Best delves strategy

Yes, those blue lines are not actually the path, they are like a water or river type of thing.
This is the path you need for the boss room


I see. This is gonna be super hard. Heheh but I love it :grin:

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Pure faction in Sea of Sorrow… I wish you some serious good luck. Without potions, anything magic based just doesn’t do enough magic damage.

It pretty high on my not doing it without potions list.

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How does one get to level 500 in any faction and not know how the rooms unlock?


Thx :ok_hand:
this is the most nasties one to do pure faction.
Next week its gonna be available on the event. But I already have thron a lot of gold on it hord lvl 170. So I’m going with 50% extra stats.just need the last deeds for it :zipper_mouth_face:

Long story. And If I tell u. Youre brain will melt.
It’s hard for humans to understand.

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Which delves are currently beatable at 500 faction without potions? I’ve done Crypt Keepers, All Seeing Eye, Primal Rift, and Amanithrax; looking for next best place to focus since everything else is at 2300. I know a couple of people have beaten Hall of Guardians. I saw the video of Stonesong Eyrie at 500, but that looked like witchcraft, so not sure if I should count it. :laughing: Any others?

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If you don’t mind me asking you a question instead of answering yours, did you do 300 faction-only for all your factions w/o potions?

I’m currently leveling up all mine, and I’m questioning if I should spend sigils for 300 faction-only. I became discouraged after several losses with All-Seeing Eye.

All except Silver Necropolis. That was the first delve that came out with potions, so I wanted to try it out. Won’t do it again, though - not willing to give up that much of a weekend.

Worst factions at 300 for me were Sea of Sorrow and Dark Pits - both took more attempts than I can count at 199 hoard. ASE was one of the kinder ones thanks to summons, but none of them are automatic wins (well, maybe Amanithrax - Gob loops are pretty solid.)

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Oh, that’s gonna be awful of me to say but maybe City of Thieves, if there is a Cedric room. If there isn’t I would recommend just throwing the run and not even wasting time. Stonesong I actually enjoyed and got it pretty quickly, but of course it’s random luck just like in Crypt. HoG and possibly maybe Fang Moor? With enough boost from treasure hoard theoretically possible. Same goes for SoS too. And Warrens, Necropolis, Dark Pits and Sunken Fleet are pain to do without super high magic unfortunately

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I’ve been doing that at CoT - trying faction if there’s a Cedric and farming it with HKI if not. Haven’t made it out of room 1 with faction yet, though. Lots of DD at both ends of the team, and no Cedric bonus yet to help survive it.

For today’s Faction Event, which would be the recommended Faction team to try to beat level 500? I bought Tier 7 only (?) five times and my hoard is at level 140… Do I have a chance?

Sea of Sorrow, I used:

Sea Witch
The Deep King
The Deep King
Frozen Banner

And… I think when I did it, I used 7 Tier 7s with a similar hoard level. Expect frustrations no matter how you attempt it.


All Seeing Eye
Crypt Keepers
Hall of Guardians
Primal Rift
Stonesong Eyrie

Maybe…: (this tier is guesswork, could be moved up/down)
City of Thieves
Silver Necropolis (I’m convinced its possible)

Mostly Nope (not convinced its non-potion viable):
Dark Pits
Fang Moor

Big Nope (maybe if you had hoard 900 or something):
Sea of Sorrow
Sunken Fleet
The Warrens


Thanks a lot @TheIdleOne, much respect

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I just finished it, uploading the video.

I used

Bought 7 times Tier VII and have hoard level 100


All with hoard level 100?

CK = yes
PR = yes
SE = probably?
ASE = unlikely
HoG = very unlikely

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Sea of Sorrow


I’m planning to try ASE around 200 hoard once I get the +50% bonus. Does anyone have any non-obvious tips for that pure faction delve? I assume that resummons are key, but you have to be careful not to get your summoner hit by their 2-target spells.

The only pure faction run that seems really impossible to me is Sea of Sorrow (without potions). I just don’t see a way to deal with the deep king. Their magic stat scales so much faster than hoard quality can keep up with.