4.7 Update (Patch Notes)

Please do so, i though this is also implemented from the beginning.
So now i ll have to prepare Excel :drooling_face:

Crazy thought but maybe they could use gold to refresh ranked PVP and get rid of the 2k team punishment and just delete casual PVP . Not sure about everyone else but that would work great for me :blush: I can farm way more gold in ranked then casual

That was the way the game used to be before the PvP update back in 2016-17? I miss that game, a great time back then… :broken_heart:


Somehow I feel this person is not being listened and/or respected by the rest of the coworkers, and somehow I feel very sorry for him/her

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That make me wonder, what is the point of Casual PvP?

No point to it now, other then class exp which is probably considered exploit . Would have to ask @Saltypatra

It wasn’t “fixed”, it was “addressed”.

The “exploit”, whatever it might be, is still around. They made it unattractive by reducing PvP gold by 60%. They made it reasonably attractive again by changing the nerf to a 20% reduction. For all practical purposes, they don’t really seem to care about this “exploit”, just that all players gain less gold from PvP.


The dress is gold and white. Not black and blue.

the new guardians is out ??? i found from this stream GEMS OF WAR - YouTube

and 2nd

It’ll be in guild chests after weekly reset. It’s mentioned in the patch notes if you want to scroll all the way up.

i know,but this guy have guardians before weekly reset.

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Apparently, the guild chests were bugged when the update dropped, and some people were able to get them. The devs fixed the issue quickly. So, I assume not many have them.


Sounds like an Exploit.
But hey since it doesn’t effect the gold or gem economy. Nothing will happen to those players.

Nor the coders that made the mistake.


The moral (lack of) compass is an individual reflection on the personality of the player. If they can live with ill gotten gains without any concept of “hey I kinda cheated there” then good luck to them. The devs have a game that can be exploited because of poor design and it is ALWAYS the top guilds who discover said exploits and profit the most. Me? Not guilty. My guild isn’t in the “exploit informed” category and even if it was I would turn the other cheek. Play fair and respect your fellow players…simple. of course the devs could close these loopholes if they got their act together and stopped introducing them in the first place. If you’ve ever come up against a chronos max player in a shooter you will understand how disadvantaged you are. Nobody should be penalised for playing in an honest and sporting manner. That’s why I want wars teams to be penalised for dilly dallying all week hoping that nyshas 12 magic boost will reap rewards when those exact medals aren’t beneficial to their attack. 60% turnout per day or 10% score discount for the guild per day.

So, now that Ultra-Rare tasks have been dilluted with an utterly ridiculously insignificant reward, which one of the rewarding tasks has taken the hit? Do we now get less gem tasks or less key tasks? Or is someone from IP2 once again going to claim the all previous tasks still have the same probability to show up, even though additional ones were added?


I was wondering what happened to the Firebomb teams.

I played regularly a couple of years ago and you went for the firebomb teams - they were usually revenge battles because you had your own firebomb team up there.

Since picking up the game on a regular basis again I have been wondering about that point.

If this is correct:
Mythic troops from legendary tasks nerfed?

Then the TL:DR for the entire patch notes should read “we made GoW less fun and less rewarding, but hey, we put Trophies in everything! So… you’re welcome.:grinning:”

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Anyone know if the guild seals from Daily Reward and Daily Guild Wars Victory increase seals cap? Or do they behave the same was as before?


Seems to be same as before. If you collect them after hitting the limit your limit doesn’t increase, they still get added to your personal stash.