Cool screenshot topic

Lvl 9 chest (2,9 multiplier) of lvl 500 sod with 2 rolls for shards and 2 for souls.

No clue how experts can say prizes are exact the same at all lvls.

Ps: the “isnt worth the hassle and the time” argument got ZERO to do with prizes themself.

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Essence of Evil should have been named Essentially Evil. With the explode and not even a Leafstorm, I was able to inflict such effects on the enemy team.


It is indeed the fox making the difference in the team. Win rate with it is about 60%, which for a def team is not bad I think. Tried it with TPK and Titan first, was not very successful. It is also pretty decent in offence, win most battles and all Moon Rabbit battles. Besides it is fun using. :smile:

Only chest level affects your rewards. Delve level doesnt
Do some research on how delve chest rewards are generated and youll see why
My shard stash from farming level 20 delve everyday

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Superfunny then that with lower lvl chest got in lvl 500 delve AND have shards on only half the rolls i got same amount of shards of a lvl 10 chest got on lvl 30 delve that got shards on ALL his rolls.
oh and to add more:

Lvl 7 chest (multiplier 2,95) got on lvl 500 fang moor with just ONE shard roll.

According to your theory shoud have gotten 25 at best.

Showing off 41k shard is kinda pointless lol, would be extremely easy get that much doing delve everyday, dont really make you any tester, maybe you should make a bit more test on lvl 500 delves, when i do delve event (and ofc clear all) am always amazed about how crap are rewards and that with x2 starting multiplier too (like, 4 ingots? with almost 4x multiplier? lol)

Only got 14k shard here but not really doing delve from months, only every now and then for fun (and last days for portraits).

Ps: next week there will be the new faction and i saved gems so will be ble to get TONS of pots tiers, will be able to take SS’s of that faction at all lvls then and we can see the results (and yes planning to clear every room every run up to 500).

Chest level = number of rolls. From your level 7 chest, you got 1 roll of mythic ingot, 3 rolls of shards, 2 rolls of glory, and 1 roll of souls
I refuse to comment further on this matter until you educate yourself first
Oh and your multiplier was 3.1, not 2.95


you dont use your shards? …xD

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@Sirrian. plox make 500 pure possible :cry:


Orbs have been on the game for over a year now and I’ve just now noticed something about one of them in particular:

A slightly smaller star, change the color to blue, and there is an ascension orb. :slight_smile:


770? What was the enemy team, buddy? You sure are a murderer!

I was playing against a Bandit spawning machine! :smiley:



:shield: I’m Indestructible ~ :notes: :shield:


You don’t get a name like Ber-Nice without also being Ber-Revered. :wink:


very true lol

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Wonderful. I’m sure they deserve it… For all that effort though, the deagon could be more excited.

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And now it’s been spoiled with the 10 key limit.

Huh? :thinking: (Less than 10)

I haven’t even had a dragon on my team to begin with. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: