8.2 Update: 10th Anniversary!

The fourth bug is the most annoying, because you have to watch this ugly new thing every day :woozy_face:


Guildies that updated asking whether there’s a way to downgrade back to 8.1…

…that sums it up.
:person_shrugging: :vulcan_salute:


They won’t respond as they only do it when they deem it important or if a message is positive. Which can only be described as being tone deaf and laziness from their side.

So many empty promises are made and when that’s called out radio silence. It’s not about the game for them anymore it’s ONLY about the money nowadays. As things can be easily fixed by at least communicating. Even i as an introvert has more communication skills then the GoW employees. Which is just sad really and really hurts the game.


I’m just stunned.

I’m sorry, but I can’t find the words for what a complete shambles this update is.


I mainly play on pc now because my eyes already suck. But the first time I opened the new daily screen, my first thought was how annoying it must be on a phone screen.


Not a suprise with how bad things have been going for a while. The game turned from fun to all about the money. Bad and no communication, next to false promises all the time. The “will pass it on” and “we will look into it” responses are getting really old @Bramble and @Kafka.

If you really want more positivity then actually fix things instead of just talking about it and then turn around to make the game worse by the update. For example more then 5 years ago people have already asked for ingame Tower of Doom room tracking for every guild member but greedy and unneeded updates seem to have a priority.
Why can’t something that simple be implemented but several rubbish UI changes that no one asked for can? Just doesn’t make sense unless no one working there cares about the game or the playerbase and it’s all just the money, only the money.

Can always prove me wrong but doubt anyone working at @Gems-of-War will as this is currently the truth.


@Bramble @Kafka

Any ETA of when The Crag Maw legendary and Ala-Al-Din mythic will come back to pvp shop?
We apparently got the update where their graphics belong.


To celebrate the 10 years, i’d love to see a graph showing the number of communications in this forum from the dev/cx team (excluding official announcements) on the forum over the last 10 years…(someone must have the AI/programming trawling skills)….but I guess it may look something like this….

Quality of a response is much harder to visualise, but the quantity would be an interesting start.


I would say that your chart took a nose dive when Salty left…:rofl:

It’s like they’re afraid to comment on anything, so they don’t say anything at all. But here’s the problem–the player base and playing activity keep declining so it’s not working.

@Developer, Own up to your mistakes and publicly admit that you need help. Your continued attempts at micro transactions are pathetic.


What are they supposed to comment on? The Customer Experience Team doesn’t seem to have the power to change anything. It’s a bit like a janitor job. They can say they are really, really sorry the roof is still leaking, toilets are still clogged up, water pipes are still broken, electricity is still off, windows are still broken, heating is still absent and the health inspector still considers the whole building a safety hazard best torn down immediately. They won’t get the tools to fix anything, the owner very apparently couldn’t care less. I’m actually surprised they still stick around, maybe unemployment rate in Australia is too huge to just walk out.


après des mois d’attentes , on est toujours sans GW , très honnêtement êtes vous aveugle ? ne voyez vous pas que plein de joueurs sont partis
après vos immortels qui n’apportent déjà pas grand chose et une pauvre saison en jcj ou vous avez mis 1 an a faire un PVP pire qu’avant , tout est ultra répétitif et ennuyeux , je joue depuis le début , comme vous le notifiez , 10 ans déjà mais la c’est de pire en pire , ou est l’intérêt de monter son perso , on ne se bat plus contre personne , il n’y a plus de compétitions et ne me parlez pas des classement pvp ou ce genre de chose , pour etre dans le top 10 il faut jouer 14h par jour et donc ne pas avoir de vie , les cartes aux trésors ça fait des années que vous devez faire quelque chose , vos œuf dans la forge qui ne sortent jamais la 6 eme carte , vos sentinelles dans le sous pic qui sortent 1x tous les 8000 combats , ohhhh vous êtes sérieux , vous continuez a sortir des trucs pour faire du beau , mais pourquoi ne vous bougez vous pas à sortir de l’efficace ?
plus le temps passe moins j’ai envi d’aller sur gems et ça je peux vous assurer que l’on est encore très nombreux dans ce sens
de toute facon , )à quoi bon vous écrire , vous répondez jamais , ou vous dites que vous êtes sur le sujet/probléme , cependant rien ne se passe
je n’attend aucun retour de votre part , comme d’habitude , mais très honnêtement , ce jeu était super et ce n’est plus le cas , c’est de pire en pire



Except according to the titles here on the forum there are also some developers reading this and someone who has said in the past just a desk away from the developers. So the Costumer Service Team you are talking about does have the power to fix things.


We probably have a different definition of what “rare” means.
My casual account - offer has appeared every day so far;
my main account - offer has appeared on all but the first day so far.

And you know what the most annoying thing is? That complete garbage idiotic popup that slams into my face every time I leave junk dailies screen after completing adventure board and go to world map and announces there is some exciting buccanner’s bounty to buy. Oh, brother!
Hmm, I was wrong though. That is the second most annoying thing. The first is ridiculous amounts of extra clicks because you - who do not play the game! - decided it was so very marvelous and exciting thing to be thrown back to stupid dailies main screen after completing a battle in one of those nonsense window things

instead of being directed right into the next battle.

So, after a week of playing, this must be one of the worst updates ever. The only thing, event remotely sounding like something acceptable, must the those new Special Weekly Goals that we are yet to see. Everything else is stupid junk nonsense - garbage task placement shuffling that nobody asked for, insulting real money offers that nobody asked for, bug fixes that don’t actually work but you proudly announce them anyway…congratulations.


So what about the Switch community now? Without that update we won’t be able to participate in the anniversary events and daily goodies from login starting today after reset!
Why are we still behind with Updates?


Okay, this background looks pretty sick! I really like the dailies feeling like they’re actually done in a physical location within the world!


Agree with the sentence, except quite the opposite meaning: when i first saw this convoluted screen I thought the app had bugged out.

I very much prefer being able to see what are the dailies and their rarity without having to find waldo.
:stuck_out_tongue: :vulcan_salute:


How do i get the weekly tarot card please? I’ve completed all the weekly tasks but haven’t been awarded the troop. Thanks.

you did it too fast. The plan was to add the tarot card to the game after the midweek :rofl:


Thanks clare! I thought all the crashing might have messed it up.

I can’t find any evidence. But it looks like they only added the picture, not the troop itself. But you already realized that you can open another topic about another bug :cry: