Campaigns of Greed

Yes, certainly, if you personally are fine with this, everyone else should be too.

I would prefer a game that allows players to achieve the same results regardless of whether they paid, although it would understandably take free players much more time.

A good example of of monetization for me is that they let you see your opponent at a certain VIP level for free.

A good way to set up the campaign (IMHO) would be, for example:
2 glory keys vs 10 glory keys
1 pet vs 29 pets (upgrade to mythic)
1 legendary troop vs 4 legendary troops (upgrade to mythic)
no mythic vs 1 new mythic, BUT the mythic will be available from keys immediately after the end of the campaign, not after 9000 weeks (so this would mean a CHANCE of mythic vs guaranteed mythic on day 1)

You see my point?


I don’t agree with the analogy.

Gems of War is not my family (so I don’t owe it any familial loyalty) and my grandma isn’t trying to charge me money 365 days a year (or 366 days in a leap year). Players have a choice, including moving on to another game.


If my grandma usually gives me 10 dollars for my birthday, but one day she decides that she will now only give me 10 dollars for my birthday if I help her clean her house, I will tell her to keep the stupid 10 dollars.
I want to help her clean her house because I want to help her, not because she will not give me 10 dollars otherwise.


But you are with the current patch. You are able to obtain new mythic when it’s added to soulforge, if yoiu have crafting materials… You can push your luck and open few thousand chests to get him etc.
There are ways to get the mythic. It’s not that he will be avaible only for those who pay 10$ for elite pass in current campain… Those who pay, will get him in week 10 (elite+ might get it week 9). Those who dont pay might get them on the first day it’s added to the chests pool.


That would satisfy me 100%
That is a fair middle ground

I replied:

… and then you answer “let’s devs give us a Legendary troop”. Really?
(and your numbers are wrong you need 31 pets and 6 legendaries to mythic them :wink: )

For you rewards are a virtual object that you can use in a video game (no IRL value), but for devs they are dollars (IRL value). For example, devs give us a Legendary that means less players who would buy the pack with this Legendary so less dollars.
And there is the publisher who maintains a balance of how much devs can give or not.

Yes, that is my answer. Yes, really.
I am giving an example of what kind of approach will not make me feel bad and will make me want to spend money in the app so that the devs can make more money. I spent money in the app before there were achievements that were near-impossible to get without real-world money.

Yes, my numbers are off, thank you for the correction. (This is why I included “upgrade to mythic” lol). So this would make 30 pets and 5 legendary troops in an elite reward.

I understand that you are used to a much worse approach in F2P games, but I am not (I just don’t play pay-to-win games, period). I know that this game wasn’t like this before, so I just want it to have the same approach as before, not to give us everything for free.

Let me give you a more extreme example:
Let’s say you are playing a game, and it has a banner that says “you are a stupid loser” that you can only remove by paying real-world money. Would you be comfortable playing that game? I am certain some would be OK with it, but my guess is most people would uninstall a game that insults them to make them pay.
To me, what GoW is doing now is not THAT bad, but closer than “we love you and we want you to have fun, please support us”.

Again, you may like it as it is, but I am also allowed not to like it. Why are you trying to prove to me that I should not be allowed to be unhappy about something? I have even given an example of what would make me happy.


The rip off factor of this game intensifies with each “update”. Simple


What I would have no problem with:
People who buy Elite pass get the troops, pets and weapon as part of the 10 bucks as soon as they purchase it.
Elite+ players get better rewards than what they have currently (this is more because everyone I’ve talked to says the rewards are simply not worth it).
Free pass players have the opportunity to craft troops, pets and weapons the following week after the campaign ends.
So, not only do the paying players get shiny new toys to play with before free players, they also do not have to craft them either.
Yes, that means they will have 10 weeks of having a troop you, as a free player, will not. I seriously doubt one troop, no matter how good, will unbalance the game. There is always a counter (Let’s leave RNG out of this).
And before you ask, no, I did’nt purchase the pass this time.

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I haven’t commented on much of the update, but I’ve read everybody’s responses. Most of what i thought had been said by others.

I do remember 3-4-5 (omg that long? But the toddler is now 7, so yeah) years ago TONS of players clamoring for a pay to get a guaranteed mythic system. They were specifically asking, "please please, keep it free by keys, but if i could just pay $30, I totally would for a guaranteed option. Please take my money. "

I know we bitch when the devs don’t listen, but a huge amt of the player base asked for this. It’s actually cheaper than i thought it might be.
I never asked for it, but others sure as snotstones did.

I hate that the free pass rewards are ass (how much longer do we have to bottleneck under deeds and writs just to do what we are willing to spend time and effort doing?! Yuck!), but i am enjoying the checklist of tasks. A pain to navigate back and forth and back again, but a pretty satisfying click in the box when it’s done. Also aligned to the event, so bonus.

Also, i like how everyone is again putting things like aby on defense. Unity through community, y’all.


