Birch Team - fighting for number 1 in ranking (with style) - last place for hardcore players

sent. merry christmas!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone :smile:
Special wishes to Deadpool, I hope he get his name back :slight_smile:

Yeah interested…whats your invite code? Birch Team.

BTW why does your comment say “This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden” ?

I think it means that he really like to play Goblins :wink:

I was looking at the PC version. You can combine alike cards and they become stonger instead of just salvaging them for souls. Looks like you need 5 of ea to max. Also, read that they want to make all of the versions the same on pc, xbox,etc. I’m gonna save my extra cards instead of getting rid of them for if and when they bring this feature. just thought I’d let you guys know.

thanks mate

@brianb905 send me a PM with your gamer tag mate, im derek in the guild… your some player.

The communication over guild is none existent… I want the guild to add me rashadow (not ra2shadow) im derek in the guild…I want contact to give you details of upcoming for our guild.

On a side note well played lads…number 19 now.

I noticed… but too late unfortunately :slight_smile: and two kerberos went swimming :wink:

Would love to join. So sick of Guilds where no one does anything. I play every day and would like there to be a point. I just started my own Guild weeks ago and not one person has joined. Invite code Brookes.

I will finish my game and get you in invite out mate.

Im derek in the guild, demolisz is the other active hiring…great bunch of folks here…

Invite sent

Nice start, 3000 gold is nice :slight_smile:

Add rashadow to xbox friends if you will please…(not ra2shadow)

welcome to the guild :slight_smile:

We still have spots to fill folks, we are still climbing in the league with the number we have now…just think what we could do with more even more active players…

Now number 16 in rankings…in 8 days came up from 38th…we have a strong team …can you make it stronger?

Sorry forgot edit button…read post above.


thx derek… :slight_smile:
i saw weve got another member :slight_smile:

Invite code MARCUS_22

Current Guild This week only:
Lvl 51
Gold Contributed 25,000
Trophies 43

Only 3 active members so I’m looking for a active guild!

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others can join as well :slight_smile: check our place for them :slight_smile:

I’m looking for new guild. Mine is 126 but I’m contributing most. Current weekly stats as of Wednesday: rnk 1 pvp, 66 trophies (417 total), 5,000 gold contributed (88k) total in about 3 weeks, 17 kingdoms 101 troops. Been saving troops and not burning for souls for new update. I’ll send you friend invite. gamer tag. WISCON75