A Crafting Guide - SPOILERS for crafting!

One simple change: Buy a diamond for 250 souls.

Tada, souls are actually useful and you can effectively work towards crafting stuff.


OR working Souls another way to make ALL resources convertible via burning Souls.

Convert 10 maps to 1 diamond using 250 Souls.
Convert 1 Runic to 1 diamond using 250 Souls.
Concert 25 Majors to 1 diamond using 250 Souls.
Etc. (prices subject to publisher aproval😉)


When you say 300 red and blue jewels needed for xathenos weapons, is it 300 of each or 150?

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I think it’s much more reasonable to request the ability to sacrifice a mythic to get diamonds. There’s no way they’ll allow people to convert souls to diamonds. They’re easily grindable and people are already sitting on 1M+ souls. It would be utterly game breaking. You’d suddenly have people cashing in on hundreds of Mythics then possibly dozens a week. The situation is less bad with traitstones but it’s still bad. To the extent anything could be converted to diamonds, it clearly has to be something that’s very constrained. Otherwise it would utterly break the economy.

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I still don’t understand why they nerfed LT since we will need more gems then ever, this change is the worst imo


B/c you’re getting more gold than ever… To the extent their math is accurate, they’ve basically given everyone the ability to make a lot more gold/hour and not fully offset that with the reduced value of LTs. So it’s a net buff, not nerf.

It seems super reasonable to me that they would offset a gain in resource efficiency with a reduction in resource efficiency. I don’t really see why that’s upsetting. It’s the equivalent of saying, “Here’s 25% more gold but gold now buys you 20% less.” Wouldn’t you always take that deal?

Not really they change gems for gem keys, don’t know about you but i still prefer get gems

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I don’t have VIP Chests, nor do most players, so it makes no difference to me or most people. But I see how that stinks for folks with VIP 5+. Even so, it still feels like you’re at least breaking even, and it’s definitely not a major nerf.

It is a Nerf for VIP players. I use my gems to open VIP chests as that gains me a better chance for Arcanes and maybe a Mythic. Gem keys offer trash at my lvl.

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Also the gold gain has sod all to do with x4 speed. It is because they have never fixed the Mab Spam Justice teams. That is why players are gaining gold faster.

As a paying customer, i have paid for my right to open vip chests. Taking the gems i could earn from my guils is very unfair.

It needs to be changed back and fast.


I’m trying to do a little math to see what benefit this will have and how to assess whether to spend gems on these daily packs. Am I correct in thinking that no one has any idea what the “diamond day” rewards will be? This seems like the main unknown in my calculations (how many diamonds will potentially be available and how many will be guaranteed).

I saw a SS of 20 diamond so maybe 3x 20 every sunday?

I wonder what level you are?
'cause at my level (1148) gem keys are great. I don’t have access to VIP chests, but still I managed to get all base mythics and enough arcane and celestial traitstones to fully trait all troops currently in the game.

I would also prefer to have gems over gem keys, but to say that “gem keys offer trash” at any level is just completely incorrect…

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Gems keys never drop a Mythic. Maybe the odd Arcane, but most of all they drop duplicates of troops i dont need.

So in my opinion regarding my account and needs i am correct.

Ok i will admit the VIP chest drops are not anything to have a party about, but more chance to get better rewards than Gem keys.

Thank you.

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I’m not VIP 5, but I have 9 base mythics, and multiple copies of some of those. Most of those came from gem keys, with a couple from glory keys.

I don’t disagree with you on rather having gems than gem keys, all else being equal, but it is more than possible to get mythics with gem keys.


I have a number of base mythics too, only one of which came from a VIP key, and I would still rather have the raw gems.

Unless they plan on adding a way for VIPs to upgrade gem keys to VIP keys at the same rate as gems (5:1).

[edit: typing is hard]

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Ok maybe i have exagerated i little, but i still think they have messed up changing the gems for keys.

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Ahhh but how many Gem keys did you blow to get those mythics? And for those that are not VIP, then your points are kind of muted tbh. Just sayin.

Plenty, but the drop rates are what they are.

And my point is moot why? Because I’m only VIP 4 on two accounts instead of VIP 5 on one?