A New Mythic Approaches – Succubus Queen

Originally published at: A New Mythic Approaches – Succubus Queen – Gems of War

New Mythic Troop: Succubus Queen Succubus Queen will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.


Love is in the air :smiling_imp:

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Blockquote Succubus Queen will be the only Mythic Troop available in Glory, Gem, Guild & VIP Chests for the next 7 days.

And will appear in chests in approximately 3-4 weeks time. Also in the soulforge sometimes next year.

Fun mythic.
Very usable.

Maybe a tag team with morthani .:grin:

I feel like they were trying to make a better version of lust, but the spell is awkward with life steal and charm. I would have taken their base concept with her and made her more viable like this:

Dark Embrace: 22 red, yellow, green. Steal [(magic×2)+6] life from an enemy). If they die, create 12 red gems. Summon an incubi or succubi.

Trait 1:stealthy (cannot be targeted by spells unless there are no other targets).
Trait 2:impervious immune to all status effects, lycanthropy, devour, and mana burn.
Trait 3:lady of desire- charm a random enemy on 4 or 5 gem matches.

The final trait might be a bit too powerful combined with stealthy and impervious, but we have arachaenan weaver, so why not? Charming enemies with extra turns while stealing life and summoning would make her very hard to kill once the board was flooded with red gems.

If they had more time and resources, maybe this idea could have unleashed many horrors upon our foes.:smiling_imp:

I dont feel like its very good? Team ideas with it?

Yeah, especially against Stellarix in PvP.

Joke aside, you are joking right?

Feels like a Viper upgrade, but finding it hard to think the extra 8 mana is worth life steal(true damage). I’m not sure it would even be better at lower levels.

Charm on 4 match would be way too strong, 3 charms generally kills.

Charm on 4 match would be brokenly fun lol

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The succubus queen reminded me of when a Lust team paired with a firebomb killed my whole team, and I had no idea what happened. The hero kept summoning troops and getting bandits while being stealthy, so I couldn’t do anything.

It was over 3 years ago when I was traumatized and didn’t understand how powerful charm on death was, and I just wanted people to relive the horrors that I faced that day.:rofl:

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2x magic steal life against one target, plus summon, is roughly comparable with Queen of Sin. So charm part is already in realm of power creeping. Fortunately charm and true damage don’t have great synergies, so it’s tolerable.

I’m winning in central
With this
King stormgarrd

Like I said, pretty fun and usable.


Why is her Mythic trait a strictly worse version of an existing Legendary one (Yao Guai)?


Why are you asking for logic and common sense from whoever is designing these troops? What in the past several years of troop design has led you to believe that it has existed before, let alone being employed now?


The succubus queen doesn’t even have a boost ratio based off her life like yao guai. It’s like they mixed up lust and morthani’s darkness with a sprinkle of life steal and made something that will only be used in specific restrictions.

They should have made the life steal or charm effect more powerful instead of trying to mix it all together. Maybe they ran out of time or development…or both.:rofl:

We have already got 1 decent mythic troop so far this year.

Maybe should stop hoping for another now? :thinking: :rofl:


I hear ya. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

If someone told me they used a randomizer or a dart board to choose SQ’s skill, I’d believe it.

On one hand, I’m amazed we’re at a point where double magic life steal + charm damage is considered bad. I don’t think this troop is “bad”.

On the other hand, a mix of true damage, regular (charm) splash damage and a 3rd trait that goes after 1st slot makes very little sense and is mess for cohesive team building.

I really wish we could get a different 3rd trait. Something like “10% chance to charm a random enemy when my turn begins”.

The one upside… they actually “tried” a bit for the lore this time. First time in forever lol.


Eh. Its nothing great. Tried it. Very slow loses a lot

Yours loses a lot.

Mine wins, we both play differently my friend

Lost one out of the last 44 in central.

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