3.2 Feedback and Suggestions

Has a developer said, either here or in one of the streams, what the purpose of the UI change was? Was this a move to vectorized graphics to save space in the game files? Was this a directive from Microsoft and Sony to modernize the graphics and bring them in line with other games on the platforms? I feel like I could judge the outcome more fairly if I knew what the goal was. It clearly wasn’t a response to any user requests that I have seen.


Reading between the lines of the dev’s responses, it looks like it was a directive from up above.

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The Guild War screen where you can purchase upgrades no longer shows the cost of each upgrade. For obvious reasons we need to see this information please!

On the kingdom map, you can no longer see the progress of each kingdom toward reaching the next star-level. This progress bar was a very handy feature in the previous version, and it is hard to see why it was removed.

Sorry if these were already mentioned- it is a long thread up there!


This is probably going to get lost down here, but heres another piece of legitimate feedback:

Note the position of the Skip/Continue button. Move it up just a bit so that it does not in any way overlap the buttons that change to different chest pages. People have already reported misclicking through to a different chest type and accidently opening those when mass opening chests. Because of this, I have to use even more time and care to the mindless task of opening tens of thousands of gold chests. Of course, I’m going to echo my earlier recommendation that I just be allowed to dismiss the window by clicking through at somewhere other than the continue button at the bottom, similar to how you could dismiss all the previous reward summaries by clicking outside the window. This in general made it much easier to navigate. For example, there is a ton of extra space at the left and right of the actual functional area of the window that does nothing, which could easily be considered “clicking outside the window”.

In addition, we could really use our Page Up/Page Down arrows back:


These are conspicuously absent from the new troop screen and the only way to go down is to click drag up either one row at a time or swipe your mouse repeatedly across your entire screen. The whole affair takes at least three times as long to navigate to things that aren’t close to the top, as well as far more wrist motion, so it is much more difficult just to browse troops if what you want isn’t right on top.

And while I know you are trying to make the troop art more prominent, please again consider increasing the size of the troop stats indicators and numbers (in addition to contrasting borders).

Here is 12 point Arial Black as it appears on my screen in Word at 100% zoom:
and here is the text on the troop screen
The size of the text in battle is much more appropriate (you could probably get away with a point or two bigger still), it just needs to be bordered for better contrast (or a much darker shadow)


Well, that’s a shame then. As someone that has actually put money into this game, I have zero plans to continue to do so until they fix some of this. Speak with my wallet will be my only option. Hopefully, others do the same.


After posting bug report and personal opinion regarding the 3.2 update, here suggestions to save the sinking ship:


  1. Reverse nerfs of traits that trigger on four/five matches
  2. Let trolls double gems of a certain color, but add no further gems.
  3. Let a devour give half of all skill points, not the full number.
  4. Reduce Kraken and Emperor Khorvash damage.
  5. Slightly heighten stats of all cards which are almost never used in any teams. Monitor those. By this you will get more and more balanse into the game.


  1. Hire an artist or involve the one who made the card and quest pictures in designing new appealing artful icons (not just for UI).
  2. Use another font - a playful, artistic, yet readable font (perhaps slightly 3D with discreet shadows). Don’t use a ‘cold’ white for the font. Use warm & discreet colors.
  3. Remove the black backgrounds of names, titles and menues. Use artful, precious backgrounds and make them more transparent in case it makes sense.
  4. Often icons, for example glory or chat icons, are out of place. Find a structure, so that people have it easy to find what they seek.
  5. Construct an easy to read reward summary page that will be shown after dismissing the individual listing of rewards.
  6. Solve graphic glitches, like cards that remain visible even though they were killed and disturbances in chat display.
  7. Use empty space for an extra visual candy. For example the Troop Filter does not need to look so simple and boring as it does now. Look at the card filter of the ‘Shadowverse’ game to get some inspiration.
  8. Find a fitting artistic frame for cards (doesn’t need to be dominant, but playful and beautiful)
  9. If it does not cost too much effort always include the option to use the old theme. Perhaps you could even in the long run give the possibility to use different themes for display (like special ones for those who have eye conditions), a selection of battle field backgrounds, different gem graphic sets, etc. Make people choose their favorite. Please for free since DLC heaping will offend many of nowadays players.
    I don’t think this list is complete, but good for a start.


  1. Heighten all rewards and the overall chance to find arcane trait stones. Give a special welcome back bonus for returning players.
  2. Make it easier to reach VIP status 5. I guess many quit spending money after VIP 4, since the way is too long to VIP 5. By this you could boost income for a while to apply all suggested changes.
  3. An epic music/sound selection, game board selection, gem theme selection, card style selection or overall theme selection will surely entice many players to return.
    Just some of surely many other ideas that make sense.

PLEASE have some consideration for those of us with poor eyesight! The last update shrank the cards and the 3.2 update has shrunk them so much that the text underneath them is unreadable. Also, the statement of a team’s power is both too small and often blends into the background.

Finally, what’s with the ugly black and white icons? They look like they belong on a 1986 Macintosh.

Think about accessibility issues, please. We need the ability to enlarge the fonts.


