than normal to get there. This is the first event in a long time that we failed to complete all reward tiers.

This event really left a bad taste.


That’s actually a really interesting Idea…


ideas, ideas, what’s the point if developers miss them by eitb anyway, I’ve been in the game for several years and I saw a lot of ideas on the forum, I didn’t see that at least one developer took note and implemented, another proof that they don’t hear us


Someone had the bright idea for 27/30 GW scoring. They heard that one. Of course, then math happens. Better to keep things simple.

I guess this is just a continuation of the pattern. GoW progression over the past couple of years has been:

  • “A guild/player that works hard can get all reward tiers.”
  • “A guild/player that works very hard can get all reward tiers.”
  • “Some events are much more convenient if you pay, and even a player working very hard must rely on luck if not paying.”
  • “A guild/player that wants all reward tiers must spend more than we give.”

Goes without saying our guild will no longer be participating in the gem shop on the next event like this.


Same here. We are going to wait for the math to emerge in how many tiers everyone needs to complete the next “World Event.” If it’s more than tier 4, we are skipping it.