3.4 Known Issues (PC/Mobile/Console)

Guild just got a 2nd pet rescue.

Again had to restart client before we could enter it. Hopefully a fix is coming. Have restarted client multiple times since the 1st 1 happened as well.

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oki doki we will do that
what else should we do ?
play another game
noooooo ofc not :relaxed:

Had the other Pet Event finished before the second one started?

Up to you what you want to do, Iā€™m just here to keep you updated! :slight_smile:

Add dungeon to that list. And yes, I am on mobile (iOS).

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thank you i am also waiting only for the fix on that for sure i told you

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Nope. There was about 30min in between ending and starting roughly.

AEST here. 1st 1 was announced on Discord as available to be done at 12:03. Given an hour, should of finished ~1:03. 2nd 1 is still available now, and was announced at 1:32.

Restarted game ~2-3 times in that time frame between fights. And had to restart client both times for each event.

Loading screen timeouts before battles: Some of us with the issue (and Sirrian! It must be full-proof! Yay!) reinstalled Gems of War after they had the issue and this helped.

If you would like to attempt to ease the issue until we come to a permanent solution, please ensure your account is linked and then reinstall the game.

Note - there may be an initial small loading/pause when you load your first battle after reinstalling.

Must of clicked just as it ended


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The constantly loading thing is getting really old. Iā€™m on mobile and force closing the game helps for a few fights then it happens again. It is every single game mode.

Yup Iā€™m getting hung on the loading screen tooā€¦ so far itā€™s cost me two of my raid sigilsā€¦ hmmm unimpressedā€¦

Pet event didinā€™t trigger for all member on xbox

Edit: restarted game and look like server are down

@Cyrup is it intended if time runs out on a pet rescue while in a battle that any unclaimed rewards from previous battles canā€™t be claimed? Kept getting an error message that event had ended when I tried to claim them. finally had to exit out of rescue reward menu without my 7 rewards :unamused:

On android.

Cant connect either. ā€œYour connection to the server has times out. Try again laterā€ā€¦bloody great.

Fuligin has posted a helpful suggestion regarding the constant loading before battles.

@Fleg What platform sorry?


xbox Invite code FLEG_NOGN

It happened as soon as guild triggered pet event.


Yeah, xbox canā€™t connect to gems server

We were crushing it server didinā€™t like it lol

And it was duplicate pet already

36 pet available and we got 3 and still find a duplicate wow just crazy

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My housemate who is sitting right next to me on same internet connection just connected to Gems of War no problems.

If you are experiencing difficulty connecting;

When is the error appearing each time? (eā€¦g before starting a battle, when loading game)
What exactly does it say?
What were you doing before the error appeared?

We have had 2 triggered. Both the same lol Rocki

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