Hi everyone, as promise i watched the entire stream and will post some screenshot for people who can’t watch the 90 minutes streams
There is lot of new things to cover and i am excited to see this release update. I think the delves will be fun and can’t wait to start collecting treasures
But enough talking there we go!
So they started smooth with a krystara map preview, they added some animation in the map you can see snow falling and some fire
Like i was expecting, if you click Krystara button it will toggle the Underworld map
You will also be able to coollect tribute with the same button, so if you are im the Underworld, you will still see if you got a tribute ready to collect
PC will now get a double arrow in the troop menu to help them scroll faster, it will change category, as example if you place the filter to troops rarity, you will start at mythic then if you click double arrow down you will see legendary
The hero icon is now gone and you will need to click on the avatar icon on the top left to see your hero menu
The hero bonus screen changed to be more clear
So the faction quest look like this, unlike kingdom the quests are smaller and only last 7 chapter instead of 20 for kingdoms
You will need to complete the quests to unlock Delve, portals and treasure hoard
This SS showing your faction renown (current faction) and total renown is the total of every factions
You will renown by completing delve and get bonus points for some specific achievement
-max delve level completed
-max delve completed without losing a troop
-number of faction troop used
These some example of faction reward you can get with the renown points
Faction quest got one particularity, you see the 4 block in the middle? It’s not a bug, this is a new feature. So you can’t move these 4 block or match gems yo replace them. They can drop like normal gems if you match gems below but they will stay on the board. The only way to completely remove them is with explosion.
Each faction got a different block setup, this one is from another faction
So once the quests are completed 7/7, you can now start to delve, but you only can complete 3 delves per day.
It doesn’t need to be done in the same faction, you can make 2 in one faction and 1 in the other. The delve will reset every day
This is the treasure hoard menu, when you complete delve you can open some
Chest and win treasure and then use them to increase the treasure level or rarity
Each treasure level will give you some extra bonus for your futures delves in that faction, so yeah you will need to increase every faction for the best rewards
The quality level will increase the chance to win better rewards, ingots, gold etc…
These are the portals, you only can open them with chaos shards. You can win chaos shard when you do delves and open chests
You can win faction troops or treasures when you open portals
When you start delve you can pick the difficulty you want, the higher difficulty you finish the better your renown points will be
So once you picked your difficulty you see the delves maps and you can follow the path you want after defeating the first room, it doesn’t matter. You also can pick multiple path until you decide to beat the boss. When you beat the boss the delve is over
Each room got a different troop to beat and when you beat them it will unlock a bad effect for the rest of the delve
Each room also got different rarity and their boost change for each rarity
Just to clarify, Common rooms are 50% of the Boss’s level, Rare 60%, Ultra-Rare 70%, Epic 80%, Legendary 90% and Bosses are 100% of the delve level.
So when you build your team you get some color restriction, depending of the faction. In this case blue and green are the restriction. You don’t need to use both color on the same troop as long they got 1 of them you are okay
So when your team is builded and you start the first battle, your team wîll be locked and you won’t be able to change troop untill the end
Also when you loose a troop it will be lost untill the end.
You can summon troop and they will stick to the end also. The summoned troop doesn’t need to fit with the color restriction
If you are fighting a troop who change your troop order, it will remain the same order untill the end
Also very important! Make sure the troop you are using are fully leveled and traited before you start the first battle cause when it’s locked it’s locked

So when you win a battle you see a rewards screen similar as other game mode and you will see the gold or soul earned from your normal battle and from the delve. They are both separated
As i said earlier each enemies give you different rewards and will give you a bad effect untill the end of the delve.
You can see the treasure bunus was x2,1 and jumped to x 2,25
This is what oz won when he beated the boss
And this is what he won when he opened his delve chest, unfortunately he won 0 faction troop
After finishing the delve you can now see his faction and total renown increase
You also can notice what are the next rewards when you reach different milestones
This is a different faction map they started before streaming and you can see salty lost 2 troops and OZ a to battle with only 2 troops lefts, he did a great job he still won
So yes you can start several delve at the same time and when you come back you will be where you were.
This time he got better luck with the delve chest
When you finish delve you can now choose to pick higher or lower difficulty for your next delve
So when you use your treasure it increase your treasure hoard level and better quality %
it will cost some gold to do it and the gold needed will increase every level
We will also get new delve faction event, they will last 1 week and they are not limited by 3 every day
And finally some faction troops preview with their banners.
Each faction will only contain 4 troops designed to work very well together
Challenges will now get a retry button!!! Hurray!!!
And im case you wonder what is the max hoard level and their bonus, Oz showed it
And for reaching 330 viewers lol i think it was a record, salty showed her new tattoo