7.1 Bug Update (Please read before submitting any new reports/tickets)

Saturday is a workday in Germany as well, though many jobs are only from Monday to Friday - most office jobs for example.

But this isn’t am issue of working days - they probably have some reason for delaying compensation (and information). I could speculate on those, but whatever it is has probably nothing to do with business hours.

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It could also be a simple problem with email delivery - lots of potential issues when mass emailing. I just want to make sure that they are aware of the issue, and if possible, the scale of it. @Jeto, a guildmate who is level 1544 also has not received their Paragon Path rewards.

Everyday is a work day for someone but that doesn’t mean it’s a work day for everyone.

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But it means WHEN it’s a work day, the work should be done in the 1st place and done correctly on top. At least one of these “requirements” usually gets lost lately …

Should we open a ticket or wait a reply from official news or any information about the new pause menu that show less information than before ?
We cant check the bonus mana anymore. I think is a big stepback after the 7.0 drops
now we have 3 separate menu but less information

Where is bonus from talent or traits ?


hats off, thats kind of an achievement - increase splash screens count 3 times while placing less information.


Are we getting 7.1 on switch any time soon? @Jeto @Kafka

Ive been asking this since 7.0 removed invasion and raid from weekend schedules. Were missing weapons on Switch now. Seems like theyre creating another issue.

@kafka @jeto @Bramble plenty of time to make new ways to break things. Fix whats already broken first


Hi all,

We will be sending out compensation in the next 24-48 hours. The details are as follows:

For the Underspire Map reset issue that happened last week:

  1. All players will receive 50 Gems

  2. For players who purchased Torch Boosters and Lantern Boosters between Monday 4th September (7am GMT) and Wednesday daily reset 6th September (7am GMT):

  • Players who purchased a Torch Booster will receive the 5 Torches from the purchased Torch Boosters + 1 Extra Torch per Booster

  • Players who purchased a Lantern Booster will receive the 5 Lanterns from the purchased Lantern Boosters + 1 Extra Lantern per Booster

For the Completing Battle Server Issues/CLIFFY errors last week:

  • All players will receive 150 Gems

For the Adventure Board containing impossible to complete Tasks:

  • All players will receive 50 Gems

Tower of Doom Headstart Offer gave Ice Forge Scrolls instead of Dark Forge Scrolls:

  • Players who purchased the Headstart will be sent the Dark Forge Scrolls they expected and will keep the Ice Forge Scrolls that were mistakenly sent.

Thank you all for your patience while we worked on fixing these issues and while we work on sending the compensation out to everyone.


I’m going to be real honest. This doesn’t sit right with me.

Some lost a full week of the Underspire because a full reset is mentally draining.

Some like me had to spend extra gems to finish in time by the week end from scratch because the Customer Experience team made no effort to advise what actions to take last week and that’s what makes this really annoying.

And 1 extra Torch per pack is all that is being offered? It doesn’t even take into consideration the amount of time lost actually playing those battles in the first place, just the monetary cost of the torches.

It’s like someone read a spreadsheet to see what people lost and offered the bare minimum for all of the problems without wondering what the implications would be for the actual problem occurring in the first place.

I’d be pissed about the lanterns too, but I haven’t bought it yet this week, so somehow that works out. I feel for anyone that did buy it this week though, because at that point extra lanterns are pointless unless it can be saved to next week.

What’s my actual loss on this? I had to buy 150 gem torch packs x 3 on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday that I normally wouldn’t buy to safely complete it in time, and I had a really lucky week after reset. Out 450 gems to save $2. … I’m not impressed by this comp.


What about the fact that I had to go through the whole Wednesday all over again, I bought 15 torches for 300 gems and did not progress in the Underspire on Wednesday? After that I had to buy an additional pack of 5 torches for 150 gems every day to make up for lost time, isn’t that the cost of your mistake?


I think the compensation is adequate, even if it’s not perfect. I’m more interested in setting some kind of precedent so that the next time this happens, compensation can be handed out midweek. There’s no good way to make up for the lost progress after the week ends.


To be fair, noone was forced to “exchange gems” at any point. Not before the bug and especially not after. Fomo is working well.

If such fails happen and there’s no instantaneous compensation (which in gow dev terms means next 48h), also no compensation before devs ride off into sunset to enjoy their free weekend, just don’t buy - because it won’t be happening. You all know that drill and nothing is done during weekends, except maybe “real problems” f.e. if players can’t buy anything. :wink:

But I think the “communication” done by the devs, or lets say “the lack of”, is awful. Anyone who believes the devs couldn’t have handed out at least the 14 lost torches +x for the reset troubles at any given time is naive. Clear communication and a compensation within 24-48h max should’ve been happening, everything else - in my opinion - is just “stalling” and “waiting for things to possibly cool itself down” and nothing else.

Maybe noone really felt the neccessity to “lead” to make this compensation happen quickly, but that would be a whole new “problem”.


150 gems for cliffy errors - check, 50 gems for adventure board task - check, gems for underspire mess - not sent out yet?


The compensations for the other 3 bugs are ok, but for underspire reset it’s ridiculous, I spent 400 more gems than needed!
I hope that who spent real money will think twice before spending them again

Reminder: the soulforge bug is still there


I’m not even going to get into the Underspire compensation joke. However, my issue is with the timing. Any comp that gives torches and lanterns should have been pushed out at reset. You people need to get a better understanding of the events in your own game.


I think they do.

Lost minimum 600 gems as I still completed underspire, got 50 gem compensation.
The ticket that I sent was not even read, but marked as solved.
There are 2 words I can say in this situation, but they are considered rude, so I won’t do that.


Since compensation hasn’t been rolled out yet, would it possibly be an option to refund gems spent instead of torches bought? This far better reflects what players have lost due to the bug. Besides, it’s almost mid-week now, receiving a pile of torches that will expire by the end of the week isn’t exactly helpful for an event that requires quite a bit of planning.


The biggest problem here is now we are all waiting to get our torches and lanterns. It wouldn’t make sense to buy torches or lanterns today if you are going to send them. So now it’s the waiting game. This was something that really needed to be sent out at reset on Monday. Since Underspire is a daily event. Will I need to restart the game for them to appear? Will you post when they are officially sent out?