About those wisps

Guys! If frozen is eliminated from the game entirely this becomes moot. Thats why freeze should be taken away

Who are you and what you did with the winged gorilla?

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Ummm… Huh?

I would say spillovers dont count. The effect would only apply if a 4 or 5 match starts on that card

Behavioural analysis shows that the winged gorilla has been replaced by a replicant.

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Oh no! Not again! Where is this impostor posting? I didnt see it!

Be wewy, wewy quiet. You can hear him breath.

Ok now i am confused… Is there an impostor or not?

But double turn has nothing to do with filling the card, so why should spillover matter?

Question: if a make a 4-match of a frozen color, and then a second 4-match of an unfrozen color cascades, does the second match trigger a second turn? I cannot recall if it does.

There is only Zuul.

Im not zuul… I am vangor

Has anyone else seen an impostor of me posting anywhere? I have looked and i dont see it

Prove it.

Those “10 characters” popup are tiresome.

Do you see my little yellow icon on my avatar? How about my title? Those cant be faked so thats how you know i am the real vangor.

Plus i havent changed my name to zuul so theres that…

I think it’s as simple as if there is a color unfrozen it doesn’t stop the extra turn. Say you have a blue troop and a blue red. The blue gets frozen, but blue still causes an extra turn because it’s on the other troop.

Thats an excellent idea! So in my GW battles the only way frozen stops my ET is if all 4 troops are frozen! Cuz all 4 troops have blue and only 3 are frozen because that 4th unfrozen troop also has blue i would still get my ET on a 4 blue match!

Thanks @Pantenkind for the great idea!

Why this “nerf wisp” thread is now about nerfing Freeze?

@turintuor im sure i derailed it i am sorry

Dark Monolith
Dwarven Gate
Dwarven Gate
Oracle Hero (centaur) with a Dream Catcher

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What I dont understand is why the devs hesitate nerfing this annoying OP troop!!
You didnt hesitate when nerfin Princess Fizzbang, not giving her a chance even two days…
Are the Wisps bribing you???

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Wasn’t removing surge on 4x matches supposed to be the Wisp nerf? Obviously it wasn’t effective but that may have been the idea behind it.

Of course all it’s done is slowed the game down, making matches take longer. Somewhat negating the new speed which lead to the diminished rewards in tasks.

I’m still waiting for the rewards to be increased to match the new speed of the game. Game gets faster, rewards go down. Game gets slower, rewards should be increased. Or am I just being entitled?

Long story short. They don’t care.

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