Arena Worst Event Ever?

I misremembered then. Thanks. Evidently I didn’t even post on the right thread so I’m just gonna delete it.


This event is just a huge waste of time, with no xp. I prefer playing my treasure maps. I have a lot.
These arena battles are sooooooooooooo slow and troops so randomized and most of the time totally useless.
Better forget it.

It is an other brilliant idea of a great game designer, I guess.


IMO class events are far superior, for several reasons:

  • they only require 35-40 minutes of your time;
  • they provide decent rewards (when compared to the effort required), and class XP is especially nice;
  • it is true that enemy teams lack variety, but this is balanced by the team building constraints, which usually make for diverse and sometimes fun gameplay.

And that’s good that everyone has it’s own opinion and preferances. World would be boring if we all liked the same thing.
That’s one thing i like in GoW - there are few different mods that suit different groups of people
and that’s good. Let’s keep it that way, instead of trying to make game “what only I like most” - if you dont like one mod or the other, just ignore it :wink:

I totally agree with you, even if I think that when a game mode is disliked by 85% of the player base, it is probably open for further improvements; even more so when you have the fortune of having a really helpful community still supporting the game and providing great insight and detailed feedback on how to improve things.

For the time being, I dubbed this particular mode bad, I duly provided my feedback explaining why, I’ll now just forget it exists and move on.


When it’s the only way to farm one of the most precious resources, that doesn’t feel like an option.

The effort to get a fragment of what allows to craft an imperial deed seems absolutely out of whack.

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it’s a matter of time, new ways will be added…

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like this Arena Event? thankfully I don’t have to hold my breath

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You see this is a basic problem with long term goals:
People would like to finish them in month/two/maybe year, but after that point many of them would start to complain:
“there’s no long term goal in this game anymore” … so another long term goal need to be invented and implemented, so that end-game players would still have something to chase after… and again people would complain it takes SOOO long to get the goal…

Do you see where it’s all going? Never ending circle of new goals, new special extra rare resources added every few patches, and new ways of obtaining them quicker in another few patches… just new carrots on the stick to chase after them…

What’s the point in being a hammster in the wheel ?

Who said I wanted to be a hamster on a wheel?

I rather enjoyed this game before they turned most of the game into busy work.

I was the first to get Zuul’Goth. Do you think I was like, that was too easy, give me more Zuul’Goths right away?

Heck no, I was happy just chilling afterwards.

P.S. I’m also sick of the never ending new currencies, where it takes over a minute of my life to scroll through what I have, or 5+ minutes to explain to someone that hasn’t played the game since year 1 what any of these things do. (needless to say, the last person I did that for was easily overwhelmed from how foreign the game was)


I distinctly remember when the devs said it would take “about a year” to level all kingdoms to 15, when the daily tasks were changed.
That was about a year ago.
Anybody got all kingdoms to 15 yet? Anyone even close?


I’m not sure if anyone would be even halfway there. Personally I have 15 kingdoms at lv 15. At the current rate of Imperials I would say at least another year before anyone reaches lv 15 in all kingdoms.

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Thank you for your breakdown of all Events. I may disagree on a few points, but at least we can agree: Orcses is da best.

I believe GW is the best event, and yet, I am not the best at it. Not yet

In ranking the other events, I would put them in order of, “Do they help our Guild”. Some events, such as Bounty or Gnome, while Individual oriented, do help our Guild, as the rewards vs time spent are better roi than 4 invasion towers towards that next stage of 1200 towers. A Guild is only as strong as its weakest link, and if the individual gets stronger, than so does the guild.

I always hated invasion. The first 7 stages provided a return on gems invested plus a minor orb, and sure, if a guild enforced Grooming Standards, then a Major Orb upon event completion for all members could be nice. Not all guild members necessarily have a class that is Lvl 70 with Banishment, so, those purple towers that enchant themselves could be more troublesome to a player than Zuul. Any Orc with Mang can at least strip Zuul of Armor.

Now that Raid and Invasion have been relegated to the water-downed weekend version, and Weekly Events rarely introduce new troops and weapons, my Gem total has sky-rocketed to 18,630. I used to have to scrimp and save with all the new weapons, troops, and faction events, and often it was the faction events that suffered.

