Birch Team - fighting for number 1 in ranking (with style) - last place for hardcore players

sure it is fun… until U realize that is going nowhere with stats around 100 and little firepower in the guild :slight_smile:

Stats around 100?

100 trophies per week, i mean… even with 15 strong players it is hard to get into first 30, especially when there is full squad (30/30) in them. distance growing rapidly thats why i want quick decision :slight_smile:

Demo is right… but not going to beg. Its a good move if you want an active guild.

On another note.

Well played Ramsay… 1st day has been a great start :smile:

Just seen demo…wow, we are in 27th and climbing with the least players in the top 30…jeez we are so short and still we climb…your recruitment drive is having a big impact bud.

Interested in joining

GT: Nerd Parker
Invite Code: *********_141
In game name: PoonSlaya (gets starred out)
Weekly Trophies:98
Level: 47
Weekly gold: 7k
Progress: 17 kingdoms, 87 troops, 2 gem armors, full squad of lvl 15’s make trophy getting easy

maybe i did something wrong but it is written that You are in another guild. send me or ra2shadow a pm when You will leave current guild. bye.

hmm interesting since i havent been in one for a day

when i m writing down your name with numbers it gives me a message that You dont exist :slight_smile:

made it. welcome to the guild :slight_smile:

Thanks so much

Add rashadow to your xbox friends nerd… (not ra2shadow as I coulddnt get that on live :frowning: Im derek in the guild

Interested in joining

Invite Code: GUIXUMA
Level 54

I would like to join, I am tired of guilds with no one active and contributing. I will do both.

Invite code - OBI-JUAN

Thank you!

invite incoming mate

NOTE…to get invites you can not be a member of a guild…it will not allow us to invite…with me and demo the only folks manning this thread its rough …we WILL always get back to you, for a faster response message rashadow on xbox live.

Thank you for the invite!

add rashadow mate…:slight_smile:

Getting more solid as the days go on…wanna challenge a top player…come join our guild…I thought I was a big player…I struggle to keep up with a lot of these lads/gals…best move I have made joining birch…only been here 6 days and instead of struggling to keep top 30 we are fighting hard for Diamond 1…thats 4000 trophys…a few great signings… and of course tkizzle, borlog, demo, storm, jake, burgass, killer and those I forgot to mention…what a performance last week…keeping it strong with the least players in the top 30…it was a great feat. Well done everyone.

I’d like to join. I just left a two person guild and I was the only active one. I have 140 trophies this week. im level 100. My invite code is BOGART. But on my gamertag the O is a zero, so im not sure bc it sure looks like an O. but its one of the two. thanks