3.3 Known Issues (PC/Mobile/Console)

More fun with the scroll bar for guild contributions!

Here we see the bar before any contributions are made. It’s sitting all the way to the left, despite the fact that my guild has clearly already completed several tasks in this color.

Let’s contribute 10,000 gold! Helpfully, the game at least scrolls to the task I’m contributing to, so I can see the results of my donation before confirming it. Wait, why isn’t the game showing my contribution to this task? It still reads 0/300,000 even though I’ve just started to add my 10,000 gold.

Oh, the game auto-scrolled to the wrong task. I am going to contribute 10,000 gold to the 220,000 task, not the 300,000 one.

I haven’t got time to read all the posts but I have found a problem.
I already had way too many resources to trait a Tds fully and I had the daily task, ‘forge a trait’ with no troops to trait. So I thought I would refund Tds and trait him for the 2 gem key reward. Now it says that I don’t have enough resources!
Just look at the amount I need now!

So, uh, it says “complete” on the dungeon button in the games menu.
And it always says that. Like, it also said that when I started the game up after reset and could do my three daily dungeon battles. I’m… not sure that this is what it is supposed to do?

Curious. For me (iOS vs your PC platform), the message changed as intended. Prior to the reset it said “Complete”, then changed to “0/3” after reset, and now reads “Complete” again.


Maybe the issue lies in what I did (and phrased badly because I’m tired and ill). I had the game running during reset, just minimized since quite some time. So with “start up”, I just meant I picked back up after reset. If a true restart (shutting down the game and booting it up again) is needed to get the text to change, then I indeed didn’t do that.

Still, since reset does reset everything else without requiring a rebooting of the game, the same should be true for that text as well…

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It displayed for me

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This is still happening. Reported it a week or two ago and a few hours ago above here it is again

game down for anyone else?

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Yes, same here

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Yes, just asked on the GOW discord and people are having issues on both PC and Android.

not working on steam I guess
pc unity and server looks good really?

Servers are down @Nimhain


We’re aware of the server issues and are looking into them


I am so disappointed. I took today off, missed the gnomes because of UK time zones, no longer have a traited Tds and now server issues mean I can’t even play the game.

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Yeah down for me here too, iOS

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rrrr serveur crash PS4

Gnomes trapped in the servers decided to start harvesting the precious metals out of them

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First day and Error

someone find the Gnome Vault. and everything crashed :stuck_out_tongue:


@Cyrup @Ozball
There is still one thing that could be a great QoL improvement:

When it’s not your turn to play or that there is a gem match chain during your opponent’s turn (or even yours), if you select one of your unit, the card detail shows up without the “Cast” button.

But whenever you should be able to play (because it’s now your turn or that the gem match chain is finished), the “Cast” button doesn’t shows up automatically, you have to hide the card details then select again the unit to have the “Cast” button displayed.

Was it something known, already reported or completely overlooked?