8.1 Update: Quests, Maps & More

Good update. Not a big update but hey if you gonna talk crap ya gotta say when its good too. So yeah nice one devs.

I dont need anything here but will help others so thats great.

No blatant money grabs either…

Lets go!


What about teams with immortals that don’t obey the restrictions but are in their home region not getting saved properly


To to be fair, they announce future pet rescues for years that have never appeared. So really, it could mean something or nothing.

  1. No new Dragonite Egg Dragons, thanks.
  2. Very nice to see you intentionally put a system in place to make sure the process is the same misery it was the first 2 times for the people who go after any future Egg Dragons at launch. Let me guess though, still no dupe protection past 4 copies right? You can code to make things worse but can’t code to fix the biggest hole in the entire system?

It seems that it would be fairest to put in dupe protection after 4 copies. But the analytics must have shown people are still spending real money for the slot machine.


Game is now randomly crashing on PlayStation. Has happened in PvP, Explore and Pet Rescue.

This is not ideal and makes me think devs will mark the “add a way to target specific dragons” as done and never address it again :frowning:

But, it’s better than what we have now, so thank you for that at least :slight_smile:

Did the amount of things you can buy from the PVP store each day change? I used to be able to buy 3 Dragonite packs a day and now it says only 1 a day? Same for the other things you can buy with Gold Marks. Since i go sometimes 2 or 3 months without a perfect run it was the only guaranteed way to get Dragonite because I don’t use gems to buy them

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reported this to the team


Thank you for this. Can you please let us know how much targeted dragons are going to cost in the soulforge?


tarot troops are worse than sentinels.
i go for sentinels when i have extra torches, since i always do underspire for the orbs

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Don’t have hope for this update and don’t want to give it the benefit of the doubt. Devs have been tone deaf for a long time now and fixes never come or to late while also being quite badly done.
Will be really suprised if things are actually better but won’t get my hopes up. That way it cannot be shattered either.

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in fact, they have stopped including some pets in pet rescues.
like war corgi.

and any of the campaign pets after the first 5 or so campaigns.

i was down to missing 6 pets. now it’s up to 40.


Update ran on my system and NOW I am getting crashes on potion battles.

This update seemed to be a good one. Instead we get more crashes than before and less stuff to buy …


@Jeto Books are also now only 1 per day. Used to be 3 per day


Actually I haven’t narrowed down the crashing. So far it’s any PVP battle but I haven’t tried much beyond PvP.

I have a friend to whom this happens, every fight. On the other hand, for me there are no problems on my side!

Can any further SONY reports reply here

Update 8.1

Patch Notes Summary:

1 dragonite step forward and pvp shop bugs are back.