4.1 Patch Notes

What happened to Stone Aegis weapon that was in unowned before update?

How rude, Why did spooky imp get a buff and not the other imps?



I was just thinking that actually … but I also don’t care about the Imps.

Legendary Trait now deals triple skull damage vs Poisoned and Webbed enemies. (Damage doesn’t stack if enemy has both status effects).

I just want to say, thank you for fixing the old Arachnaean Weaver nerf to become a buff.


IKR. but some of the imps might see use occasionally (spring imp for entangle, imp of love for “extra” damage)

Honestly, i want a hexacoloured imp crafted using 1 of each regular imp…

Delves: The old scoring system plus dragon’s eye was actually a great leveler for leaderboards.

Mid and late gamers could actually top 50. Now unless you are ultra high end with max max max you have no chance. Just makes the game more boring.

On the plus side I can save 1500 gems per week not spending on delve events.
(Just to note - I have been leveling my own delves and I don’t care less if someone camps level 20. I actually think it made leaderboards interesting.)


Yay for new stuff. Though I guess it’s weeks before we get to try the Doom stuff and find all its bugs… :smiley:

Faction events made me decide to quit the game, before I discovered dragon’s eye and staying at level 20.

The dragon eye made dwelves something I looked forward to and that was part of the reason I didn’t successfully quit (besides the great community, my TUF guildmates, and the strength of my addiction).

With all the shards I was earning from dwelves I even started paying real dollars in the shop to buy weapons, so I’d wouldn’t run out of weapons to upgrade. Wish I’d seen the details on the release before I spent $5 on this week’s weapon. That will never happen again. What kind of idiocy to pay money in a game you’re trying to quit. That speaks volumes about the level of my addiction to GoW. I even mentioned the game in my award-winning novel.

I haven’t been able to write for a while with all these events taking up every spare hour. Anyway I’m hoping this dragon’s eye nerf will make faction events painful enough I can kick my addiction and quit the game for real this time.

GoW will be one of my all time favorite games, but it’s just blocking too many things I need to do in my real life.

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has the missing extra-turn bug been fixed?
I got it many times this week

Hold on, wtf…

So I just leveled up to 1566, (yay me, but not the point).

I just got asked to put in a mana mastery point.

So… I’m now getting mana mastery points again, what happens to my other 65 levels that I didn’t have a mastery point for?? Do I lose that for playing the game too much?

Sure, the mana mastery doesn’t matter at my level, but its the principal of it.


One other nerf I noticed is the dwelves no longer give you chest level 2 on the second match. Now you can clear a bunch of rooms and be level 1 before the boss. I guess it was too good to last.

So if you don’t clear the boss, you get screwed because of level 1 rewards.

If you do kill the boss you’re screwed because the rooms quickly scale up to frustration level.

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It never did. Only the first match guaranteed level 1 chests. In the past, you must of always gotten lucky.


We better get back points for previous levels. I’m owed over 400 then. :rage:


@TheIdleOne as well
Last time they did this. The game automatically evenly leveled up your masteries for you. I assume that was the case this time as well.
If you know for sure that it didn’t. I suggest you report it as a bug.

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Terrible update… can’t wait for Red Dead 2

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Do the glory gnomes appear in explore battles like the others or PvP and arena like the pet gnomes?

Glory Gnomes can appear in Explore Battles as I have run into one of them.

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Thanks Oh apparently I need 10 characters to respond so there, there’s your 10 bloody characters

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So recasting Dragon Eye on same target gets the target level to 50% again. So DE is still decent option for delves.

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Sweet i cant wait