A New Mythic Approaches – Succubus Queen

Your high winning rate with that team suggest to me that it is far to easy for you. Why aren’t you challenging yourself? I always thought you liked a challenge.

It is time to bench the pretty fun and usable Mythic, and go for F tier Mythics, instead of E. :man_cartwheeling:

YES!!! Buff, buff, buff - please buff her!

Charm a random enemy on 4 match (or just 3) - it looks alright, no?

That would be the total mayhem. Love it!

I know this was meant as both rehtorical and sarcastic but…

This is the first instance I can recall of of a Mythic trait being a copy of a Legendary one and strictly worse. Meaning same exact effect and trigger condition, right down to the gem color, but lower numbers. There have been exact copies, and copies with bigger numbers, and traits that are arguably worse because the trigger condition is “harder” in most cases, but this one is strictly worse. This is compounded by the fact that Yao Guai makes reds and has a spell boosted off his own life, making the trait in concept way more synergistic than for this troop that at best has a small chance of fudging a break point for true damage on this troop. Generally it is not worth evaluating traits in a vaccuum, but the trait isn’t particularly good and the troop as a complete package is mediocre at best. And I feel I’m being pretty generous here, if it wasn’t for the recent trend of finally giving more mythics > 1.0x magic to damage rate, which seems to be an explicit attempt to power creep with very hit and miss outcomes, it would be utterly unremarkable even by the standards of a few years ago.

I’m zeroing in on the trait because it comes off as lazy to either not notice this or detached enough to not care releasing it like this, AND also nonsensical to introduce a “strictly worse” and less synergistic trait to an existing lower rarity troop when the goal for recent mythics seems to be “bigger and better” (at least on paper, for most of them). “Didn’t know” and “didn’t care” are both bad here, though it isn’t immediately clear which is worse for future design prospects (I don’t expect this troop to be salvaged), although the traits being worded so similarly that a simple search could verify one already existed even without encyclopedic knowledge of every trait suggests a little bit of both.

Whenever there is an escalation on bad design practices, it feels like it is worth calling out. Even if nothing will come of it. Maybe even especially so. If nothing else to show that it is, in fact, an escalation for those that come later.


nope, immediately in pool, not in 3-4 weeks

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