Council of Chiefs

Guys, you know what the real beauty of all this is?

The publisher and developers will consider this event a success because of high premium currency spending by those who want three Medals of Seasons for next guild wars and to obtain all rewards.

Look at how the devs are responding to trainwreck. They have no intention of adjusting this event. The dev’s failure to even acknowledge the legitimacy of player complaints indicate that players should have zero expectations there will be adjustments to the next world event. Consequent events, maybe, but I bet the next event will not be adjusted based on player feedback or that any adjustments will be minor. Like, the reward requirements being a multiple of the minimum scoring denomination. (Imagine TOD requirements such as 100.4 doom kills.)

This event is already a success due to increased gem spending and nothing we do will change this or the mindset that led to this event being implemented. Nothing that is, besides quitting.

I and most of you are too addicted to Gems to quit. Fortunately, upcoming unfortunate life events will preventing me from playing Gems so please know that I’m doing my part.


Not all is lost yet. While gems are an ingame currency, that mostly acts as a premium level and could be recalculated as money, it is not what the publisher is after. If all players were to spend their complete gem stashes, the makers would not be a bit richer.
It comes down to money, and nothing but that. As I said somewhere above, if everyone who is unhappy with the way, the event turned out, does stop spending money on anything in this game and convinces their guild members to follow that example, there will be an impact eventually.

After a week they won’t notice.
After a month they will shrug it off as a minor lapse in the graph.
After three months they will blame external circumstances.
After six months, they will look for when where things started to change and understand.

It comes down to patience and self-control. We can remain addicted to this game (I still can’t get over the fact, that game marketing tries to turn this into a positive phrase), as long as we do a small adjustment in our play style. No more money for flash offers, event discounts or whatever you may have spent on before.
Not in this spring, not in this summer, not in this autumn, not when they do some small cosmetic adjustment to hide all the other missteps behind.
Not until they come begging.
Not until they listen.


Just adding one more comment with my personal experience.

Not sure the devs will take it into account, but they definitely won’t if I don’t even try.

The randomness of the rewards is sort of inconvenient. I don’t really like this, but I could live with it.

Little variation in battle types? Well, also sort of ok. I play this game to relax mostly.

However, the fact that a top-tier guild (1st bracket in GW, often 1st place) is nowhere near the 11th reward tier is saying something. We usually purchase at least tier 4, I personally purchased 6.

This is awful.


I wouldn’t recommend this game for new players, anymore. I have even changed my Steam review, yesterday, from recommended to not recommended. I believe that the attitude of this company absolutely deserve it.

During those last few months they have been nerfing everything to the ground, including during the chaos of pandemics, while giving silly justifications, and ignoring the wishes of their paying customers. The reason is clear.

I would suggest all of you to do the same. Go to Steam or Google Play and write an honest review. It will hit them where it hurt the most: their bank account. Perhaps then, they will wake up and start to listen to the players and not only to Mr. Greed.


I think in total, I have spent enough on this game worth the price of 2 full new triple A games, maybe a little more. Meanwhile, I have been playing this game every day for 1.5 year, and I am pretty sure most other players have gotten plenty of worth out of this game as well.
While I certainly do not agree with all the changes the dev makes, this game has kept me playing more than almost any other game. I’d say it is absolutely worth it and would recommend it to anyone to give it a shot.

Don’t be sour.


I know we are just one guild and wont matter to what devs think, but we have already decided for the next World Event to not be mandatory until things are a little more clear. Unless things change most of us are going to be spending less gems. With the rewards givin to us i cant ask for people to spend so many gems. Not to mention how BORING this event is


Hello all. First post here on forums. I had to register just to ask about this new “event” scoring.
Can someone explain me how unlucky I am or what am I doing wrong? Always going for highest rarity and level and yet

I am 39 fights less then 100th person on Leaderboards and have 3950 less points. Which means that in next 39 fights on average I should get 101 skulls per fight. So far I had like 19 or 20 maximum and only once. Does it mean that in next couple fights my skull gains will grow 2 or 3 times?
Really don’t like this event at all :confused:


I have spent way more than that over the last few years but I am not going to complain. I have had a lot of enjoyment and made some good friends in this game.

When it comes to recommending this game to people though, you have to look back at where the game was and where it is heading. I cannot recommend this game anymore because the publisher keeps pushing back the goal post of “endgame” and will inevitably alter the rewards system so that only a guild full of people who buy extra gems will have the freedom to play the game as they want.

They devs have their hands tied by the publisher and have to resort to lying to the community in order to try and appease us. Problem is, they are terrible liars.

When I tell someone about this game, I’ll make sure to mention that last bit.


Hours dont really mean much, depend way more about HOW those hours was.

Spamming explore/pvp 4 hours a day NOT cuz you like it but cuz you NEED do so to keep up with the golds maybe rank up your “hours” a lot but the fun is still ZERO.

I had like 1000+ hours total on FFX and those was 1000+ hours of fun NOT 950 hours of grinding and 50 hours of fun.

Same apply to Company of heroes for example, thousand of hours for the same amount of money you need on this game for a useless armor.

