8.1 Update: Quests, Maps & More

Please actualize the link, thank you. :blush:

after so many bugs with this patch, I guess there are another 50 Gems incoming for each of us :rofl:


Not fixed Haunted Guardian and Queen Ash: [Reported Long Ago] Haunted Guardian Spell - Wrong Wording (under Android) - #60 by Nullings .

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I take back the good things i said. Game was crashing all night and could only buy 1 book from pvp shop


3 books/day on PC right now, maybe Im missing something?

Maybe thats fixed now? Game was crashing hard tho thats for sure


This is something new. I dont remember troops going dark

Edit couple more graphic bugs in the same style.

This is the most interesting. Im currently casting Chatcascascarey (you know, the hard killer one)

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A post was merged into an existing topic: [Reported!] Game crashing since 8.1

With every update, worse achievements are added, the devs break the game, and more players quit because they are tired of this nonsense.

Are the devs intentionally trying to ruin and tank the game? Cause I don’t see why anyone would ever spend money and support the game at this point. Its highway robbery with the prices on these passes and the fact that you have multiple passes in the game now. And now with the constant crashes they really have made the game unplayable.


They are losing long time players and I’m sure they have a player retention problem for new players that give up once they realize the time demands this game places on you if you want to advance and participate in the various game modes. Instead of making changes like not resetting VP they put out more money offers to make up for the loss. It’s just not good business.


it happens when the government gets onto them.

it also happens to me all the time, usually because of download lags, because it actually downloads the image of every troop every fight

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i blame Geoff


I like the targetting of dragons, but I wasted all my dragonite on far too many cosmic dupes… I agree that taking the pull option out after 4 would be fair.

Alternatively, how about the option of selling dupe dragons or above 4 dupe dragons for, say, 100 dragonite each? At least that would provide some comfort to the players that have had to pull tons of dupes so far without access to targetted dragon forging.


@Kafka or @Jeto
I have to assume 505 Games said no to Duplicate protection when crafting troops from Dragonite.
Perhaps in the wake of Concord news they may be more willing to hear why a simple code that already exists in the game for certain troop chests or resources (shiny troops) and paid passes would help the longevity of a live service game more than hurt it.

Before Infinity Plus 2 was bought out. I personally had great discussions when members of the team that understood player numbers was just as important as actual money for Gems of War to exist.
Hopefully Concord is a wake up call to regain focus on driving player numbers up. Rather than doing nothing in fear of it screwing up your pricing model.

505 Games and I seem to be on the opposite ends of opinion rather often. But that shouldn’t be. Since we both want the same things for Gems of War. We both want Gems of War to remain profitable so it can exist.

I believe the fundamental principle that we differ on is that they want Gems of War to fund other games or ventures. The free to play model has become over saturated. Using Gems of War to fund other free to play ventures will be it’s ultimate down fall. Gems of War can seed itself and help with the publishing of other titles so long as those titles are able to pay the game back. (Such as games like Control or Bloodstained)

Absolutely zero new ways to spend money on the game should be implemented for at least the next 2 quarters. All changes or improvements should be solely based on raising the daily player numbers back up.

TL:DR - Concord is going to cause a ripple effect in the industry for live service games. (Even though it’s not currently free to play - It will be if or when it returns.) Player numbers will be highly scrutinized by investors more than ever before. Changes now will delay closures later. Thank you for reading.


Once a player has all the VP they need for their season, this still forces us to either:

  • wait until the new season to open any new burning chests from Season Goals, or
  • risk getting 20% of an already bad chest reward that is 100% useless this season

:person_facepalming: :vulcan_salute:


Do talismans roll over into next season please?

They did carry from season 0 to season 1

Thanks AMT :slight_smile:

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I have opened over 60 eggs and still don’t have the one dragon I need to get Stellarix.