4.2 Patch Notes

Maybe it was already said but I have now 24 troops with bugged trait description (probably about the new Blessed/Cursed effects) Always written: [TRAIT_REVERED] and [TRAIT_REVERED_DESC]
Siren 1st trait for exemple. When typing “Revered” in troop filter, the 24 troops appear.
Im on Xbox, all the members of my guild to who I asked have the same prob.


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I swear I saw something about how this is a problem for non-English languages: it happened in Russian, and given what I know about Truxton, presumably French also. But now I can’t find the thread.


Can we include the option of turning off the bouncing gems in that update please?


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We are aware of the issue with the Revered and Accursed traits and are working on it now.

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The delay with the heros cast is bad bad bad. Sometimes its 3 secs before it actually cast. There should be no pause at all. This is only a hero cast issue and never happens with other troops.

This is very annoying. It is a smaller version of the freeze glitch that would happen when viewing troop list after playing more that 30 mins. Now the spell lag after playing for awhile that can only be cured by a restart just like the freeze glitch.

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What is it about the 8pm tribute that makes the game so pushy?

(It’s not just web alerts that are going crazy. Mobile wants in on the fun, too.)

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And let’s not forget the continuous alert that there’s a NEW MESSAGE IN GLOBAL CHAT!!!


Oh, you mean you don’t want notified every second of global drama? :joy::rofl::rofl:

If you are experiencing issues with the latest update please report them to bug reports for quicker help, If you have suggestions/feedback the best place to get it noticed is here. :smiley:

@anon43026234 @Rickygervais what language are you in Truxton? And does deleting save data and or reinstalling help?

@Cyrup french and no delete and reinstall doesn’t work

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Hi cyrup, I play with French language. and like @Rickygervais and @VonBarten already confirmed, unfortunately deleting saves and reinstalling dont work.

Is this still happening? The team pushed a fix the other day which may have resolved the issue.

@Cyrup no still the same

I’m in English and happening for me too.

Have you tried reinstalling the game? Please do so and let us know if that resolves the issue.

Still not working

Change the language to another and back again.

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