4.7 Update (Patch Notes)

What I don’t like is that trophies are now everywhere and ranked pvp is temporarily ruined. Level 12 explore gets around 3k gold per fight. 1T pvp around 400 gold. Where are my class boost chances now?

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I’m definitely worried about the effects of these changes on pet gnomes. Until PVP rewards (and leaderboard rewards) are revamped, difficulty 12 explore beats out PVP in pretty much every way. Hopefully the devs are continuing to monitor this, like they previously said they would.

Edit: That last part wasn’t meant as an accusation; just pointing out that they’ve acknowledged the problem in the past.

Careful fellows you don’t want to loss conduct points( honor)

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I stopped reading at this point after reading all this garbage.

So you complained for those who couldn’t get it to work. Without actually knowing how it’s supposed to work. I know this, because no one can possibly know.

But yeah…I clearly didn’t read everything you said. You got me. Congratulations. Unfortunately… My reading comprehension is still high. Because you can’t comprehend what you don’t actually read.

Continue to attack someone that disagrees with you. Instead of arguing the facts…or supposed facts. Hey if it generates “likes” you have to be right, right?

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Next it will be

Guys I was just pretending to be this stupid.

So I’m stupid now?

Because I didn’t read the last line of something I felt like was an ignorant post?

Well I bothered to read your post and I do feel more stupid for it. So there is that.

I know it’s easier to throw out insults than to debate the facts. I currently have a president that was elected on that strategy.
Easier seems to be the favorable strategy and accepted as such.
Well… Unless it’s casual PvP I guess. :man_shrugging:

Then it’s all about fairness.

today on r/iamverysmart

You do seem a little wound up though, a little mad even…

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Is that not your intent? To bother a stranger on the internet? But then be like hey bro… Why so triggered?

It’s literally the dumbest practice that humanity has devolved into. A troll attempts to upset folks. But it’s okay… because they were just trolling.

No sir. I respected you up to the point that you decided to fight your guild mates…or whatever friends argument for them. And chose to claim that “I’m stupid” which I truly hope future generations make that word as disgusting as any swear word.
No, you didn’t get me mad, but you did disappoint me by acting like a child because you didn’t like what I was saying to your friend.

If the exploit is fixed, what harm is there in saying how it used to work? Then we can all move on from this particular bit of silliness.


Only those who vigorously abuse exploits are up in arms…yet again. Those of us who choose to avoid exploits and play fair gave no such qualms. It’s about integrity and many so called top players haven’t a dot of it.

What, exactly, was the exploit, then?


Players will argue according to their exploit approach; I don’t play casual pvp and never have. But consider this: would you rather spend 1 gem per shuffle in ranked or 50 gold per shuffle in casual? That’s why nobody does the firebomb shuffle in ranked. Players lost intentional battles to lower their rank and thus gain bigger dividends when fighting far less powerful teams. Top guilds exploiting everything is nothing new. They have no moral compass and no integrity. They even fake their own honour with their fleet of ALT accounts.

I never lost a single ranked match on purpose and found easy matches just fine in casual PvP. And still can.

So no.

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To be fair, you didn’t exactly say people against the 27/30 GW scoring are the equivalent of people against disenchanting all copies of troops. I may hate Elves, Fey, and Users of Blue Mana, but even I use Arachnean Weaver on occasion. He’s a monster too, so at least he has that going for him.

Time will tell if I am wrong, but I personally am hesitant to trust a company that has shown multiple times that it is bad at math, to suddenly be competent at math. And for what? To help keep top guilds stay at the top? And Dead Guilds from dropping too far?

I’ve already shown how my Guild has advanced in the past 7 GW.

The Guild we lost to in b88 won b47, jumped to 30, then 14 and won b11 last time, so they were 13 brackets ahead of us. And deservedly so. Would they have jumped as far if only their top 27 scores were included?

There comes a time when 27 scores vs 30 scores won’t affect a guilds rise. My guild may never win a bracket again that allows jumping. I still don’t think it is fair to penalize guild that has 30 warriors. Or raiders. Or whatever they choose to call themselves.

And I argue that for future guilds that must climb thru the scrap heap of Hypothetical Dead Guilds out there. But the time for arguing has past. Now we must wait and see just how good this company is good at math. I have my doubts.

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The context of the conversation was about complaints about changes to gems of war.

I don’t believe I was identifying anyone in particular. It’s a well known ruse as you know, and you cannot deny that it’s the bigger guilds who have the most extensive knowledge of exploits in general?

I think any guild that has experienced players find out about exploits quicker than those less experienced. But that’s how it is in every facet of the game.
Today, at least 2 players found out that pet gnomes are exclusive to PvP and the arena. Pet gnomes are almost 2 years old?

The thing is, an Exploit in casual PvP hasn’t existed in at least a year or two. Back then, there was players doing something screwy (on purpose or not) to generate defense wins to the point that they would get tier 1 without doing a single ranked match. Ever since then… I’m unaware of any exploits in casual PvP. And by your definition, since I’m in a top guild that should know about any exploits… Me not knowing about an Exploit, means it doesn’t, and didn’t, exist. :man_shrugging:


I mean, good job trying to redirect anger at the players, but the devs didn’t have to nerf ranked PvP to patch a casual PvP bug.

That’s like closing all the restrooms in the building because someone clogged up one toilet.


@awryan. I cannot comment on your platform because I play on xbox 1. My comments are formed on my experiences of this platform. The exploitation is nauseous, incessant and dare I say creative. Creative exploitation by top guilds? That will never sit right with me no matter how much you dress it.

Yep. Simply because a person can say something stupid. Do something stupid. Or be stupid about something.

But to just dismiss them as stupid. Only makes the person saying it look less than intelligent.

My apologies for having the “audacity” to see things written on the internet as disrespectful. There’s too many keyboard warriors. I try to be above such practices but admittedly, I unfortunately lower my standards to the level of folks I’m interacting with
… sometimes.