A New Mythic Approaches – Groevanga

Originally published at: A New Mythic Approaches – Groevanga – Gems of War

New Mythic Troop: Groevanga Groevanga will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.


I’ve had 4 game crashes so far with exploding Good Gargoyle Gems… The problem is that I don’t know what the consistent trigger is.

The 3rd time and 4th time, at the start of battle I exploded 1 Good Gargoyle Gem made from a Tourmaline 3rd trait and that was enough. This particular one seems easily repeatable, but its not a consistent crash.

Edit: a 5th crash, 1 exploded Good Gargoyle gem, exploding 5 gems around it.

I feel like it has something to do with not generating a whole number of mana and somehow it doesn’t know what to do from there. Petrified Treant works properly, so its not “exploding gargoyle gems” being the problem. might just be an interaction with the 3rd trait. could just be a Groevanga thing too, I don’t know and I’m not qualified to guess further


Sorry that’s happening, what device are you playing on and are you getting lag or error messages?
Does the game window completely crash and disappear or does it freeze?

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Xbox Series X

no error message, game crashes to dashboard

I’m glad to catch it now as I want to use it in the Underspire in the future and I don’t want crashes there for any reason.

Dito same here screen freezes



I’m not able to record, but basically: gargoyle gem explode, game crashes

(it’s not a 1 gargoyle gem explode issue, its just easier to set it up to report with just 1. Its not consistent on how/when it crashes)

2 famous last words moments:


Another crash, showing it’s not a 2+ Groevanga issue


The team are on the case.

I’ve made a known issue article here which you can follow for updates:

Thanks for reporting this so quickly.

Edit: to clarify we’ve dropped everything to investigate this right now and see what can be done tonight.


Got stuck on mobile when turn passed to me and some GGG are blown, effects stuck in an endless ‘flying-to-troop’ animation at max (4x) speed, typical bug with all those flying effects which I reported back to 2022 yet.

For the players seeing this issue… have you been able to play with Sin of Maraj troops with Omen traits without any issues?

(The Omen Traits work very similar to Groevanga’s trait, so we’re trying to see if the issue is related to the explosion at the start of turn.)


Greed on a daily basis, never happened something like that. Also, they aint equal - Omens explode on ‘battle start’ which happens before ‘turn start’.

another, this time with multi-gargoyle

I’ll go mess with Sin of Miraj troops but I’ve never had any problems with SoM troops before that I can remember


Thanks to those who have replied/ are testing Sin of Maraj.


Is there any specific Sin of Maraj troops that you’d like me to test?

currently, its easy enough for me to just say Wand + 3 The Scourge of Honor is working perfectly.

Petrified Treant works despite “exploding 3 gargoyle gems” so the issue is very likely Groevanga.

We don’t have any other troop that Explodes any kind of gem “when my turn begins”, making this troop the first of a kind… (even if it is explode a gargoyle gem), so its hard to replicate it.

Let try something…
Sin of Maraj troop explodes gem trait triggers before The Colossus or Obsidiaxas can trigger their 3rd trait to make Gargoyle gems (tried both), so I have no 1 to 1 way to recreate an exactly similar situation. Back to testing delves.
Sin of Maraj explode a gem trait exploded a game near a Stone Block with no problem.


Hello Adventurers,

We have found the cause of the issue - occasionally the game seems to be running a check to make sure there are available matches during the explosion at the start of turn.
This causes a lockup. It is extremely timing-dependent, and on some devices it seems to be quite rare.
This is why it doesn’t happen every time his trait goes off.

We will look to try and get a fix for this issue in the next update.

In the meantime, we are going to change his trait so that he will explode 4 Good Gargoyle Gems when matching 4 or more Gems.
We will have this change out shortly with updated text for the change. I will be hanging around after it goes out in case anything else pops up.
We will look to restore his trait once the fix is live.


but on the screenshots above it crashed when explode happened, some bonuses even landed onto targets. Does check happen the next frame anything blasts? :open_mouth:

Groevanga’s trait change is out now. You may need to restart the game to get it.


Please keep the trait as is since it’ll make your lives easier and makes the troop work more efficiently.
If you end up going against this advice then please provide a troop refund since the original 3rd trait works against the troop more than helps in my opinion from what I can read of it. I, like the QC team, didn’t have a chance to test the troop out prior to the change.


Bugs of war


Wouldn’t it be easier for u guys just to leave the final trait as it is now? Exploding a gargoyle gem at the start of his turn wouldn’t get much use because we want to destroy or explode the board so that the enemy can’t use the good gargoyle gems.

This bug reminds me when u guys changed the dragon stone guardian’s final trait to a “35% chance to reflect an ally when it’s turn begins” instead of “reflect a random ally when matching brown gems.” The revised trait was much worse than the original one, and this new mythic will be going through the same process if u revert its trait back.

Exploding 4 gargoyle gems on 4 or 5 gem matches is impactful and fun to give this new mythic a way to make use of the gargoyle gems without stressing as much over team compositions. This was a great idea u guys came up with and it’s ideas like this that make the game more exciting.

I think many people here on the forums would agree that u should just keep Groevanga’s final trait alone and don’t bother to try and “fix” it. It’s not overpowered, and it’s working just fine right now.:+1: