3.2 Feedback and Suggestions

I prefer not imagine that! :sweat_smile: Even on big TV, stats are hard to read, especially when they have a bonus and are in green. But in white its also a pain. It was so easy to read with old UI and beautiful with red heart and shield, now the white shield and heart attack my eyes. Maybe Im getting old? Seriously I just cant understand what happened in the devs head.


You’re pretty much just calling the old playerbase immature, though. IMO, if something sucks and is beyond salvaging (talking UI update here) then “this sucks” is valid feedback.

I’ve been playing this for a long time and grew to like it like many. The patches up to 3.0 were all great, preceded by well done sneak peaks. Devs were present on the forum (I’m aware game grew and dev team is busier + other reasons) and the player feedback was being listened to.

There was one Sirrian post I had a lot of respect for. The gist of it - the dev team was well aware of metrics that make more money and intentionally chose not to go that route. It was the main reason I spent money on the game.

Now, in contrast this last UI change had no preview, was a surprise to even beta testers and there was this deafening silence after release, followed by a weak post of “no rollback, and well there was a minor player influx and the powers that be (app store companies & co it seems) say UI is good”.

To me it seems as going for these same “metrics”. Numbers say new players will like it better, old players be damned. Weather the storm (seen in the thread), ignore the rollback suggestions and all will be fine, etc. Devs can absolutely make this call, no problem with that. It’s just sad when something like this happens to one of my favorite games, is all.


What about the white on green??

I think this is the worst for my eyes


On a phone, it’s next to impossible to parse the state of the battle. It’s too difficult to tell if a troop is about to die or about to cast anymore (the text overtop the mana icon manages to be impossible to read without squinting, and damaged troops with a yellow tint to their card art? Good luck!). A troop has died on me on multiple occasions now, and it’s come as a surprise. This is a very bad thing, and this on their most popular platform.


Right? Let play the “which of these has focus?” game!

Buttons with input focus should stand out from their surrounding elements – but in this case, surprise, the buttons themselves don’t have focus and instead the entire block does?


Exactly i am on a big screen and got difficulty to read so i can’t imagine poor mobile players this must be a real nightmare

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I started an open contest immedately after the update. I think I’m up to 40 views, during my direct interaction with a developer I encouraged him to take a guess. 0 correct answers so far…


Ouch. My sympathies.

Sorry i checked again and it’s on challenge :slight_smile:

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By not guessing in private you just helping everyone else… Because that ‘intuitive’ guess ‘should’ be right… But not what was selected. Please try again. I know it looks impossible, but maybe it might be easier on a 4.5 inch cellphone than a 65 inch TV. Because that’s what the UI was designed for. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lol i agree i cheated i took picture and zoomed photo :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nope, sorry there are only two left, you might think that makes it 50/50. But bright lime green it awesome!!!

Honestly… the only way to get it to ‘simulate the screen’ on your console you’ll get it then. Don’t feel bad no one has been right yet.

That only proove the choice of color is really bad choice

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I know, it insane there are 4 choices yet no one can figure it out.

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@Strat so i had to check on my console and final answer is Quest cause of the blue square surronding the text :slight_smile:

if you put it on explore there is a x on the top left corner of kindom but if you put it on challenge or kingdom it is almost impossible to know


CONGRATULATIONS You win! But I think every singe player (Including me) still loses because its crazy how hard this simple UI quiz was. It should almost be a case study in design class how not to do selectable dialog box highlighting.


I do not understand the reasoning behind making some grpahics more complex (for example, the currencies, like gold or the wings of Glory which have become huge now, or the overly intricate gtaphics of the runestones), while making other graphics extremely flat and unremarkable.

The icons for arcane runestones were clear, concise, and now become an overly complex mess in my opinion.

What could easily fit in a smaller screenspace (like for example the ho e screen) takes up more screenspace because of the complexity of the icon (I’m looking at you Glory) .

As a result, the rewards/victory screen contain so many humongous icons that we need a scroll bar. I thought basic UI design said that “always think twice when scroll bars are needed, because you want to see as much as you can without scrolling”. I do think it’s a side-effect for making the UI based on phone-sized screens to larger screens,and also because touch-screen devices are used to swiping, but scrolling on other devices is definitely not recommended.

One suggestion on the troops screen: you have your attack/defense/trait icons and stats on top of the card; but you still have plenty of screen space to put those on the left and the right of the image, without obscuring the art, and you can combine a fancy border with a dark background to make all the text clearer.

And is it me, or is the art in the troops screen for the card “extremely zoomed in”; it’s as if all the troops are taking a selfie a bit too close to the screen… You can easily make them a little bit more zoomed away so that we can see more of the art, and it will still be very clear which character it is (for example, Justice seems awfully close, its head barely seems to fit in the frame. It’s also a bit like the Unicorn that appears on the splash screen; it’s simply too huge compared to the perfectly sized oriental-angel-lady or the troll/merlantis monster?


They could take example of xbox when you need to enter password for log in

A grey box and when you select it only the side of the square is highlighted


I couldn’t agree more. The world map icons both got too flat and too elaborate/rendered at the same time, depending on the icon. That can’t have come from any design document ever. It feels like decision via coin toss, with the only requirement being, “change it at any cost.”