7.5 Hotfix

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

We will be releasing the 7.5 Hotfix on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, iOS, Android and Amazon at:

  • PST: Thursday June 6th, 4:00 PM
  • AU: Friday June 7th, 9:00 AM
  • UK: Friday June 7th, 12:00 AM
  • UTC: Friday June 6th, 11:00PM

We will provide further notice for the Switch 7.5 Hotfix release at a later date.

Bug Fixes:

  • We have fixed an issue where Gold Marks were not rewarded upon Citadel Victory in the Region Bonus.
  • We have fixed an issue where the ‘Talismans Activated!’ animation fails to appear after player proceeds to the Guardian battle with any Talisman.
  • We have fixed the issue with the ‘?’ symbol appears to be cut off on the top of the screen after the player joins the Alliance and proceeds to the Alliance screen.
  • We have fixed an issue with Consoles being unable to Turn Off Alliance Chat Notifications
  • We have fixed the issue with IOS, where a message “Gems of War has a new version available” appears and forces an update only to give you an error.
  • We have fixed an issue where Owned Troops appear as Unowned after a battle.
  • We have fixed the issue with the Alignment of the Adventure Board pop up menu text.
  • We have fixed the issue where Silver Marks were not visible in the PVP Shop.
  • We have fixed the issue where the World Event Title Overlaps UI Art in the Pre-Battle Screen.

Nothing to differentiate won citadel battles (gold marks) from regular bonus battles (silver marks)?


Yes please. Can you label the areas each day that award gold marks?


Multiple days of bugged rewards → 15 gold mark compensation.

Also, no citadels vulnerable today (Thursday)?


Yes same problem - I had no vulnerable areas yesterday with swords behind them - so thought that is normal because it was Wednesday. But again today I have no vulnerable areas?


More long unskippable animations, that nobody asked for?
And why only for guardian battles? If you got that far, you probably know what talismans you’re using, I assume.


How can they devote time of any paid employee to fix an issue that isn’t broken nor had there been a single complaint about? Yet…


Did the list of Fixes get cut off a bit ? I am seeing quite a few relatively minor corrections and a couple that were a bit more urgent imho…but I am not seeing anything in regards to the new Citadel Wars battle aspects. This has been a bit of a hot mess recently with the entire mode not working as described/expected.

Is there also some fixes to this mode as a whole being implemented to correct battle scheduling and win rewards, etc. ?

I sure hope so… I will cross my fingers that it was fixed but just fotgotten in the list of “fixes”.


I see 9 bullet notes.

Didn’t fix Xp bug - now perma it seems
Didn’t fix more or less anything to do with alliance mode
Didn’t fix the blocks and the guild logo in the middle of the map or anywhere else.
I can’t be bothered to list any more.

Didn’t listen to anything.


Thank you for this hotfix. How soon can we expect another one, to fix some of the other existing issues with the latest patch?


@Bramble @Kafka any word on if this hotfix fixes the join alliance achievement on Xbox not unlocking for those who joined before the achievement went live?

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Just downloaded the hotfix on Xbox and the achievement popped when entering the PvP screen.


Still getting 3 xp in PvP after activating the monolith.

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I take it that we can now all join The Dark Order?

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Yep, I just got it too. Thanks @Campo. :+1:

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Hello :slight_smile:

The development team are still investigating the XP bug.

If you have any further details or steps to successfully reproduce the error, please respond to this thread here: [Reported] 3XP for every PVP fight


Is the option to switch off Alliance chat alerts on console actually working for others?

I have had mine switched off since the hotfix but still receiving alerts every time someone posts there still. Also checked settings were correct/restarted game since the hotfix. I am on PlayStation.

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Reposting here, since it was (accidentally?) left unanswered on the other thread, despite it having more upvotes than the thread itself.


Nice hotfix