Let’s recap all the content we’ve gotten in the last year.

  • 4.5 Kingdoms level capped raised to 15. A disaster. Flash offers for color deeds we can’t use without imperial deeds. Impossible to grind imperial deeds. No clear path for an average player to ever finish these. Only been 11 months and I’ve already finished 9 kingdoms.

  • 4.6 New explore and medals. A disaster. Medals can’t to be assigned to specific teams and can only be changed on the world map. Explore now takes up to 11 clicks between matches. You can make a macro to click through to the next battle, with the caveat you will be permanently banned without warning.

  • 4.7 Epic tasks. A disaster. Only a tiny percentage of guilds can afford these, and most of those guilds would rather have the LTs. The good news is it gives you enough deeds and writs to max all the kingdoms in 10 years flat.

  • 4.8 World Events. A disaster. Explore mode with troop and weapon restrictions. Universally regarded as the worst event in the game. At least all the players that said “boy I wish I could do the class event every day for 10 weeks in a row” are happy now.

  • 4.9 Daily deals. A disaster. Stuff you don’t need for 5x what it’s worth. “I see you have 7000 ultra rare ingots, would you like to buy 10 more?” No… no I would not. This update could have been a cheeky April fool’s day prank.

  • 5.0 The campaign. A disaster. Remember those weekly tasks we removed in 4.4? Well we put them back but if you actually want rewards for doing them, 10 dollars please. At least making the game pay to win was a good distraction from the fact a major patch had no new content.


Still no reliable way to get purple deeds. They’ll ration those dragging it out for years. I think I have 2 magic kingdoms to 15, one was red deeds. I have 15-16 kingdoms to 15 overall.

Epic tasks are the biggest scam in this game. 31 million gold for the most trash rewards. Normal tasks by far have better rewards. Pet food is useless.

They said they didn’t nerf mythic drops from lts and that is complete horse… My guild avgs. 75 lts a month since 4.7 and not a single Mythic. We would avg 1 per month prior to 4.7

They always deny deny deny acting like their player base are a bunch of naive children.


Damn, you know what I’d do if I felt like a developer was treating me like naive child? I’d stop playing their game. But that’s just me, bro.


I mean I could, but walking away from something I invested in is not something I do. I’m not here complaining about things that were given to me for free.

I just bought a 2018 Dodge Challenger Hellcat, there are things I am finding that I do not like, should I abandon it on the side of the road and wipe my hands of it or tell Dodge what i think about it?

Ignoring a problem doesn’t get it fixed and telling others to walk away is not really your business, is it?


I never told you what to do. I’m just saying if somebody treated me like I was a naive child I’d just stop playing their game. Comparing a game to car is completely different. Finding a fault in your car isn’t the same as a company treating you like a naive child. Like seriously who in their right mind would let someone else call them a naive child and then continue to play their game?

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I thought it might be useful to summarise some of the main points other people have added to my original post – especially those I agree with:

  • Saying you can still get everything for free may be empirically true, but it’s incredibly insulting.
  • A dollar a week? That’s not the point. The point is that you are being held to ransom every 11 weeks.
  • The devs seem to be on a money at all costs track.
  • Fixing broken content/bugs/problem issues that have been raised for some considerable time has zero priority.
  • The quality of the game is deteriorating over time.
  • Sticking to a schedule during COVID is ridiculous (frankly, any software development schedule is stupid to try and stick to).
  • There’s a big difference between demanding money and earning it!
  • This is hurting the reputation of the game.
  • The game is enormously successful (“constant growth”), and reasonable assumptions before the Elite Passes suggest it’s raking in money.
  • We’re getting tired of hearing meaningless promises and spin.

I would like to hear an explanation from the devs and the publisher.


“Unfortunately, resources are limited and we have to prioritize. The good news is that feedback from our players is telling us that the new flash sales and battlepasses features we’re adding are just what people wanted to buy see. Stay tuned, we have plenty of shop revamps projects in the works we look forward to announcing on our livestreams in the future!”

(/s, obviously)


I think it’s unfair that lower level guilds may potentially be inhibited on tasks such as the 60 plus map challenge. They have less turns at the start. That’s not a level playing field by any stretch.

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Technically lower level players are inhibited in every task. As a near max level player I can one shot my way through the gray kings in the world event with Dawnbringer on turn one.

I’ll add that resource wastage tasks are much harder on newer and casual players than active ones where they need to optimize resources to chase needed mythics or level critical troops.


Well I hope that gives the wake up call needed for lower players to completely realise that the so called elite pass may end up with them being sorely disappointed. This is a masterstroke in imploding your own game. The facts are simple…wot more variation can u add to a 3 match game? Oh yeah more of the stuff that we removed and reintroduced despite the fact we know they hate it. What we have here is the desperate monetary throes of a team that cannot imagine anything except their weekend off while systematically ensuring we have no such down time. I remember the grt film “goodfellas”. What was the line? Oh yeah…fuck you and pay me.