Cedric medal… are you crazy?

LOL strategic. Pvp is a lottery now and the winner is the empowered converter that gets the best alignment.


One cast of an empowered troop is rarely enough to win.

Sure, a lucky Moon Rabbit can make a Rope Dart team really difficult—rarely, impossible. But—more often than not—I can find a way to victory against such teams :man_shrugging:

And my favorite PVP team (EoE/Divinia/Infernus/Obsidius) right before the Cedric medal didn’t even use an empowered converter. Now, it’s far less effective against anything with immunity to Stun.

I’m going to be disappointed if this results in a direct nerf to those medals instead of a rebalance that removes the silly stun interaction and reinstates the one turn status minimum. Truth is, debilitating status effects, especially stuff like silence and freeze last way too long in a PvP environment. Expecting them to stick for only a turn or two with these medals on would be a good rebalance. But “zero turns” is probably too short.


Exactly…I saw the medal as evening the playing field between human and AI.

Rip balance. I barely knew thee but you’ll be missed.

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Couldn’t a similar shortening of the length of status effects be implemented by making it so that any timer isn’t reset by any status effect?

I think that’s what tends to make them stick around forever—a troop gets silenced, and then that effect is inexplicably extended when it gets burned two turns later…


As one of the people in the group that likes the Cedric medal on offense, I hope that you guys don’t nerf its usefulness for that purpose.

To appease the complainers, you could just remove medals from defenses or change the Cedric medal so that only one is viable like the Anu medal.

This Defense doesn’t have a Cedric medal equipped. Still had 3 troops recover from stun one or two turns after being stunned.

I assure you all… Any Rebalance will only hurt the player, not help.

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I understand that completely. I don’t think a nerf is needed at all. But apparently, it’s coming, so I just hope they understand that some of us would like the medal to not become completely useless on offense at least.


Worst. Request. Ever.


I would so much rather see this done with Cedrics than have their chances dropped. As pointed out by several people above, the ability to quickly shrug off status ailments is huge for high-level scaling content.


So, finally something happens that makes a gem matching game look a little bit more like gem matching (trying to combine gems in a certain order and not just fire spell after spell until everything is webbed, frozen, stunned and neutered) and the first thing we, as the community, do is complain?

God forbid we shake up the meta and see what comes out of it. In the same vein as the author of the topic called you crazy and demands changes, I ask you to please leave the Cedric medals alone for at least 2 or 3 months so that we can see how it’s going to look in different events.


I can’t code (or at least haven’t learned to)… But even I can tell how much of a coding nightmare that would be.

I’m assuming this idea was generated from the Arena. Neither talents or classes are disabled in the arena. I assure you. Your ability to select a class is just disabled.

I see this as an intended mechanic that can be used to refresh the one turn period. The only way to guarantee stuff sticks the next turn is to inflict some status, and you can use this to extend stuff like root trap in scaled content. But the only turn it is guaranteed to stick is the one right after, so to keep lockdown you have to inflict some kind of status every single turn. It means perma-lockdown is easier with stuff like Obdisius, but not guaranteed if you don’t get that four match every turn, for example, after casting his spell. This feels about right when dealing with PvE content. I will admit the way deathmark interacts with this is pretty silly, though… since it also refreshes the “cant kill” timer.

But no, even stray freezes like snap freeze and the like are expected to linger for several turns on average. Without any other statuses resetting the timer.

For PvP, though, since everything is generally started and over very quickly, even stray statuses have a bit more impact than they probably should. Status based strategies should be a valid thing, and using other statuses to refresh that one turn “can’t auto cleanse” period is still pretty essential to make nearly every troop or weapon that relies on it work, even without cedrics medals in the mix, especially when so many do “status, then drop turn”. However, PvP generally employs a lot of passive statues, and some of them are entirely debilitating while just being bundled on an already good setup (like snap freeze, root trap, and in some cases haunted weave - which extends to every summon on the team, just just from the hero), nor are the things L+D or Rope Dart, even though they employ stray statuses, this is generally not a huge part of their win condition for PvP, but they are massively helpful in scaled content. While full lockdown like Essence of Evil + Obsidius does benefit from this type of refreshing constantly the one turn minimum, this is the kind of stuff you should be bringing a cleanser to counter (none are really viable for this purpose though, you kinda have to counter Essence by not letting it ever take green/never letting it cast). And stuff like root trap, snap freeze, haunted weave is fine for scaled content, where you aren’t setting up and winning within two turns… I mean yeah, its still more like four to six turns sometimes for scaled content with optimized setups, but its long enough to expect statuses to start wearing off naturally, especially if you got a bad board.

I’m going to maintain that shrugging off stray status effects like this after about one or two turns, when they aren’t constantly reapplying some status, is a good function of these medals. But not having a one turn minimum at all (without stun) and then also having stun remove the ability to trigger this extra cleanse creates an environment where statuses can’t be used to significant effect without stun, creating some very questionable interactions like pigeonholing a stunner to make statuses stick and having simple stun immune troops being pseudo-impervious. I don’t like fighting versus statuses either when one minor status can pigeonhole using one of maybe four viable cleansers to “counter” it, but they are there for a reason, generally to guide you into making better choices. Its when you don’t have better choices that it becomes a problem, and a lot of the time, we don’t.

So while statusing in PvP it should still be a thing you can do, it just makes for a better game if it at least takes player controlled awareness to pull off full lockdown in PvP, and player controlled awareness should also be able to easily avoid it.

I will say that I kind of feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me at this point, since I have been preparing for this massive change coming since it was previewed, and now it is announced it is changing again but not how or when. And my earlier reservations about a certain upcoming goblin are back again.

I’m going to repeat this again, though, a straight reduction in percentage of the cleanse effect without changing how it works will satisfy nobody here. They’d still have the dumb stun interaction and you’d still be able to shed statuses the turn they were inflicted, making statuses too unreliable for most cases in GW and PvP except for the seemingly arbitrary cases where it isn’t, while at the same time making the medals less likely to benefit you in PvE content. Thats a Lose/Lose no matter which side of the argument you land on.

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Except now Medal of Cedric is now 10% not 40%… change it back for guild wars please🙃

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Medal of cedric is now useless. Hope everyone complaining about it is happy that it’s been ruined for everyone.


It’s always been the same. Some people crying instead of making tactic plans, and developers are listening to them instead of going ahead as they should


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Glad you took your time to make sure you didn’t over nerf it.

Thanks for letting us know what the changes were and that they were happening today but I must have missed it.


Normally the calculation is pretty easy. There are thousands of players playing happy without complaining. But 40-50 little crying babies are moaning and they are more important then the happy ones? Seems strange to me!


Given how quick they made the change, maybe I should rename my explore post to “3 clicks…Are you crazy?” to get more reaction. However, the vote on that is 100% for making the change.