8.2 Update: 10th Anniversary!

Bear with me, as it’s after hours and there may be more info I’m missing regarding this. It may be fixed outright. If so I will be sorry for the poor communication on my part and will add it into the patch notes under bug fixes.

No it’s not the last update for the year and we have Guild Wars info coming soon I promise!


@Kafka I am VIP 20, and I have supported this game since it was released… This whole 10 year anniversary feels very lackluster… Almost feels as if you guys don’t care the players have supported you for this long.

Let’s talk about VIP rewards/Tiers…They haven’t been reworked on at all during all this time. There is so much you can add on to it to give thanks to the players that have spent thousands of $$$ to help make this dream an reality for you guys (dragonite,diamonds,orbs, Gold marks, burning marks… or any resources daily). Super simple to add to the vip chart as you add things to the game… yet ive gotten multiple responses of “I will pass it onto the team, or We are working on it etc.” Clearly these are just blanket answers to a major issue at hand here, which is thanking some of your biggest supporters of the game.

Without us paying players this game would of died long ago, I along with many other 20 vip players that I have talked to feel as if this is a smack in the face. You guys just gave up on the vip reward table, after all the money we pour into this game to keep it running.

Also these updates are very underwhelming everytime… I really hope there is more to this “10 year anniversary” update.


Wither & Decay: Destroy 100 Decaying Gems.

So, will these appear in the same campaign as the Daemonic Portal gems…or a different future campaign? I’m not a fan of achievements being added for things that don’t exist in game yet or have a definitive release date.

When exactly will these heroic gems be added to the game?


Can anyone point me to the last time a Gems of War Anniversary wasn’t just some small update that added yet another monetary option and nothing else of note?

Updates like these are how I’m starting to remember my time on Gems of War and that is certainly a choice by IP2…


Are the horrendous loading times in PvP part of the update too? I couldn’t find anything about that?!

The new paid pass is to pay for their party!


Remember early new PVP? Have fun!

They never opened the game.
Before they had the excuse that the events were created by other people and the databases were corrupt, but now that they have done the event from the beginning the bugs are even worse than before.
My personal opinion is that they don’t have the skills, and the terrible job they do is there for all to see!


I like new trophies, but we still haven’t even got the gems yet that we need for the last trophy added, and you’re already adding a new trophy that requires another new gem we don’t have. Could you please release these closer to when we can actually do them? For the completionists that complain about not being able to finish them, and now have to sit staring at an impossible task for months only to have another one slide next to it and taunt them. Seems a tad mean to them, lol.


Its certainly an odd choice. I’m glad it auto-collects at daily reset, but it really does seem like a downgrade when it currently auto-collects instantly. My uneducated assumption is that it’s either a technical limitation with the new Dailies system or they want us to visit that menu (increasing the chance we’ll complete Adventures and thus get a cash offer).

The Dailies menu is nice, I guess. Gotta say it’s a bit ironic for a 10-year anniversary update that the only new features are a special weekly task (which I’m actually looking forward to, but I’m worried it will have more cash offers baked in) and the opportunity to pay cash for rarer resources :frowning: I’m not against micro transactions - I get the game needs to make money or it goes under. But there’s been a heck of a lot of cash offers and passes over the past few years and not as many QoL fixes the community has been begging for. An anniversary update targeting a bunch of community concerns would have been much appreciated.

Here’s hoping for the future - I’m glad to hear we’ll be getting some GW news soon!

Side note - I really like the kingdom maps (in PvP and the kingdom questlines - and now in the Dailies)! They make the world feel more alive and like the kingdoms are actual places :smile:


The Daily Path reward has always been manual to collect (or auto after reset). It’s just the 15min XP booster, so easily forgettable.

However, definitely a downgrade for the Kill Task.

They don’t mention AB rewards will be manual, so that might be the same.

Hey everyone,

Just popping in quickly to let you all know we’ve moved the release date for 8.2 to Monday 28th at 5pm PDT.

This is so we’ll have more hands on deck for the release.


Ustedes son una verguenza nos tomar por idiotas 30 minutos antea cancelas una actualizacion dan pena … ustedes deberian ser demandados por malapraxis! Me vale poco el ban a este foro que lo unico que hacen es vernos la cara de idiotas.


You had me at “idiotas” :heart: :joy:


it’s better than if we had already marked the start of the update, but it didn’t happen :wink:

My apologies. I have to get 560,000 VP every 11 weeks so I have no time to complete all Adventure Board tasks. I’ll likely never see a Buccaneer’s Bounty, because I already have my hands full.

It is, in theory, possible for the stars to align in a specific configuration for me to actually want everything from the Adventure Board, but the Dungeon traps will likely block me from receiving any offers. I’ll just have to miss out.

Meanwhile, I hope the dev team enjoys the 10th anniversary. Though, for most major milestones, players usually receive something as well. You know, to give back to the players that have supported the game, but forgive me for expressing such a strange idea. I know you guys are busy.


I’m sure during your quick pop in to this forums you read literally nothing that paying players have to say… And if you did, make sure you tell all those extra staff you have on hand for this new release date to revisit the ViP table. I’m actually quite surprised you guys haven’t. Better ViP rewards and acting like you care would give more money in your guys pocket in the longrun. But what do I know :man_shrugging:


actually if you think about it
you can’t grab extra penny by adding stuff to things which are already sold (vip level)
there are less and less reasons to buy anything at all
so by adding new money grab options they actually increase their revenue from small time donations instead of petting their old whales (because sunken costs won’t let them stop anyway, and if they suddenly do, there are plenty others)

Hey all, text is hard, so I’m going to point it out in case it was missed or in case it needed more context, rather than assume everyone caught it:

This update has allowed us to implement special weekly goals - this will allow us to give you all more rewards for doing what you’re already doing during the anniversary as part of all the things we’re giving away during the anniversary for simply logging in and playing the game :slight_smile:

We do have to provide optional purchase offers so that we can continue developing the game as it’s free to play. So we give different options to players who would like to support us in that way. If you are not a fan of the offer but would like to support the game in this way we’d love to hear your feedback about the offers or what you would like to see.

We’ve seen the feedback we’ve been receiving about the VIP rewards also.

If you’re not interested in the offer then please do feel free to ignore it as it’s such a small part of the update, doesn’t always pop up and isn’t available for long at all so it will be gone off your screen quickly.

But this is just one small part of the update. The thing for us was consolidating the dailies into one screen and implementing a feature that will allow us to give players more things during special events/celebrations such as the 10th anniversary.

There is more to come for the anniversary :slight_smile:

We’re all here after 10 years because we love this game and everyone who takes the time to post on this forum is a passionate Gems of War player for however long each of you have been playing. I know there’s things you would like us to prioritise differently and bugs you would like to see fixed but let’s try to keep in mind that we’re all on the same team here and that constructive discussions are the best way to understand each other and continue these conversations and make progress in building up this game the way we all want to see it.

Any feedback you have about 8.2 like the manual collection of rewards will be taken into account for future updates :slight_smile: hardly anything is set in stone.


…or you could improve current offers instead of focusing on quantity over quality: e.g. numerous guildies (myself included) would have considered buying the PvP Season Pass if you didn’t Reset Alliance Ranks and chests didn’t have dud drops…

:person_shrugging: :vulcan_salute: