Burning Scythe is too powerful in Arena

I really enjoy arena as well.

I repeat my previous suggestion to just post the “I won” button for those having the scythe. Shooting it 2x hardly worth calling it “strategy”.

For those who want actual play instead of mindless farming changes are welcome.

I guess you are playing on normal then, that gives the badest rewards as possible, try warlord when the enemies have better skills, and I will guarante that you will struggle. I think eventho one often win on normal its rewards is nothing special except from the 10 trophies one gain.

have all above weapons and the hero bonuses. but arena seems silly now. It is just a race to fill before opponent. and the other troops totally worthless. 2 casts of scythe all enemy troops are dead

try warlord difficulty.

concept is still the same. so its 3 casts instead of 2 :slight_smile:

Bet you havent even tried Warlord 1 or 2.

if going to force random troops shouldn’t they mean something other than skull fodder to protect a hero

missing my point

I dont, enemy hero also has a great weapon and often good troops at his/her side.

Why don’t you try the suggestion before saying he is missing the point?

lol ok. how about the troops your givin to play with mean something. like before patch when they actually had a use other than a shield to hero

I don’t think most people play arena on high difficulty. some do but not most and those who do play on normal or a lower difficulty, arena has turned into exactly that a race to cast hero spell and win. troops being worthless

I don’t get it at all when people says a weapon is too powerful in Arena. I fully agree that it is powerful on normal difficulty, but that is the easiest difficulty one can choose from, basically a nice option for new players to have a chance to get a good feel about the game. Try hard-warlord difficulties and you will not have this problem that the Burning Scythe is too powerful.

my point was not that the wep is too powerful exactly but that it made other troops near worthless. at even harder difficulty

I play on Warlord in the arena and I can guarante you that the troops is quite useful.

yours or the enemies

yours, of course… Especially if your team has 5 or 6 mana colors.

eh. we can agree to disagree then probably. but for me its not as fun as it used to be and was my point. you can increase difficulty and make more of challenge. but it is still very much a very powerful hero and troops that you receive worthless compared to hero strength

We are still talking about the easiest difficulty in arena. The weapon is not too powerful for the Warlord difficulties.