7.2 Hotfix

My Underspire did NOT reset, and I still received a (pretty random) amount of refunded torches.
I’m scared to do anything there, in case I might break it with my next fight or receive some punishment for avoiding the bug.

after the the first underspire reset this week, i found 2 treasure guardians in the first area pretty quickly, after this SECOND underspire reset, i am now in area 4, and have not found a single treasure guardian in the 8+ dead ends ive encountered, so uhhhh, somethings probably not working there.

This is my current map. I’m surrounded by islands after quitting and restarting.


Yes, I have same issue with you. After fix, I don’t see treasure guardian in dead ends.

Pure RNG, maybe? I found my first guardian only in the last area, while looking for boss 6, after the fix was released. Not one guardian room earlier, before the fix. But I admit, I was incredibly lucky with picking the correct paths to bosses, so I didn’t hit too many dead ends…

yea with hitting 9 dead ends, with a total possible so far of like 16 or so, i would probably have to be incredibly unlucky to have not encountered one so far, ill play some more torches after daily reset and edit my post if i find one, but that seems very unlikely as of now.

What the heck is happening? I log in to find my Underspire reset, but I also have 95 torches and 17 lanterns? :rofl:

I bought one lantern pack this week. It’s like I got back all the lanterns I ever had :smirk:

I’m scared to play at this point :grimacing:


I counted mine, 5 dead ends, 1 of those turned into a guardian. Not too many data points :sweat_smile:

A nice change from the week before, where I hit nearly every single dead end possible, tho…

im also on xbox the new underspire may be having different issues on console vs pc etc

They have QA, it’s confirmed! Pog

I was surprised first too, when reading this, but then again, maybe they approach their testing team in the same way, they handle player feedback. Avoiding every possible contact, ignoring warnings, setting up middlemen to explain, why things are working as intended…


I cleared almost the entire underspire using the 158 torch pile I was given. Skipped a few dead ends in zone 6.

5 total guardians, which included 2 pairs at forked dead ends. The rate seems WAY lower than pre-reset. It’s possible that it’s coded to give you a limited number per week, and it remembered the pre-reset guardians in that tally. Just speculation, though.

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You should be fine as far as progress is concerned.
I had the same happen - lucky enough to not experience map reset after hotfix, some random torches appeared.
Then I used them. Closed the game. Day rolled over a few hours later. Nothing got reset. Phew.

Punishment for using those random torches…hopefully nothing will follow but one can never know with this bunch.

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I never got the trinkets I found from a guardian pre-fix.

QA!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This game’s a joke these days.

Definitely not fixed. Only received 3 (out of 7) daily torches today. Maybe you used my torches to help pay for the 100’s others are receiving in compensation? :laughing:

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I got only 4 daily torches instead of 7.

Edit: I had used 1 torch before the reset, so if I got that back, I got only 3 free daily torches today.

I did buy 2 torch bundles before the reset, but didn’t lose them in the reset.

Well I got 40 Torches this morning, played some Underspire and only then decided to have look on here.

Fortunately, even after the second update, it seems that I’ve not had any problems, but I’m still not exactly confident that something isn’t going to screw up later…! :roll_eyes:

I also had a seemingly random number of torches, 24 including the 7 from today.

No reset so I was lucky in that regard. No random islands or anything.

But really, please get it together. Please.

My underspire reset too. I may be wrong, but if I bought all of the torches each day, I would have own 95 this morning
5 days X 7 =35
4 days X 15 = 60 (I haven’t bought today, friday)

I got 125 torches and 2 lanterns… :man_shrugging: ( got a 3rd one with the 1st merchant)
Not bad, except that I have to do it all again. So it seems to be random the amount we got

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