8.0 Update: Immortals

Ino your trying to be right.

But eventually wild plains, and maraj will get troops like the other kingdoms.

Then we all use the double iron , not the triple iron.

And any kingdom is doable, but still can’t one shot.

There’s like 8 new troops every month, it’s not long before plains and miraj arnt the weekest.

I see this forum is still the same.
No forward thinking.

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I know, but I just didn’t want anyone thinking that your loyalty days would get reset too, otherwise no amount of grinding would ever get you to general rank. 800k VP in 77 days is an average of over 10k a day, which is a LOT more than I would even consider trying to grind out.


I try for 10k per day.
Unless the top 3 have started with 30k a day, then I just give up.
Also. The vault weeks, I’m not messing with PvP , wasting time, that’s better getting keys.

So yea, I think if it’s fully reset, then general is something il never be. Owell.

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Obviously the devs think that is an achievable task
Want to take a guess how many VP will be needed to claim the top tier of the 90 tier season pass?

My guess is too damn many.


Well, we will see how business savvy they are.

It needs to be like kingdom pass, doable by most players.

Or they won’t make sales.
Cos no matter how cheap it is, if you look at it and think, damn I can’t do 15k per day, for instance.
Then it’s not getting bought.

It’ll be fun to see, cos anyone in business knows, selling a 1000 items cheap, gets you more money, than selling one dear item.

Why japanese (oops)car manufacturers, make more than Ferrari.

So if a lot of players only do ~6500VP/week, push them to 11K and call it 120000.
And then you have players finishing the 11 week target in a couple of days. Or maybe they will time lock it as well, unless you buy a booster

I buy campaign, kingdom pass. And old pets.
As I’m only 3 years in game.

But if it’s more than 700k over the 11 weeks.
There’s no chance , il buy it.

Anything more, would make it a job.


No YouTube video, this update.

Don’t tell me.

You’ve had more holidays :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Australia has more holidays, than any other country on earth, might go work there.

Omg iv just realised, why the Devs always add stuff to do.
Because they think other countries have as much free time as Australians do.
Iv never thought of it that way before.


There’s plenty of forward thinking.

There’s just no point in living day to day thinking the world is coming to the end because some asteroids may hit the Earth in a long future with no date advertised.

At some point they will make a Wild Plains troop and Sin of Maraj troop that’s very inconvenient, but that has absolutely nothing to do with these Immortal troops currently.

At the rate they’re releasing seasons, we might not see Wild Plains/Sin of Maraj immortal troop for 5+ years.



No worries.

We’re guessing anyway.

I’m going back in my bunker, as I do worry about that asteroid tho :grin:

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It’s all guessing, but my take on the reading is that
There will be 10 new immortals each season,
with 1 of them featured in the pass

The trick is to change all the PvP area with each ladder reset.
That way all last seasons Immortals won’t rule their area, and everyone can quick get the new ones…
And new pets to suck up those marks.

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Yes, I am aware. I apologize if I came off as supporting what the devs are choosing to do here. I am not supportive of their current monetization schemes and I try to be as terse as possible.

I have been locked in this prison since May 11, 2015 :slight_smile: Prior to playing this, I played Puzzle Quest 1 & 2 and enjoyed them.

The current game is vastly different from the original, and the level of communication between devs and players is also vastly different. They used to try to explain their vision, now they just randomly do things with no explanation. They used to fix things, now they just move on to the next thing.

I don’t know what happened but at some point this became a money-making exercise for them, instead of producing quality entertainment.

I have played a lot of “Free-to-play” games that ended up like this. For a long time, GoW was different. But alas, they fell into the same trap.

Again, I’m not defending anything. My point is that this game has been cooked for too long. All we have to do now is figure out how big a hole we should dig.


Uhm, please don’t tell me the total VP got a reset each season and kills our alliance rank and chat access. That would also make the 90 day loyality bonus a bit more pointless. Imagine beeing in an alliance forever just to be excluded from chat at the start of a new season.

Beside of that, another pass, really? At the moment i consider to stop buying the season und kingdom passes and with that caring much less of the game. I would prefer a single monthly premium abo with all pass access, including ring of wonders and maybe other benetits to a fair price. I’m willing to support the game, but adding more and more seperate passes shouldn’t be the way to go + usually a pass is not worth the value, some other games gives at least some cosmetic items for avatars for “bragging rights”.

I even don’t want to sound to negative and i’m pretty sure some things of the update could be interessing, but adding more and more daily routine work + heavy time sinks, new ressources, rng, stuff to pay for… is not something i’m looking upwards to. I know it sounds a bit absurd, but could a new major update not simply based on FUN? To keep a playerbase happy is also a way to earn money.


No, I don’t believe that’s what they are doing.

Just like with “Shiny”, they are introducing a base pool (so 10 Immortals) and then immediately introducing a new season, which comes with a “new” Immortal.

It’s all “new” to us, but I would expect it’s just one Immortal per season (every 11 weeks). Otherwise, this gets ridiculous fast.


Erm no

I’d rather buy single passes, that way I can choose which times I want kingdom or campaign.

If it was a all or nothing, it would always be nothing for me.

I like to have a choice, we lose to much choice every day imho.

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We can only be so lucky that it would cost as little as 300. I bet to level up these troops it will cost just as many immortal souls as a normal troop would require with regular souls. So to get them to 20, I think 7,500 immortal souls, and 30 will be something like 18,000. They have to make it a frustrating grind after all in hopes we crack and spend money to buy immortal souls/burning marks to try and speed up the process.


I just read version 8.0 and well after starting to play when the game came out, I think the time has come to go far away, since the PVP overhaul I can’t stand the game anymore, it has become boring at the moment. possible, and GW is dead, the guilds are emptying and they continue to give us pitiful updates, this time will be one too many


8.0 The Immorals.