Anyway dw, @Jerry_the_skunk kinda talked well except he seem miss the meaning of addicted, those will spend always nm what, nm the prices nm anything cuz they cant do otherwise (lately RoW price got increased and i still head after that “need renow my row , it’s well worth the price”) exactly how those ppls do on videopokers, things where you win nothing even when you win and still lot of ppls get bankrupted on them.

If anything looking at the LB next event points required for all rewards will be increased lol, first one on ps4 is at 130k+ and with T5 no losses/no escaped raven you are nowhere near to even enter LB, so yeah, it worked great and everyone is buying tiers over tiers (but after all after potions also TOD LB skyrocked from 1200/1400 for first place to 3000).

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That’s good. Damn good. I have done so and encouraged my guild to do the same.

Fun fact: Gems’ recent reviews are actually better than its historical ones:

Everyone reading this, if you dislike these recent developments, I implore you to review the game negatively, preferably explaining in the review why you are doing so. This does very little compared to quitting entirely, but it is something we can do while being hopelessly addicted to this game.


One skull is worth 10 points, you’d need to get 10.1 skulls per fight, not 101 :slightly_smiling_face:


Just take an extended break from the game and come back if things improve. If you’re not playing the game, there is no temptation to buy the flashy offers. It’s not like all the grinding you missed out on while you were gone is gonna push you further from endgame lol. THERE IS NO ENDGAME


Oh, yes. My bad :slight_smile: Maths is hard apparently

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The reason why the scoring is secret is that it invites you to make additional gem purchases to compensate, try figure it out.

It’s a classical method to encourage ‘ oh may as well spend another 500 gems’. Problem is at the gem cost you won’t recover as per normal - it’s an attack on gem management…

Silence speaks for itself too, don’t succumb to the greed…imho of course /disclaimer :grinning:


Please, do not forget to mention in your reviews the timing of the double price increase - the midst of chaos of pandemics. That is their input in helping people to survive the difficult times. Mentioning this will suffice to convince people to stay away from them as far as possible, since nobody likes vultures, “working as intended”.


Don’t become blinded by nostalgia. It’s dangerous, and it’s something that companies count on.

Peoples’ spending and recommendations should reflect current conditions.

If you don’t approve of the current direction of the game, stop spending money on it, and stop recommending it, or at least stop recommending that others spend money on it.

Yes, this even includes “good deals” such as the DK armor. Spending means you approve of the current game direction.

I’ve been playing the game for a bit over 3.5 years, and I keep seeing people say things like, “this game is doing such stupid [redacted], once I buy the [items, specifically weapons] I’m missing, I’m done spending until things change.”

Spending means you approve of game direction.

I’ve spent the equivalent of 3-4 AAA games. I was head-over-heels in love with this game for the first 9 months or so that I played. All of my spending was during that time. I recommended GoW to everyone I knew who enjoyed this type of game, and brought maybe a half dozen other players to the game.

When the game started changing in ways that put me off, I stopped spending AND I stopped recommending. My Steam review has been negative for nearly 3 years now. I play because I enjoy the social aspect of my guild, and because I’m still able to have “enough” fun by spending the resources I can generate for free.

I am completely open to spending again, and even changing my review, if the game reverts to its pre-predatory attitude and shows a bit more respect for its players, but that’s obviously not the trend, and this event highlights that.

I have 3500 hours in the game on Steam and who knows how many hours on mobile. I have not recommended this game to anybody in a good two years or more, and I’ll continue to not recommend it, because I feel the game has lost its way and devoted itself exclusively to profit over making the players happy. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if reverting the Sunspear nerf was intended to generate a burst of goodwill from the community before dropping this triple-Gem-sink bomb on us the following week, to soften the blow, if you will.

None of us owes GoW anything based on nostalgia.

A F2P game has to continue to earn your business. When they stop earning it, cut them off and don’t feel bad about it for a second.

If your favorite restaurant suddenly starts getting your order wrong every time you go, or hires staff that treat you rudely, you’re not obligated to continue giving them business just because last year the food and service were great.


I am playing since may '15 and severely dislike the game since october '17. I am dumping hours into it, that I could spend for games, I would actually enjoy and that are collecting dust because I feel myself tied up through the daily grind and hate myself for it.
I think, I am not completely unfamiliar with game addiction, even if I manage to sidestep the additional downfall of dropping money on it. And that’s why I think, the low grade withdrawal of keeping the game open but the wallet shut could be easier to handle than going completely cold turkey.
At least I got to admit, it is still possible to roughly keep up a moderately completionist level without spending.

Catching up is a completely different beast, which is why I would in no way recommend this game to new players anymore. Trying to get a satisfying amount of previous mythic creatures and guild event weapons after starting from zero these days? Hoping to do so through Soulforge? Chests? Well, good luck…

The main problem, that plagues this game since at least two years, can be summed up in two words:
“More content”


I can see the headline for the 5.0 release. Gems of Greed: Just shut up and give us your money.


I changed my reviews on both Steam and Google Play Store to Not Recommended and 1 Star, because I sincerely don’t think this game in its current state is worth playing as a new player.


In case that they decide to remove this thread or ban people - just add it to the review.