8.1 Update: Quests, Maps & More

That’s great news. Spoilering this a bit early might have helped to lower frustration.

The patch notes don’t mention how much higher, so it’s going to be at least 2500 dragonite, possibly more. Still, I’m sure it will help those on an extended unlucky streak.

I don’t think you understand that this changes nothing at all. I won’t waste time explaining, you’ve ignored enough feedback about it.


We need to know how much it will cost so we at least have a chance of getting dragonite up front given how pitiful the ability to gain it outside of buying is.
We will even more annoying to have the first dragon be the one you want when you could have had enough if you knew the cost and hadn’t wanted all the previously earned on duplicates.


Own 5 Immortals at level 10


Only took 5 months. Congrats xx


Overall, I can say that I’m mostly positive about this update. Thank you for finally hearing your playerbase. It feels like a huge step to me.

Absolutely! A few of our Alliance members have spent their stash of dragonite this morning. To get dupes, of course.

So, there will be new dragonite eggs.
I’m not quite sure if I’m OK with such long waiting period.

Will it be somethig like a mythic cycle? Or will the dragons for the recipe be picked randomly each week?

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Don’t be excited about Mana potion fix. They didn’t say “Fixed bug when gem creation on turn start caused Mana gems to get stuck preventing from casting any spells until board move done”. I believe this is still there.

Wish one day they could afford more than 1 Janitor to work with game’s code.


this has to mean more dragons on the horizon


At long last! Better late than never!

Not that I’m ever going to use Alliance chat when Purple dominates so completely, but this is a needed change :smile:


Yeah, so true! And now we can even double up on some we only got 1 of if necessary, instead of taking the risky way.


And this time too, we’ll re-introduce Guild Wars next time!

Hopefully by then Guilds will be dissolved.

Sounds good to me overall - less frustrating dragon dupes, no freeze with mana potions, talking with Alliance mates without grinding PvP, new dragons.
If Guildwar will follow, I have fun again :slight_smile:

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I quit playing after I saw the get 1 to level 10. It’s a pure pay to win achievement. If you are free to play your will never get it if they keep introducing new ones.


If you want it on day 1, yeah. But why the rush?

I will get my first level 10 Immortal near the end of the PvP pass once I finish the PvP Goals. For free players with no farming, it’s garantee to get at least level 9, and more with lucky Burning Mark opening.

So by just casual playing, 5 Immortal at level 10 would just take 4 more Pass, which is doable, just take a while.

Saying it’s impossible is just dishonest.


You get 200 burning marks from the pass. That is 20 chests. YOU need 520 souls. They odds are you get 200 - 275 souls in 20 chests. The odds of that being for the same immortal is low. So, as they introduce more, your chance is even lower. So, I have no clue how you got to a level 9 based on the math. To do that 5 times is basically impossible in 5 passes. Also, you were given extra marks as a bonus for the first season. I got 1 mortal at 20 souls from that. The rest was silver marks and icons. So even the drop chances are not as stated. I got 1 drop in all the bonus chests. Not 48%


We are heading straight towards the death of the game ! The Devs have started digging the grave !

I dont think making us grind 560k vp every season is acceptable either.

Ive logged in pretty much every day for 7 years. In the past few weeks ive had multiple days i didnt play. The idea that ill have to grind 560k vp to get the immortal to 20 next season killed my desire.

DEVS. Do not reset vp. At all.


Was just about to say this. They dont throw a bone to us like this without strings attached

Exactly. NO ONE wants vp to reset. AT ALL.

Meaning they are ignoring their entire playerbase because they want to force pvp engagement


I think killing one’s desire is especially true if you pop open the chests rewards you get for completing the VP goals and the game insults you with silver marks.

I did the 560k VP once and never again. VP should stay, I agree.

As for the Achievement for owning 5 Immortals at level 10. When the system relies on chests that are commonly unrewarding all I can say is “Nope, absolutely not happening”. I think that’ll be the very first achievement I’ll pop with SAM… 5 troops at shiny level 2 has proven bad enough, but I’ve stuck with it. Burning Chests and Immortals are so much worse.

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This is such a BS achievement. Totally doable, but it will take forever. Achievements should be a reward for skill or dedication, not luck or your ability to buy your way to the achievement. The Geoff achievement sucked, but at least it was a reward for putting in hundreds hours of work into the game. You earned it through effort, so I don’t have a big problem with it.

To get 5 immortals to level 10, it will most likely take a minimum of 5 seasons (55 weeks) and a whole lot of luck. I will get Glaycia to level 10 by the end of the season when I finish ALL the goals with ZERO souls to spare. That is only possible because I lucked out on some of the burning chests and got souls for her, and because of the glitch that gave you double burning marks for a while. That is not going to happen in future seasons (probably). In theory I will get about half the burning marks next season that I got in the current one.

If you’re going to do something like this, at least improve the drop rates from the burning chests. In my opinion silver marks should NEVER be a reward in burning chests. You have such a limited number of chests to open, getting useless silver marks more than 50% of the time is just insulting. What are you even supposed to use them for? I already have over 10,000 that I can’t spend on anything useful, so why give me more? At least gold marks can be useful.

I get that microtransaction is how the game stays online. I buy occasional lanterns and maybe a campaign pass. No problem with such things. Stuff like this is what makes people say screw it and stop playing.