4.7 Update (Patch Notes)

You can get pet gnomes in Arena?!

Different platforms. Same coding.
The devs, made a “fix” on an Exploit than was more rumor than actual existence. They nerfed gold. But didn’t change how match making works in casual PvP.
So “fix” is a weird word to use. But they can’t “fix” what doesn’t exist.

I read that as satirical and rhetorical. My comprehension is evidently up for debate. So my apologies if I misread.

Because people were using it too much compared to those who didn’t know the restroom existed or couldn’t find it.

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So, you have no frame of reference. OK.

That’s the EXACT reason people play casual, they don’t want to fight the same meta teams over & over. So, they can skip a bad matchup that they don’t like or don’t have the troops/teams for.
If they did’nt want people to skip matches, then they should’nt have given the refresh option.

The same teams show up in Casual that are in Ranked.

As someone who plays cPVP both before and after gaining Tier 1 in ranked, the extra dividends were miniscule. And no, you don’t have to lose a ranked PVP. You can simply not do ranked. Just like you never do Casual. That’s a choice. The devs set that up, not the players.

Nice blanket accusation with no proof.


Same coding perhaps; different platform mentality perhaps? I can only comment based on personal experience. I left a guild where 3 players exploited the “mail bug” and the non spender (ironically with the biggest stash) went unpunished. The other 2 permabans are now fully reinstated in new guilds. Wtf is that about?

I win a ranked match before doing cPvP to generate defense wins in ranked PvP. :man_shrugging:


Hopefully, that’s not a bannable offense now.

It sounds like it works against me. So hopefully that’s okay. To put myself at a disadvantage… Unless of course it has nothing to do with match ups. Because it doesn’t.

I am glad you believe I have no frame of reference; thank you. But you then state that the same opponents are available in ranked and casual pvp. I don’t dispute this but players won’t reshuffle with gems in ranked when they can reshuffle in casual for 50 gold. That’s a valid point. That’s why casual rewards should be significantly less than ranked.

They already were. They pay out 1/2 the gold that ranked does prior to 4.7
Now it’s 1/5 the gold.

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Casual rewards WERE lower than ranked. Every battle was only worth one trophy. Gold WAS less in casual than ranked, as ryan pointed out while I was typing :slight_smile:

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We need a new term to help communicate through the abundance of ignorance about cPvP.

Let’s call it gold per second…or GPS for short.

Ranked PvP and Casual PvP had the same GPS prior to 4.7
With ranked actually paying out higher than casual due to fire bomb defenses. The same exact defense would give out 5k+ gold in ranked PvP compared to 2.5k+ in casual PvP, but take the exact same amount of time to defeat.

Thanks to 4.7
GPS for cPvP is 1/3 what ranked does. With half your player base hating what ranked PvP has become. The devs say you can’t do cPvP and generate enough gold to keep up with those who do only ranked and Explore.
According to the patch notes… It’s “more fair this way”.

I abundantly disagree with the change. And I don’t believe they actually know anything more about how cPvP works than they do about delves. :man_shrugging:


I am certainly one of the ignorant re cpvp. Thanks for illustrating that. I see feathers are ruffled and would suggest that the most avid preening peacocks are missing their all so precious exploits.

They took away something people enjoy. Which is Farming gold in PvP.
What are all these other Exploits that your alleging exist in the game? You realize guilds can be successful without using exploits right?



make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).

make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.

Unfortunately the devs chose to use this word when its second meaning outweighs that of the first. In my mind anyway…

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Without seeing the need to explain what the “Exploit was” that they “fixed”.
By definition… Their use of the term Exploit is ironic.

Since as a player. We are supposed to trust that if the devs say something is an Exploit. It has to be. Which they are 100% wrong about in regards to casual PvP.

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No, that was genuine surprise on my part. If you can get pet gnomes from Arena, I need to be spending more time in that mode.

Edit: it’s right there in the game guides that I never bothered to read. :man_facepalming:


It was in the patch notes when pet gnomes were released. :grinning:
It was the best way to get pet gnomes until the arena was nerfed into being obsolete to 95% of the player base.

I want to be encouraged by this.

Aside from the shock of calling a long time known, simple farming play style an exploit, this fire was fed by the appearance of (intentional or not) holding something back because of fear of community blowback. Was there an opportunity to leave this out of this patch? We know the feedback the community gave on Epic Tasks was appreciated because adjustments were made before they were rolled out. I think that could’ve worked with this as well. When you find something that strengthens trust… please don’t stop doing it.