8.2 Update: 10th Anniversary!

Originally published at: 8.2 Update: 10th Anniversary! – Gems of War

Gems of War update 8.2 will be available on all platforms 5:00pm PDT Monday 28th October. As the game has several daily activities, we have consolidated most of them into a central location – the Daily Plunder Menu. Daily Plunder contains the following: Daily Path Tasks, Adventure Board, and Kill Tasks, all in a single…


More real money offers? No thanks. Fix the sentinel debacle and i may think about spending more


Hey all,

I just wanted to mention:
We have been working on a change so the game will remember the PvP team most recently used in a Region for a specific restriction. However, it requires further testing before release.

We currently plan to release this change once it has passed testing.


Great news!

That’s awesome news! Can’t wait.

One question, tho, because I can’t see it mentioned anywhere since the bug was reported a while back: does the dev team also remember about the bug where a team containing an immortal that doesn’t fit the PvP region requirements will disappear on collecting tribute or on leaving & coming back to PvP?


We have a potential fix for this in 8.2… not mentioned as it’s another one of those issues where it was difficult to reproduce, so we’re not 100% sure if it is definitely fixed or if we just didn’t happen to reproduce the issue during testing.

We’ll be keeping our eyes peeled if anyone is still experiencing it after updating…


Awesome news too. Waiting impatiently for the update, then, and fingers crossed that the solution works!

To be honest, I expected the anniversary update to be something bigger than new cash offers (ugh) and some shuffling of menus around (although it was needed, true), and a return of a pop-up campaign 3.0. We will see tomorrow, I guess, what the actual impact of the changes will be.


So more things no one asked for. And please for the love of God, stop adding achievements :laughing:


It was very close off the back of 8.0, so no time for a massive update between the 2 :slight_smile:

There’ll be a bit of content for the anniversary both in game events and out of game coming up :tada:


New trophies are always welcome!

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Yeah, I can imagine. I just thought you’d save something really big in the fan/player-service category for the Anniversary Update :slight_smile:


Why would I want to pay real money for this when we know we will mostly get icons.


I’m still working on the last two :laughing: But yes, I love working towards something :grinning:

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When either the Daily Path Task or Kill Task is completed, players will need to manually collect the reward from this menu.

I count this as a downgrade


Game REMEMBERS the last used team since new pvp release
It’s immortals who do not fit the restrictions causes game to break. Current algo:

  1. Load last used team
  2. Check if it fits the restrictions
  3. If not, erase everything

Immortals must be manually added to exceptions here as well.
Spaghetti for everyone

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Any news on when the new troops will be returning to PvP shop (Crag Mawl & alhaladin)?

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This issue can be reproduced 100% reliably, you just have to put an Immortal into your team that doesn’t match the region restrictions. Like Winter’s Reach currently has Rogue restriction, if you put Glaycia (Immortal/Fey) into your team, the team will disappear whenever you back out to the PvP world map.

Sorry for sounding annoyed, what are the chances this hasn’t been worked on at all? This is such a low hanging fruit, and it sounds awfully like it’s assumed to have auto-fixed itself through some miracle.


:point_up_2: This.



That buccaneer is gonna feel sooooooo lonely.


Yay new occasions to spend real money! Haha, no.

Is this the last patch for this year? Because I don’t see any mention of Guild Wars.

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