Birch Team - fighting for number 1 in ranking (with style) - last place for hardcore players

@Demolisz what high ranking spot you got for me

i think commander, just like me. birch is making actualization according to progress in donating trophies and money for guild . anyway guild growing stronger so i think next place in second row appear quickly. but u will fight with storm and others for it. Im good with my commander :slight_smile: i dont feel resposibility :wink:
happy new year anyway :slight_smile:

ok. you are welcome. happy new year :slight_smile:

Sorry I have not been on, storms in my area had the internet down for ages.

i thought the storm is in our guild :wink:

LOL…very good :smile:

I wreak havoc occasionally. :grin:

Hi, I know this isn’t the best place to post. But I would like some tips for Defense builds. I don’t think I have won a single computer defense since level 10. Keep in mind I’m only level 50 with limited card set. I have most rare and ultra rare cards, 5-6 purples, and 1 epic “The Goblin King”

Just think it would be nice to win on occasion.


Looking for a new guild. leaving a 2 man. Level 135. very active. invite please. pinoking1

Please somebody invite soon. I don’t want to join the team right behind you in the rankings. Thea are an open guild. Would rather be in a closed like yours.

U are in another guild so it is not possible yo invite you. Give me a sign when u ll leave current one :slight_smile: happy new year :slight_smile:

I am out. Pinoking1. Sorry. Joined the other one temporarily til I heard back. Thanks.

The one I joined on the temp basis is right behind you in rank but half the guild has been inactive for 2 weeks or more. Want to be part of an active guild for a change. Happy to be part of your gem family!! Thanks again!!

invite sent. welcome

just wanted to say" thank You" to everyone in my guild. It is pleasure to play with gamers with so much activity and so much distance to themselves and gems of war :slight_smile: Hope we will hit first place soon :slightly_smiling:

I would like to join your team. Are you still accepting members?

Thanks for the quick promotion!! Told ya I was active!! :grin:

Yes. Send me your invite code.

Yep. Birch is like air. He’s everywhere :wink:

Sweet, my code is KYLAR_MBX6