7.5 Update: United We Stand

Based on the complexity, I’d say people who tape their glasses. :eyes:


5pm PDT?? When is that?

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I might be remembering wrong, and I refuse to read all of that again lol, but didn’t it say no blood frenzy in citadel battles? So enemies should be no harder than old school pvp. Again… unless I confused something in that wall of words. I guess we will find out!

[quote=“Zuul-Emo, post:34, topic:84178”]

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UTC -7 ?

Guild families don’t matter at all. There’s only 5 alliances to pick, players will automatically gravitate towards the single winning one.


Right, you just need to know which one to join immediately because of the alliance hopping penalty. Big guild families can have their members coordinate into one alliance.

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Hey Devs

Obviously you’ll know how many players in each alliance.

If everyone that’s not fun, gravitates towards one alliance.

Maybe penalties of rewards, for how many more players they have.

Alliances will soon even out, if there’s penalties.

That’s the main problem with this update–we don’t know how rewards will scale, based off of the number of people in an alliance. If there’s no difference, people will just gravitate towards the most powerful one. The more people in an alliance, the higher citadel points they will earn. Simple as that. I think.

This will make the other alliances pretty useless, unless they somehow scale rewards based off of people in the alliance, but it is unknown how that will scale. I doubt they tested that for balance.

And why are citadel battles on specific days, time sensitive, and locked behind sigils? Wouldn’t it be easier to be able to do your citadel battles once a week at your convenience? It’s hard enough as it is to manage our time, and now we have to struggle to make time for this with our life and work outside of this.

Wait, what is work again? Where do I have to go?:dizzy_face:


I’m against anything timegated.

But I think battles have to be done on the day, as the battle is only daily.

It changes after the day ends mate.

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1am uk time mate

So guild families do matter then because they can all stack into a single alliance either at the start to put it in a winning position, or join one that is winning and ensure it’s never caught up.

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It’s just that back in the good ol’ days of guild wars, our guild family understood that people have a life outside of this game, and as long as everyone completed their battles by Sunday night, it was fine.

That concept has been thrown out the window and into the trash can. It feels like it’s mandatory to do your daily citadel battles because your alliance would lose too many points if too many people don’t participate.

It’s just overcomplicated and stressful for no reason. And if you are a newer player and don’t have powerful troops and kingdom stats, you will waste sigils trying to win against the guardians…


Why would you need a guild family to do that? If I see one of the five alliances always winning due to its size, I might not feel too inclined to stay in the one I’m in. And I’m pretty sure other players will feel the same, no matter whether they are in a guild family or not.


The concern of everyone gravitating a single, mega-powerful alliance was brought up very early in the beta :frowning: It’s looking like Purple alliance is going to dominate for a while until the system is hopefully tweaked down the line.


so they ARE aware of it and did nothing, got it


And you are a 1% minority.

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Not disparaging you, but given that gaming is generally a competitive activity most players will naturally want to be in the best Alliance, get the best rewards etc.

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This all sounds extremely complicated.

Feel that I need to get an Academic degree to understand this, read an entire manual etc…

I just want to play a game!

Sorry, but already deeply disgusted by this update and really hating it.


This seems a easy one to sort out , everybody just join the same alliance and everyone wins… Or am i missing something???


I don’t think that means more gold marks.

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