4.0 in Screenshots and salty tattoo :)

I forgot how bad the new maps looked, the game is graphically approaching “2002 Newgrounds Flash RPG” :confused:

Delve looks cool though, I hope it’s not all timed though? I like the game’s status as a thing I do on breaks.


Did you watch the stream? The map is alive with water effects, snow, lava effects, including cinders floating in the air… It looks awesome, in my opinion. Screenshots do not do it justice.


What’s the Guinness World Record on currencies per video game? GoW is either #1 or really going for it.


Did you mean resources? That’s all the new Delve shards and treasures are, a new resource you get to help build faction and increase the rewards.

It looked really nice, but the camera barely shows the details properly. Good taste by choosing a fox.


No, I didn’t watch the stream. But I think animating a bad image doesn’t make the bad image better. I’d rather stare at a random cel from Lady and the Tramp for 2 hours than watch a Peanuts special.


Go do that then, no one is stopping you.

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Not sure but will all the troop cards will be upgrade nice looking?

I just hope this doesn’t put more stress on the memory while loading the game and such.
Aside from only the color of grass and the shape of some mountains should be improved in my opinion.

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Yeah, no kidding… also it’s not friendly for people with visual impairments at all; both colored outlines/no outlines and effects are really bad for me. The only good thing I can see is that the kingdom stars are much better visible for me now, though it seems to come at the cost of everything else being less visible. Also I like the non-fake-3D style of the current map better, it feels so much more hand-drawn and charming. Then again, I suppose in this regard, the new one matches the new UI graphics fairly well, especially the currency graphics.

And I’m not saying this simply because I’m used to the old map and dislike change; the underworld is a completely new map, after all, and I’m not a fan of that one, either. It’s just… it’s hard to pinpoint. It looks “cheaper”? I mean, it’s not badly drawn, from what I can see (which…might not say much lol); actually far from it. It’s this pseudo-3D that makes it somehow look like that. It looks blurry to me (I mean, that’s kinda my life, but it looks more blurry than everything else). For example, looking at the screenshots, I find the lava part of the underworld really nice, because there’s contrast there and it doesn’t look 3D. But all those mountains just look unfinished somehow. I guess “unfinished” is indeed the better word. Like somehow someone forgot the photoshop layer with the outlines and just turned the layers with the colors on and that’s the result.

Not sure if any of that makes sense.


@Lyrian, if you could enlight us: During the beta anyone raised questions about the map being this different in style? And did the devs gave any explanation about it, as in, it has some technical advantage to allow these particle effects and a sooth transition to the Underworld?

So much added since the original days. Going to be difficult to keep up with life outside of GoW at this point. :slight_smile:

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You could watch a couple minutes of the livestream, and see the map in action. I understand your concerns, but it really did look cool when they showed the effects. The current map is nice, but nothing moves, it’s stagnant. I’m sure some people will hate the new map no matter what, but I guess I’m happy with the changes based on the livesrtream footage.

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I have to admit, they are veering further from the fantasy and right into the cartoony. I will file this under New UI and walk away. Loving Delve!


Yeaaaaah… I don’t want to be the “naysayer” and such, but these blocks are easily removed because we have exploders in basically any color. Ok, some are worse than others to even be candidates for Delves, but i was hoping for a different board format.

The blocks does changes some dynamics, and if there would be a boss battle where some blocks could fall just like gems things could be more diverse.

There is still room for improvement, i can already imagine some new blocks that could be created like harder to break blocks needing two or more explosions to be destroyed for example and other ideas to make the puzzles/challenges more intense… :thinking:


Some people liked it, and some didn’t as usual. The devs stated on stream that they wanted the underworld and overworld to match in style, which also matches the overall style change of the game UI.

As for performance, 4.0 was less laggy for most of us.


I did, actually. I wanted to see a fullscreen experience of it. I didn’t see much. Again, this is not a “I hate the new map”. I’m not sure how much you know about visual impairments, but I am colorblind and also have cataracts. Colorblindness makes red and green pretty much yellow and cataracts are an ‘Let’s slap a blur tool from photoshop onto real life’-experience. Because of this, clear, dark outlines are immensely important to me so that I recognize stuff.
Unfortunately, there is no cataract simulator online, only some random example pictures. I’m gonna take one of the example pictures and slap it through a colorblindness simulator to show you a bit more of what I see and what not.
Original picture.
Cataract version.
Cataract version pushed through colorbliness simulator. (Link to colorblind simulator)
Does this show a bit why outlines are really, really important to me? :confused: I dunno how to show it better. Neither do I know if this reflects 100% of my vision issues since basically things are already colorblind and blurry to me so I can’t really tell what the colorblindness simulator does hahaha.

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I have to say the new map, if as showed in the screen shot, is hooooorrible. How did they make it backward?? The new 3D map looks a poorly made and very isolated with the beauty kingdom icons.

Yes, many will need to get used to this new animated map. The best solution from the devs would be to maintain 2 map designs: the old and the new (for both Overworld and Underworld). Is it real?..

The devs already said on stream that they considered that, but it just didn’t work because the old map clashed so badly with the new underworld map.