Can You Stun Hero Talents?

So, I was in a state of giddy euphoria watching the banishment talent pop tower barriers during Invasion. Then suddenly, I noticed that barriers failed to pop when I made a 4 match. After getting over my annoyance, I realized that my hero was stunned.

TLDR; Can hero talents be stunned or is this a bug?
@Saltypatra @Cyrup


You can, hero talents work like extra trails. I saw that many time.

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I think they might have stealth added stunning talents. I donā€™t think it worked like that at patch release. Or Iā€™m wrong lol


Yes. Can also confirm this, have tested in-game. Stunned hero loses the talent effects. Figures, as they are just extra traits.


Thanks to all. :smiley_cat: This is good to know then. I didnā€™t notice it working like this initially.

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Iā€™m pretty sure it wasnā€™t. If it was a ninja fix, it is appreciated.

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Pretty sure it was :grinning: one of the first things I nosed into and testedā€¦

Ninja fixes are rare. Devs are usually open about anything changed.

Fixes, even, are rare enough these days.

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Weā€™ll probably never know, and it really doesnā€™t matter. As long as they can be stunned, then all is right with the world.

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When this patch hit. I distinctly remember someone saying that talents couldnā€™t be stunned. Not saying I caused the change. But I know I mentioned the frustration of not being able to stun and stop the endless bandit summon less than a week ago.
Ninja fixes still happenā€¦ Such as off the top of my head.

  • Draakulis steal life used to not buff from fairie fire.
  • Draakulis steal life would gain life despite barriers.

And most can remember this oneā€¦


I definitely bitched about it, but I donā€™t think I tested it that carefully. It is definitely possible that they were stunnable and I was just wrong, though youā€™d think someone would have pointed out my error at that time.

And ninja-fixes are most certainly a thing, particularly right after a patch or sometimes right before when they are pushing partial data to servers and causing unintended bugs. That soulforge fix was a massive change and it took 3 months before we found out.


I would hope that @Kafka wouldā€™ve told me I was an idiot (in a nice way) and mentioned that talent trees could be stunned if it was true at the time. Sheā€™s really good about asking other devs if she doesnā€™t know for sure.


Hey sorry for the delayed reply.

@awryan I think I remember telling you talents canā€™t be stunned but Iā€™ve just checked and if I did say that I was very wrong sorry!

Talents can be stunned, Iā€™ve just confirmed it with 2 devs.


Is it intended? Because itā€™s meh and Stun description doesnā€™t say anything about talentsā€¦

Why not a new status effect ā€œShame: block talentā€? ā† itā€™s a joke we have enough of themā€¦

Yes itā€™s intended.

Talents are just extra traits (passive effects like all the others - most of them parallel existing troop traits). Repeating myself I guess.

I think itā€™s good that Stun cancels them - both intuitive and useful.

Just needs the help text to be clear that Stun also negates Talents.

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Thanks for the official confirmation.

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