3.4 - Enough is Enough

None yet Maxthor, we pushed out a fix last night for some of the chat issues but unfortunately it’s only resolved some cases. I am following up with the team now but the best place to keep up to date with issues is on the Known Issues list. I always post updates to that list first. :slight_smile:

If our QA team did not find an “obvious” issue, then of course we cannot fix it, because we didn’t know it was there in the first place. In my last message I am trying to point out that this does not have everything how ‘obvious’ an issue is. Some bugs cannot be discovered in a test environment until they are evident live.

If you are referring to Pet Events, this one isn’t a bug, it’s working as intended. You need to complete a battle to see a notification for a Pet Event if one becomes active! I hope that helps you.