Just to echo what the vast majority of players are saying. Sorry but the new UI is shocking. It’s like living in an idyllic village full of picturesque thatched cottages and coming home from work one night to find they’ve been replaced by buildings made of breeze block, concrete and steel. It’s very upsetting to see the game cannabalised in this fashion. If the game were a person I would feel sorry for it :frowning:

It is extremely harsh on the eye and is making me physically ill trying to play. Someone above has mentioned that they suffer from motion sickness - I also suffer from motion sickness and am finding that in addition to the eyestrain there’s something about the new screens that is triggering it for me.

I can’t believe the devs have done this… words fail me.


It is for me

  1. New UI so ugly. The skill points seems no feeling and I lost many funny. The pic of silence also ugly!
  2. Language support problem: my smart is HUAWEI from China. It must force to change to English otherwise the game crash down.
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SETTINGS Tab is NON-FUNCTIONING on PC version after 3.2 !

Per the attachments I sent you, and what you wrote below, I am currently receiving 400% Gold / 400% Glory / and 350% XP. (Listed as 300/300/250).

I used to receive 500 Gold / 500 Glory / 550 XP (Listed as 500 / 500 / 550)

Therefore, Gold is short 100, Glory is short 100 and XP is short 200. That is most likely because guild war bonuses are not adding on properly either, as evidenced by the fact that it said 250 both before and after we received the bonus. And it does not even add up correctly.

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Now tributes seems lower than before the update.


I watch my Glory the most, and I also think there is a bug in there where we are getting short changed every Tribute collected! I have defiantly been getting less Glory under 3.2


I wanna chime in again here and say I think some people are being unfair to the new look. When it was first released I missed the old look but I rather enjoy the new UI,and the look of the troops cards. Some things can be improved upon though,such as the transparent board,a lot of people are having trouble with that,second , the white text on the troop cards,someone did post a great suggestion above on an alternative look that would help,other text needs to be adjusted as well such as the team scores,etc. The new filter could be fixed,not being able to search troops by trait is a bummer,and having only the option to scroll down needs to be changed. The black background in chat doesn’t look good either ,a blue would fix that. One last issue is not being able to see your past selection in arena,makes it tougher to compose a good team. Other then that I haven’t had any problems with the update. I was a little judgemental at first but I pumped my brakes,took a chill pill,and looked at the positives of what was done. I understand some people are frustrated with the new look but not offering up solutions won’t help them. Telling the devs “this sucks” means you’re just being immature about it and no one wants to read comments like that,but for the level headed players who are listing their concerns I’m sure most of them will be evaluated and taken into consideration. I hope some players have adjusted to the new look as I have and are willing to accept change and move forward with the game offering great solutions. Remember , it is just a game.


I cant say about Glory. I was more refering to number of tributes collected. I will start checking glory too.

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Of course we are offering solutions: REMOVE THIS UI AND BRING BACK THE OLD ONE!!!
There is absolutely no other solution to bring. This UI was released probably only for mobile players who play the game 10 mins while waiting for the bus.
How can someone normal enjoy this white and black ugly menus on the bottom world map??? It just fatigue the eyes! Old UI had beautiful colours. In battle we have now a stupid transparent board to fatigue even more the eyes. Oh surprinsingly they will release a fix to make the board more opaque! And what about simply never have changed the board??
The troops in battle? Just impossible to read and burning the eyes! What a beautiful improvement! A miserable white shield and heart that I could have drawn in 5 minutes! Modern artwork they will say! lol
edit: by what mobile players told me, they endure same problems, perhaps even more than on big screens.


Mobile players might be waiting for the bus but they aren’t enjoying the new UI in the meantime. Check Google Play.


I can’t even comment on positive changes because I have mostly only done dungeon battles only this week They were visually painful.

Visually things are running together. We are straining our eyes to get information we could see clearly and easily before. This is tiring.

  1. If you put a border on the OUTSIDE of the troop art there can still be a visual barrier while showing off the troop art. The border does not have to cut into the art.

  2. If you give us options to scale the rewards screen we can choose to see all rewards at once. Having to scroll on ps4 makes me not even want to look. It should all be there. (PVP battle rewards)

  3. Explore needs continuous play like PVP. I don’t understand why we are sent back to the world map. More players want to do several battles in a kingdom than than do 1 and then leave. Maybe you can look at player statistics on this. I don’t have the evidence.

  4. The card numbers on the icons was so much easier to see. 7 on a heart for health.

  5. If you are decided on changing the look of the game, please take into account all of the things that work with the old visuals. Maybe thinking about tweaking the style/borders, and doing that in small steps is a better option from here. After a possible reset in the meantime so your players can play the game without eyestrain and fatigue as mentioned by many others.

As always I like the game, but the interface is killing many players playtime. It is not needed, tiring, and makes rewards less easy to see.

Thank you.


I didnt mean to be rude with mobile players, I have nothing against mobile players. I am reassured to know that also mobile players hate this new update. I was just (wrongly?) thinking that maybe with smaller screen, this horror of an update was more easy to swallow. On my TV screen it is a torture.


On my PC too. Now look at the stats on the cards and imagine to have them on a 5" screen…

Do font scale this bad on TV too? I mean, when the font gets smaller the quality degrades?

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