4.7 Update (Patch Notes)

There are many things in this game that you can’t do based on your level.

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I hope this is the case and others share your view on this particular matter.
Somewhat remembering what went on in latest 27/30 discussion thread it might get nasty when there are actual rewards involved.


That’s easy. If they don’t share my opinion it’s because they are…
giphy (28)

To be fair…I saw people complain after 4.6.5 that they couldn’t disenchant single copies of troops anymore.


Rather than keeping people guessing, why not just state what you think the exploit is?


What was the problem 505 was having with people getting gold this way? They didn’t like how many LTS they would get because after 500 or so they may get a mystic? Usually a copy of one they had already? Gold isn’t used for much else. What resources were these players getting too many of that they felt they were losing money on? We would do over 70 LTs a week and would go months without a mystic so it’s not troops. Changes like this only happen when they see a opportunity to make more or a threat of losing money.


Sorry Turdless. That never happened. Since we started doing LT, we’ve never gone a month without doing a Mythic LT. :man_shrugging:

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You’re right. So people doing too many LTs meant people would buy less keys? Is this what they are worried about? Just wondering what was the threat that LTs and farming had to drastically changed.

A shame you can’t see the beta thread.

There is good in the update, such as with guild seals.

It’s been said repeatedly that beta testers do not see the entire update when testing it. The gold changes was not in the content to be tested this time around.

Lots of changes occur after beta ends. For example, D12 in delves were originally level 250 and was changed to 150 in the final version that went live. If these changes occur after beta ends based on the feedback we give, beta testers are not informed of these changes and find out at the same time as everyone else.


So why couldn’t you use this method? Or whoever you are representing here if it’s not a level issue

I was reading through all the posts and before I lose the post I want to reply to, I answer directly without knowing what answers will come later.

I agree with you about this and I agree that an exploit should be stopped but why without testing before getting it live? Who knows how long it will take before the problem is fixed. It could be tomorrow but it could be in 4 weeks as well or even later. This is why we react like most of us did.
It is good that you know what the problem was, but most of us were not even aware that there was a possible exploit about that.

I’m trying to figure out your numbers. How as only 5% of people able to use this and it’s not based on level. Sorry just a little loss here. Not your fault I’m just slow.

So if the devs are already aware of the issue, why dont you try to help them and tell them how to trigger the exploit and tell them everything you think they dont know. If you did this already, just ignore what I just wrote.

I’m aware it’s not a matter of hitting refresh and just grinding easy teams. People have already provided explanations (or speculation) of how to manipulate the game to get even easier opponents (lowering your PvP score to 0), however, that contradicts the restrictions you’re stating. The method they provided could be used by anyone.

I just want to thank @awryan for sticking with this post and sticking up for all of us lazy folks who just don’t have the energy to fight the good fight any longer. That the Devs have pulled this BS on us and have tried to explain it away as a bug that has been exploited forever is absurd.

That the Devs did not warn us ahead of time or let the beta testers actually test this should be a crime, I hope that all of us that typically pay money to this game stop for at least a while to show our dissatisfaction with the way things are being handled.

Just want to comment here… @Saltypatra, I tend to not watch your streams, not because I don’t want to know what is going on, I avoid them because of all the other superfluous fluff that is associated with them. When you do one of these streams please stay on point and get the information out and if the stream has to go a bit long so you can provide us with a complete update then so be it. I am sure that people would rather sit and listen for another 10-15 minutes then have this type of debacle sprung on them during the next update.

I went off point here… Thanks again @awryan, I very much appreciate what you do for the entire GoW player community.


@Zeddicus2017 did cPvP for years when when were low rank. And easily got easy opponents.

What you have is a theory and confirmation bias.

Not that you deserve to hear my theory. But I think it has to do with power level. A guild that completes all tasks is going to have a higher power level than those who don’t. Of course paired with players personal power level.
So if match making is giving those who to LT easier opponents than those who don’t then they should fix that. But if it’s giving those who are max power easy opponents because they don’t have higher opponents then it’s screwing those who played for years to mess with cPvP what so ever. Players shouldn’t be punished for being end gamers.
If my theory is correct. Which it’s impossible to confirm without seeing the code. But since the devs who can see the code don’t even know how it works… Then how the hell do you know?

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The more explanations we get, the more suspicious I am that there was no “exploit”, just some people who figured how game can give them more gold than devs actually like.
If it was an intended purposeful exploit, and only 5% of players were doing it, it could have been easily fixed by warning those 5% or banning them.

And the only logical reason I can think of what explains why nerfs and “unintended slips” keep happening is quite simple - devs don’t play this game.
Maybe they do some testing on their god-mode accounts with artificially raised levels, stats and all the troops they need, but I doubt anyone working in that company actually made a normal account in couple of last years and played the game incognito, from scratch.
If they did that, they would actually know the feeling of grinding events for ascension orbs, trying to win 3T fights when you only have 10 legendaries, delving without irongut, losing in gw cause of AI cascading forever, feeling joy when you get a new troop from LT etc.

They would actually know how majority of us feels and that most likely 99% of people who went to do causal PVP did it cause they’re trying to earn gold to get better in the game, or maybe they were just fed up of fighting the same meta team they can’t win against. If devs actually played the game, they would know same 5 teams and same 10 people are offered all the time and that maybe people just get fed up with it.

Maybe then they wouldn’t need beta testers, and maybe they would actually understand the consequences of changes they push at the players, and maybe they wouldn’t need a backlash of 500 negative reactions to realize that they messed up something.

TL;DR: selket is now really fed up with this nonsense


They nerfed explore gold, they add 31.5 million in epic tasks, then nerf pvp gold.

I would prefer them just say LTs are gone period. That is in fact why 4.7 exists. I would respect that. Instead they spit on us and tell us its raining.


I agree with your post 100%. Maybe this one won’t be flagged into oblivion…:slight_smile:


Hum from how i got it wont work that way, they said that every day 27 best scores get taken in account so let’s say for example “pincopallino” do 9,7k x 5 days then last day let’s say it goes 0-5 and get (well tbh no clue how many points you get losing them all, 2k +300ish x5?) around 3500.

That would put his total to 52k good but defo not awesome in the case the 27 best total scores get taken, but seen everyday it get counted only the 48,5k of the first 5 days count (adding a incredible score) while in the 6° day his score will be ignored.

Well, next week we will see how actualy work, imo GW was fine, last one we did it in 29 and we still ended 6° as usual (in B1).

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I can confirm that at least one dev made an incognito acct and plays the game just bc they wanted to play and not be a dev. Its the only one i know of, but there it is.

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