8.0 Update: Immortals

Oh it’s worse than that. You might only get gold or silver marks. Literally says exactly that. So imagine opening a dragon egg and getting glory. But remember, it’s “fun”


Exactly my thoughts.
I’ll wait until 8.0 comes live to see how many burning marks are required to upgrade one immortal. And then I’ll make my decision.


The problem is that this is a “Live Service” game, so they must constantly add content, to try to keep current players and attract new players.

It’s a double edged sword and the writting was on the wall a long time ago.


Reworked Arena could be fun and useful for once
Reworked Journey into some other kind of grinding event could help
Basically you can improve any existing game mode beside pvp and it still be counted as a content update which keeps old and gets new players.


Another nail in the coffin for shoving players things in they didn’t wanted or asked for instead of fixing old bugs and bringing back guild wars. Farewell to the last big whales. RIP GoW


Jerks. Another currency!? No one wants this. Stop focusing on pvp. We have enough pvp. Fix journey. Update classes. Update troops. STOP PUSHING PVP


Ive got a theory: they listened to stellarix whiners to try to get more people playing pvp…right before they dropped this hammer.

Devs; you are awful.


I would bet cash money that the ever growing amount of content in this game is a repellant to new players. It was already a bit daunting back when I first picked it up. And they just keep adding more confusing bloat to the game.

New content is arguably only important for retaining late game / end game people. But it’s tricky, because if you keep moving those goal posts too quickly, newer players are going to see it as impossible to “catch up.” AND this new content has to actually make the late game players happy, not tick them off. heh


De seguro te banearan por decirles las cosas en la cara , a mi me lo hicieron hace poco, es una verguenza lo que hacen no solo con el juego sino la falta de respeto y comunicacion que tieben para con nosotros los usuario! Yo realmente estoy podrido de esta gente.


New content is important but making things more complicated, not fixing issues and throwing more money schemes in the players face is NOT the answer either.

Not sure for how long you play already but the game has made a major diving point over the last few years. New kingdoms, delves, troops and weapons were fine to keep people interested.
What wasn’t needed was a complete overhaul of the Overworld UI to make it easier for money schemes to be placed, Troop UI which i still hate to this day even though it’s better then original change and PvP was fine with first changes but then all the other crap was added, just why? We didn’t need blood kingdoms, citadels or this immortal stuff.

This annoys longer players as simple things aren’t changed or fixed. For example having in game tracking on what a room gives in the Tower of Doom event once a guild member completed it. With the Stellarix and Wand of Stars combo they made a fix to late but even worse is not reverting Journey troops back to what they were and give it the same treatment.
Newer players get all this stuff, including lots of pop ups for buy this and buy that, which will turn them away easier instead of sticking around.

So you can’t and shouldn’t defend this by saying a game must improve to keep people. Cause even though that is true that is not what is happening here at all. These updates are only hurting the game more then helping to keep people interested in playing it. Just look at how people respond here to it. Does that look like a way forward for the game?


More pointless currencies and more emphasis on the broken pvp system, joy.

Holding on for the return of Guild Wars is getting harder and harder.


At this point returning guild wars in its original state would be a disaster imo.


GW, ROFL, WHAT GW they never plan on returning gw in the first place, If gw was so important to the devs it would of been brought back already. all the devs are working on everything to do with pvp but not gw. They want more money for yet another new currency that in future mths will also be disregarded like old currencies. They really should change the title of the game from gems of war to where is the money.


Hey, on the bright side the worries and the complaining about Stellarix, Wand, and Elementalist in PvP can stop now.

Immortals look like they’re going to be far more annoying.

Also, finally more currencies. We didn’t have enough already. (Sarcasm for those who can’t tell.)


We didn’t have enough RNG either.


First time I’m considering not letting Gems of War dominate my life any more.


Whats even the point of this forum? They don’t listen to us.


Guild wars will not return unless they find a way to monetize it. Another new currency nobody asked for or wanted solely to line the devs pockets


Maybe they follow New Worlds example for the forum like they did with everything else and just delete it for easier ignoring.


I am not seeing the part where it says that players without PvP-stat boost will get extra rewards when defeating defense teams with PvP-stat boost…
Or is your bright idea that those deplorable know-nothings should such it up and fight harder battles for the same measly amount of stuff? Congratulations! You’re so adorable!

Anyhow - looks like another pile of junk.
If we look at the whole PvP-rework that took you such titanic and monumental amount of both coding and - more importantly - thinking work to complete, ability to get, albeit somewhat slowly, deeds books is okay-ish and, if there is something reasonable for non-paying players in PvP season rewards, that might be okay-ish as well…everything else is at best meh, if not outright garbage. (Nothing in the latest patch notes indicates any change in the positive direction.)

Anyhow, now that you’ll have this huge upgrade finally implemented, maybe you’ll start fixing all the stupid stuff you just introduced?
For example, why is it that bunch of players I know regularly get placed in diamond brackets where 15k-30k VP is enough for P1 while I don’t remember ever being in a diamond bracket where 30k would’ve been enough for P3? Why does your fair placement system hate me so much?