A Time for Wolves

Last year was a big year for wolves. Several games had wolf themes or cards including GemsofWar. Now I know we have a couple of cards that are wolves, but not enough.(imo) Please bring more wolves to GoW! Do it for the Starks! Do it for the love of wolves! Do it for…well me! LOL In all seriousness though, I think there could be a lot of cool cards that are Wolf themed. Maybe even a kingdom or a set bonus if you have all wolves. The possibilities are endless, endless I tell you! Reply below if that is something you would like to see or if it’s not, let me know.


Judging by Nimhains Forum Avatar i think an awesome wolf troop is coming our way with the next kingdom.


There is an ice wolf coming to the next kingdom within the next few weeks.

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Wow I saw it but didn’t know her avatar meant anything. Thanks for the heads up, can’t wait!

ohhhh man that makes me so happy to hear. Thanks for letting me know!