7.2 Hotfix

Or maybe I was unlucky considering people with full torches and a full reset can play it all again - if they have the time.

I had 147 torches and 2 lanterns when I booted the game up this morning. I had spent 50 x 4 plus 100 x 4 earlier this week, so I probably should have had 75 torches {7 * 5 + 10 * 4} when I started if the mathematics was done properly.

I won’t have to buy torches again this week and I’ll probably even finish this week’s Underspire later today – I’m doing a bite-sized chunk at any given time when I am poking my nose down there. And then I’ll use the rest of the torches to go exploring for Guardians.


Ok, let me know. So far I haven’t seen any special rooms, and only have the final boss to clear. Still 55 torches left
*update, I finally found special rooms, but also discover that I can beat the boss a second time, even though all doors were unlocked
Update #2 From the start to the first door, I found 2 special rooms. But nothing from 1 to 2, and 2 to 3.
Maybe it’s just bad luck, but it doubt it

How are you going to compensate me for the time I spent doing the Underspire up to Thursday?!

Feels like the compensation on this should be all Gems actually spent plus all rewards from the last two bosses, doubled (as by two Lanterns).

Anything less than that is going to feel like yet another kick in the teeth from a team that don’t want to take responsibility for their mistakes.



Most likely you’ve answered your own question. At least judging from how things were handled in the past.
50 gems, very sorry.

We still have to keep saying what we think would be appropriate. Shaming can be a powerful weapon (sometimes).

Obviously correct.

I don’t know what the appropiate rewards are for the Sentinel rooms.
I encountered 3 and this is what I received:
2 Orpeheus tokens
4 Amethysts (or Ruby, can’t remember)
1 torch

If they actually landed in my inventory?
No clue…

Did I receive the right amount of compensation torches?
No clue either

After the second Underspire reset, it took me clearing 91 rooms to defeat Diamantina. (Not having to re-fight the first two dragons helped because I still had those keystones left over.)

I also had more than enough Torches to explore the entirety of the Underspire for this week; I finished that this morning. I only found two Guardians this week, not counting the two I found between the first reset and the second reset.

Wow, that’s terrible luck. I will finish completing the map tomorrow and have found 13 treasure rooms so far. Haven’t pulled any troop cards yet, though.

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Can we have the income per hour back please. Doesn’t have to be on the main UI - just place it in the resources or somewhere where we can access this information if we want to.Thanks


Hey everyone,

We are expecting to release the global compensation for these issues at weekly reset today, this will include:

  • 100 Gems
  • 2 Lanters

We are still waiting for more information on when ‘Troops appearing as unowned’ fix will be available to push to live.
When that goes live it will also include a fix for Journey icons appearing sideways - as the Journey event begins today/tonight too.


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I opened my mail to receive the compensation and don’t think the Lanterns actually added to my total/I didn’t receive the Lanterns…

The global compensation mail was delivered and collected

The 2 Lanterns were not added to the inventory.
I am not sure about the 100 Gems, since I don’t remember how many I had.

Edit: I restarted the game, no changes.
I force stopped the game, restarted, no changes either.
Android 13, Samsung A13.


Same here, on two accounts. Two lanterns in the mail, zero lanterns in the actual Underspire.


Same happened to me.
I only have 2 lanterns that carried over from last week and the trinkets bought previously.

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iOS iPad

Had 6 lanterns carried over - still have 6 after collecting the two compensation lanterns

HOWEVER the 100 gems DO appear to have been applied

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So even the compensation is bugged.


Same, collected the compensation and lanterns were not added to Underspire!

Bugged reward as compensation for a bug! :sweat_smile:

Same here, no lanterns received (pc/mobile if it matters)