Legendary Task Rewards

I’m concerned that raw gems may have taken a double hit. Gem value of LTs has been reduced by 16% and “some” gem rewards have been converted to gem keys.

Using completely arbitrary numbers to try and describe my thoughts:

If I’m accustomed to earning an average of 100 raw gems per week from LTs, a 16% decrease would mean a drop to an average of 84 per week.

What percentage of that 84 has been converted to keys? 10%? 25%? 40%?

Going with a heavy-handed 40% would mean I should expect an average of 50 raw gems per week going forward. That’s an overall 50% nerf in raw gem income.

On top of asking players to spend 50 gems per day for 20 diamonds.

Weekly reset is going to be reeeally interesting once the data starts pouring in.