But even with a ToD event two weeks again, I had enough gems for four Tier VII Power potions. ToD is the only event my super awesome casual guild ever completes, so +1 for that event. And Delve events help with so much riches, in addition to a +.5 skill point every 2000 renown.

I’m afraid, I just don’t see the benefits of Arena in the same light. Even if I was guaranteed an Orc Arena All-Star Team of Orc, Cyclops, Drake Rider, and Fel’Dras (Listed in order of rarity), I would still prefer to spend time in any other event. The rewards just aren’t there.

At least in Class Event, or even the weekly PvP LB, if I want to activate “Try-Hard Mode”, I can get my name in the bright lights for all to witness. That can be a reward unto itself. chunky is da biggest and da baddest

For the Horde :axe::rage::shield:


The problem isn’t just the lack of new goals to strive for. The problem is the lack of new anything.

There was a time, maybe 18 months ago, where there was a constant influx of new game-changing troops, new classes to try, new events that pushed the upper limits of what end game players could do. Imagine doing tower of doom with no potions and low stats. You would lose, a lot, and it was great.

I’m using the same teams I used a year ago. Every troop and weapon that comes out is just a copy of another, with different colors. One good hire could fix this problem, but they don’t seem to care as long as the money keeps rolling in.


You are better off getting into a high end guild that get ET task 11 done each week at the very least. I would in no way consider arena a good farming option for imperial deeds through the writs. If someone wants to slog through that cause they don’t mind it, by all means, go for it. I rather have the color deeds than play arena for less than 1/10th of an imperial deed.

I’ve seen many extreme end gamers post things along these lines and it makes zero sense. Gems is not meant to have an end. Once you finish something, there will be another thing to chase, it’s how it works. By the time you max all kingdom levels or power levels, there will be another to hit. The “level 15 for all kingdoms in a year” line doesn’t matter if you’ll need another 5 years to reach level 20 and who knows if there will be more levels.

My advice to all those completionists is accept it will be years before you reach your goals and not worry about it. Gems will always move the goal posts, if they didn’t everyone would stop playing. It’s hard to accept you can’t get that instant gratification, but F2P games are not that type of game. Go play a triple AAA title if you want a game to be finished lol.

Yep, did that too. Power Gems does all ETs and weekly legendaries. We’re bracket 1 GW and yet I’m chasing 60 writs to the detriment of my sanity. Of course, I know it’s crazy.

I did have a great realization yesterday. The devs have designed all the stuff in the game to be addicting, but Arena is unpleasant and not addicting. I don’t mind spending $10 on the campaigns, but if I get tempted to spend money on gems or something. All I have to do is play some Arena.

If anyone is thinking about spending money, play some arena first and see if you still spend the money.

:moneybag: :frowning_face:

THAT they would see in their data. It’s the only thing that would really make them consider ways to make Arena less frustrating.


Arena is not the worst because its avoidable if you don’t like the mode and let’s face it, the rewards don’t merit the time investment. So for me, it is of zero consequence cos my time is best spent elsewhere. All modes have pros and cons but the balance is all over the place. For me the worst event by far is Tuesday delve. Factions are vital to progression so there is pressure on players to play at a ridiculously unhealthy level if they missed the original release opportunity. This is especially true for newer players or those who don’t have the time or inclination to farm daily delves so that horde level can be boosted with the resultant additional treasure troops. I face this nightmare on Tuesday with sea of sorrow (sorrow for me for sure). Faction one day event is the worst event by a huge margin. Arena doesn’t come close.

With potions I actually like the delve event. Although it is a big commitment I have finished many delves this way in one day. With kingdom bonuses it’s now even easier. I would much rather spend a day that way than arena for sure.

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Granted. But the point is that many players regard Tuesday faction as obligatory whilst arena is most definitely discretionary. A day of arena is unnecessary, but a day of faction is crucial. If of course you have the time and resource availability. Many who work simply cannot put in the hours required. That’s why its the worst event.

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