A New Mythic Approaches – Consort of Darkness

Glory is really, really bad for obtaining mythics. It has the lowest chance.

30k Glory = 1500 glory keys. Glory keys only have a 0.01% chance of Mythics. That means you’d need 5000 keys (100k glory) for 1 mythic, on average.

Rarity Total Keys: 5000
Rare 50.40% 2520
Ultra-Rare 15.40% 770
Epic 4% 185
Legendary 0.50% 25
Mythic 0.01% 1.0
Major 15% 750
Runic 4% 210
Arcane 0.70% 35
Celestial 0.10% 5
Gems 2.50% 125
Glory 2.50% 125
Gold 2.50% 125
Souls 2.50% 125

But Gem Keys on the other hand have a .1% drop chance for mythics – that’s 10x higher chance.

Rarity # of Gem Keys 500
Ultra-Rare 67.20% 336
Epic 10.70% 54
Legendary 2% 10
Mythic 0.10% 1.0
Ultra-Rare 8% 40
Epic 1.60% 8
Legendary 0.32% 2
Mythic 0.08% 0
Runic 9% 45
Arcane 0.80% 4
Celestial 0.20% 1

Then we come to Guild Keys (20 seals each):

Rarity # of Guild Keys 455
Ultra-Rare 75.60% 344
Epic 12.04% 55
Legendary 2% 10
Mythic 0.11% 1
Runic 9% 41
Arcane 0.80% 4
Celestial 0.20% 1

I think your math is a bit off. Glory keys have a 1:10,000 chance of a mythic and gem keys have a 1:1000 chance. Not sure where you are getting 5000/500 from?

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1500 glory keys gives (1 - 0.0001)^1500 chance of not getting the mythic. So about 14% chance of pulling it. You’d need to open around 7k glory keys to have a 50:50 chance of getting the mythic.

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Hrm… Probably is off!

This is generally correct only if the actual individual pRNG rolls are independent, which requires a proof. Some previous tests may indicate that this is not the case, and individual rolls are not random and independent. However, considering the law of large numbers, which may be applicable to a sufficiently large number of rolls, the assumption of randomness and independence is probably correct, thus supporting your estimation. One has to keep in mind that individual pRNG rolls are broken into batches of 200 for convenience and obtaining an extensive strict proof of randomness and independence is virtually impossible in this case by design of the developers. It does not have to be done on purpose to obscure the actual numbers, just a means to avoid server overload and achieve some convenience for the users who might otherwise burn through all their keys without gaining actual benefit.

“Only” took me about 18.6k guild seals & 4k glory wings this time…
Also the first one I get in a 3 month dry streak on new mythic week, after using a total of about 36k guild seals + 200k glory wings + whatever many gem keys (and even some vip keys).

Gotta love rng, eh

Troop Guild Keys
Consort of Darkness 420
Consort of Darkness #2 3153
Consort of Darkness #3 100
Consort of Darkness #4 500

Total of 4173 guild keys used to get 4 copies (83,460 guild seals).