A New Mythic Approaches - Wulfgarok

All this talk of hearthstone makes me want to play again, never paid a cent and had enough cards to do most meta decks including control warrior. But have since decided to abandon all forms of gaming outside of the xbox

Strange that it can’t be played on console :open_mouth:
I also quit for a while (about 2 months) but it’s one of the best cards games I can find on phone so I went back. New expansion was last week so if you come now there will be some free packs waiting for you xD

In Hearthstone, you get one quest per day, the vast majority of which give 40 gold, and a pack costs 100 gold. I guess we could bump it up to 50 gold/day assuming you also get a +10 gold 3-win bonus. So 50 gold a day is pretty standard. Thus roughly 2 days = 1 pack = 5 cards. They choke the supply of resources way more than Gems of War does.

And, sure, you can buy the expansions with gold, but it’s an obscene amount at 2800 gold. That’s equivalent to 56 days of play. (And you get no other packs during that time, so the 5 cards every 3 days goes out the window if you’re trying to save up for the expansion.) I don’t know of anyone that plays the game with any regularity/seriousness at all and buys the expansions with Gold. It’s thus, in effective, a $50/year subscription for the game, plus IAPs on top.

Arena is objectively a worse deal than buying packs if we’re talking about the average player. Half of all players necessarily only win 2 games, only a quarter hit the 4-win mark, and thus the average payout is slightly worse than buying packs straight up.

That said, I also play Arena and enjoy it. I’m better than average, so it’s a pretty good deal for me, and I find it far more fun. In Ranked, only the first few and last few levels are skill based (since you either have no cards or all the cards). The vast middle is pretty P2W, and you always play 1 of like 3-4 netdecks to make matters worse. At least with Arena the meta gets shattered. It has its own problems (like some classes inherently being stronger b/c of class cards, and the first-turn advantage), but the variety and element of risk makes up for that.

You get the 3-wins 10 gold up to 10x every day, that’s a pack daily. Plus the weekly tavern brawl pack. Plus quests, which you can reroll, and are closer to 50 gold average. And monthly bonuses from highest level in ranked play, both standard and wild, up to and including golden cards of high rarity.

And as much arena as you can stand, though you’re correct that more skill pays higher dividends there.

Hearthstone, just like GoW, rewards time played. Unlike GoW, Hearthstone also rewards skill. If you can average 4+ wins in arena, you can also reach legend in ranked play. Either or both pay good sized rewards.

You don’t have to spend a dime, and absolutely nothing is locked behind a roulette wheel spin like GoW troops. There’s nothing in Hearthstone forcing you to hold on to less popular cards either, so you can disenchant whatever you want to craft cards you need.

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Don’t know when you played last time but there’s a bunch of new quests and they average out at 55+ now.
There’s also challange a friend quest that gives you and your friend 80 gold. Also when your friends challange you with that quest you also get 80 gold. Gold gain has increased in HS.
And I have bought all 4 advantures with gold. So no, it’s not the way you described.


Wulfgarok’s hidden trait seems to be “Gain [Magic * 4] Discussions About Another Game.” :wink:


Funnily enough
That’s exactly what I wish would happen
The game would be of much higher quality for me. I’d pay a lot to be able to craft and have a pity timer. Unfortunately for this model that will never happen and so the quality of the game suffers due to monetary reasons. That’s rather sad to me. But understandable.

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Yes, I was wondering how we went so far off topic… there are other threads about inapp purchases…

Having used Wulfyrock a fair amount, I’m starting to conclude:

  1. he’s a good troop but not great
  2. he has a case of confused identity - unsure if he’s a first slot beatstick or a rear slot damage dealer - and hence doesn’t quite excel at either
  3. he’d be way better if any Wargare troops had any better utility or mana creation or board control
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Totally agree. He has unrealized potential, much like Draakulis, but just doesn’t have good enough synergies with other troops to see regular use. Also like Draakulis.

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Well I for one think Wulfyrock is great. Fill gorgs with mercy. Explode to fill shadow hunter (and most of wulfy) Fire shadds - who always takes enemy troop within wulfy range. Fire wulfs = two enemies already gone. Rinse. repeat.
He actually does 4 more damage than stated on the card - I guess because he is Wargare. :smile:

  1. agree
  2. agree. In the first slot, he is a little bit fragile…
  3. I don’t think the Wargare bonus is a good idea: it seems he need it to be great but it’s not possible to make a great team full of Wargare… And I don’t think the solution is to propose other Wargare but to apply another kind of the bonus (increase Life/Attack of Wargare when he spells?).

Totally brought up this sort of problem when the troop types were diversified… it doesn’t work if we mostly still get Humans Beasts and Daemons and these other ones sort of just sit there.


Part of the problem is there’s only the six colour swap utility troops - really each main type needs at least one…

I was thinking that needs careful handling to avoid easy loops: but in Alchemist/Hellcat and GreenSeer/GiantSpider we fell into that already…

did you just summon the infinite boreloop with this four? :sweat_smile:

I finally find what his spell needs: add damage when he doesn’t kill. So something like that:
Deal X damage to an enemy, boosted by Wargare Allies. If the enemy dies, devour a random enemy. If the enemy doesn’t die, deal Y damage to a random (or same) enemy.
Deal X damage to Y enemy, Y boosted by Wargare Allies. If the enemy dies, devour a random enemy.
So with 1 Wargare, you shoot one enemy, with 2 Wargares → 2 enemies, etc.

if the enemy doesnt die gain 5 magic.

dealing extra damage if it doesnt die would mean you regretting to cast it when it does kill with the extra damage as then leading to no devour

Wulfgarok kills a 2nd card with his abilitie, but it doesnt devour exactly or at least it doenst work as i expceted.
I thought, when a creature devours another one, it gets ALL the remaining stats: attack, armor, life and magic.

Wulfgarok actually only gets life and armor reguarly, attack only once in while an magic never increases.

Devour should not increase magic, and it never did. Not sure what happened to attack in your case, perhaps you devoured an entangled troop?

thanks for the info.
yes, i devoured an entangled troop. so everything is ok.

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