Cool screenshot topic

Well, Pharos is a Divine Undead, which i assume is related to how egyptians myths are perceived and translated into fantasy settings such as our dear game.

For all matters he is indeed an undead, but not a profane parody of life. I think the creative team went with a combination of many myths to create a strong egyptian identity but still mantaining a unique approach to their own creation.

So, we have a figure that resembles the depictions of Horus, a god with human body and a falcon’s head that strangely vanished ages ago according to: A New Mythic Approaches - Pharos-Ra which also gives a little more details of his divine powers as bringer of life and death. But right now he doesn’t bring much life anymore…

I believe he was slayed by other god(s), but for such beings death is just a momentary setback sometimes. And his return might be due intervention from other god (or godess just like Isis ressurrected her husband Osiris killed by Seth, again borrowing some details from egyptian myths) that might appear in the future, and maybe as a side effect he lost his powers over life which explains why he’s not Yellow (largely related to life, divine and sacred powers he once had) but mastering death, after experiencing it on first hand, could be just what he needs to pursue retribution. But still, he keeps his Divinestatus because he is a god and because it was divine intervention that brought him back i believe.

So, don’t worry Sheba, you both would probably be the proudest parents of the cutest Bunny/Falcon hybrids of all time. If you give him a chance… :wink:

Also, as i realised that Bastite, Settite and Anubite have the same sufix “ite” i wonder if it was meant to sound just like “ypt” in “Egypt” due some variation of Australia’s accent. As far as i know “ite” and “ypt” sounds different…

Anything to share about my theories @Sirrian and/or @Nimhain?

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